Equality Challenge Unit: Freelance training associates

Equality Challenge Unit

Equality Challenge Unit (ECU) is the recognised body that works to further and support equality and diversity for staff and students in higher education across all four nations of the UK, and in colleges in Scotland.

For further details about ECU, please visit our website:


ECU is currently seeking to recruit a number of freelance training associates.

General description of the post

ECU provides equality and diversity training to a wide range of clients within and beyond the higher education sector. Due to steady growth in the demand for our range of training and learning programmes we are now seeking experienced equality and diversity trainers to join our team of freelance training associates.

ECU welcomes all applicants and particularly men, disabled people and those from minority ethnic backgrounds as they are underrepresented at ECU at Grade D, Grades C and D, and Grade A respectively.


Please download full details from request an application pack call 020 7438 1010 (24-hour answerphone).

If you are interested in this opportunity please send your CV, together with a covering letter telling us why you are suited to the role and including your daily rate by Wednesday10 May at 12 noon.

CVs and covering letters should be returned by email to: or by post to:

HR (recruitment)

Equality Challenge Unit,

First floor, Westminster Tower,

3 Albert Embankment,

London, SE1 7SP

Applications will be assessed against the requirements for the post as set out in the job information pack, which follows.


We aim to notify candidates who have been shortlisted byThursday 18 May 2017.

We plan to hold interviews for this roleonThursday 25 May 2017. Interviews will be held in two parts, comprising a morning and afternoon session, which shortlisted candidates will be required to attend.

Job description

General description of the post

Equality Challenge Unit (ECU) works to further and support equality and diversity for staff and learners. We principally work with higher education institutions and research institutes across all four nations of the UK.

ECU provides a central source of specialist expertise, research, advice and leadership; supporting the learning sector in building a culture that provides equality of both opportunity and outcome, promotes good relations, values the benefits of diversity and provides a model of equality for the wider UK society.

ECU provides equality and diversity training to a wide range of clients within and beyond the higher education sector. Due to steady growth in the demand for our range of training and learning programmes we are now seeking experienced equality and diversity trainers to join our team of freelance training associates.

Specific responsibilities

As an ECU training associate you will:

=Deliver a range of ECU training programmes to ECU subscribers and other clients.

=Contribute to the development of creative and engaging training and learning resources that meet the needs of a range of delegates including senior managers, academic and professional services staff, and students.

=Maintain an extensive and up-to date knowledge of equality and diversity, higher and further education and learning and development in order to ensure that ECU’s training resources lead the field in terms of quality and innovation.

=Develop strong relationships with clients ensuring that they are fully informed of the progress of the commissioned work and that any issues are dealt with swiftly and effectively.

=Work closely with ECU’s training and learning team to ensure the timely and efficient organisation and administration of training commissions

=Actively promote ECU’s range of training services to clients and keep ECU informed of potential for repeat/new commissions.

=Abide by ECU’s requirements in relation to intellectual property* and other contractual obligations

Person specification

Knowledge, experience and skills

=Demonstrable experience of creating training and learning programmes on equality and diversity, designing training content and delivering effective training events and courses.

=Experience of delivering training in a range of formats including face-to-face and webinar, solo and co-facilitation.

=Demonstrable experience of carrying out training needs analysis.

=Ability to create and deliver training to engage a wide range of audiences (including academics) from different disciplines, grades (including senior managers) and job functions.

=Understanding of attitudes and approaches (including barriers) to learning and demonstrable knowledge and ability to use a range of techniques for responding to them to maximise engagement and learning.

=Understanding of the potentially sensitive nature of equality and diversity training and ability to prepare for and address the needs of participants to create a safe environment for learning.

=Detailed knowledge of equality issues across the protected characteristics, including knowledge of strategies and techniques to address inequalities.

We are particularly interested in hearing from:

=Organisational psychologists with experience of developing and delivering research evidence-based training to academic audiences.Experience of unconscious bias training would be particularly welcome.

=Trainers with experience of developing and delivering race equality training, including work on white privilege, to higher/further education audiences.

=Trainers with experience of developing and delivering equality and diversity in customer care training, including unconscious bias.

=Trainers with experience of delivering dignity and respect/harassment and bullying prevention training to a higher/further education audience.

Please note that recruitment to ECU’s bank of freelance training associates is not a guarantee of work.

*Any materials and any intellectual property rights in such materials furnished to or made available to the training associate by ECU shall remain vested in ECU absolutely and will be delivered up to ECU on completion or other termination of the Contract. The Contractor shall not be entitled to use the materials without ECU’s prior written consent. Where the materials developed in the course of the Contract incorporate any of the Contractor’s existing intellectual property rights the Contractor shall retain ownership of the intellectual property rights and ECU shall be granted an irrevocable, royalty free, perpetual, transferable, non-exclusive licence to use such intellectual property rights for the purposes of ECU’s activities/operations.