Combat Engineer!
The History
of the

Copyright, 2001 107th Engineer Association


This history is dedicated to:
the members of the Battalion who have come before,
the present members,
and to those of future years.


They may look like tramps,
but they build your camps,
and they sometimes lead the advance.
They sweat red blood to bridge the flood,
to give you a fighting chance.
Who stays behind when it gets too hot,
to blow up your roads in the rear?
Just tell your wife she owes your life
to some muddy old Engineer...
Some dusty, crusty, croaking, joking,
muddy old Engineer.





The purpose of this book is to faithfully and accurately record the history of the 107th Combat Engineer Battalion, Michigan Army National Guard, from its beginning in Calumet, Michigan in 1881 to the present.

Without any bias, I will attempt to relate the history from available historical evidence. Where opinion is required, I will render it a critical, impartial analysis. My point of view is at all times both that of a historian and soldier. Under no circumstance is this book an attempt to praise the 107th. That is unnecessary. The facts speak for themselves.

The locating of hard, factual information was the major problem encountered during the writing of this book. The loss of the Regimental Trains in World War I, and later the Battalion Trains during World War II, created a void of pre-war information for both periods. In addition, there were never efforts to maintain unit history files. The entire research procedure has therefore been of a 'catch as catch can' nature; literally building a history as each fact comes to light.

The best available source material has been used to record this history. These included National Archives, State Archives, and the holdings of various Upper Peninsula historical societies. Extensive use of area newspapers was made to help flesh in the official documents. They provided many anecdotes and personal incidents. These added the detail that brings the past to life.

The official 'home station’ of the Battalion, Michigan's Upper Peninsula needs to be discussed. It plays a large role in the character of the unit. The Upper Peninsula, or simply 'U.P.' to the natives, comprises a land area of approximately 15,000 square miles. It is roughly a third of the landmass of Michigan. While the size of the area is impressive, the size of the population is not. It currently is roughly three percent of the State population. The land itself is rugged. It consists of either stark outcrops of basaltic sandstone and jasper or heavy blankets of thick forest. Traditionally the U.P. has only three major industries; mining the rich iron ore of the Marquette Iron Range, mining the native copper of the Keweenaw Peninsula, and harvesting the timber. The Battalion's Muster Rolls, from the past to the present, shows a significant percentage of the troops were either hard rock miners or lumberjacks. The officers were often mining Engineers from the Michigan School of Mines (today Michigan Technological University) in the U.P. town of Houghton. The rural nature of the U.P., together with the outdoor occupations of its people, produced very strong and hardy troopers. Various official observers have, and still do, comment on this characteristic.

The tradition of a strong National Guard in the U.P. is still true today. The area provides nearly 1,000 men towards a State strength of 10,000, all with a mere three percent of the population base. Technically, the history of the 107th is linked to Calumet's Light Guard, organized in 1881. Morally, however, the Battalion dates its strong military heritage to the Civil War, when elements of two Regiments of Infantry were raised from the Upper Peninsula. The 27th Michigan, in fact, was nicknamed the 'Lake Superior Regiment.' Both of these U.P. units saw heavy fighting. They were credited with participation at Vicksburg, Wilderness, Spotsylvania, Cold Harbor, Petersburg, the Crater and Lost Mountain. They also joined Sherman in his famous 'March to the Sea.'

Unfortunately, the units were mustered out of service following the Civil War. None of the men joined the Calumet Light Guard (or any of the other U. P. militia units). The Battalion cannot receive official credit for these historic U.P. military units. Regardless, it is from these two veteran regiments that the 107th draws its morale military heritage.

Although this history is one of a specific unit, it is also generally illustrative of the history and activities of many other units. As this history is presented, I will try to point out the similarities and differences. The result will result in a better understanding of the proud heritage of the Battalion and the National Guard as a whole.

I have generally tended to ignore the periodic changes in command, on the justification that there are no great men, only great events. This is not to belittle the achievements of the iron-willed men that so ably led the 107th. Rather, this is a history of the unit, not individuals.

Although this history is intended to be as complete as is reasonably possible, there certainly are items omitted. It is likely that in 1893 elements of Company A were activated to chase train robbers. However, the tantalizing tale couldn't be confirmed with factual evidence. Reluctantly, it has been left out.

One other point should be mentioned. Readers will notice that I have always capitalized the words 'Company, Battalion, Regiment, Division and Engineer.' This was regardless of whether the term was used in direct reference to a specific unit as in the '107th Battalion' or in a more general reference as the 'Battalion'. This rather unorthodox capitalization is simply my way of honoring the units, and the men who served in them.

The driving reason for the publication of the history at this particular time is the occasion of the units' centennial on August 8, 1981. But this history serves a better purpose than simply honoring the achievements of a historic Battalion. It also serves to spread the knowledge of the heritage throughout the unit. This has proven to be an important facet in maintaining Battalion pride in the past and confidence in the future!




  • IN THE BEGINNING……………………………………………………………………1
  • KEEPING THE PEACE…………………………………………………………………4


  • SANTIAGO………………………………………………………………………………17


  • ENGINEERS…………………………………………………………………………….31


  • THE BORDER……………………………………………………………..……………35


  • PREPARATION……………………………………………………………..…………..39
  • FRANCE………………………………………………………………………..……….45
  • MARNE…………………………………………………………………………………..48
  • OISE AISNE…………………………………………………...………………………..51
  • MEUSE ARGONNE…………………………………………………………………….52
  • OCCUPATION………………………………………………………………………….54


  • THE LULL BEFORE THE STORM……………………………………………………57
  • MOBILIZATION…………………………………………………………………………58
  • IRELAND………………………………………………………………………………62
  • NORMANDY AND HEDGEROWS……………………………………………………67
  • THE BULGE…………………………………………………………………………….73
  • BRIDGING THE RHINE………………………………………………………………..77


  • POST WORLD WAR II………………………………………………………………..81
  • MOBILIZATIONS……………………………………………………………………….84
  • THE 107TH ENGINEER HIGHWAY…………………………………………………..89
  • 107TH SNORTIN BULL………………………………………………………………….91





The history of the 107th Combat Engineer Battalion is inseparably intertwined with that of Calumet's Company A. It is in this Company that the Battalion's roots are firmly planted and the official lineage drawn. However, this hi


story will also touch on the activities of the Militia Companies in those other Upper Peninsula towns that ultimately became an integral part of the Battalion. It is from them that the moral, if not official, lineage is drawn.

Company A was organized on September 5, 1880. It was a private military Company under the name of the Calumet Light Guard. Captain Henry Wilkins was elected to the lead the unit. The unit's major activities appeared to consist of marching at various parades and local celebrations. However, upon the unit's organization, immediate efforts were made to have the Light Guards accepted into State service. This proved difficult to do. Michigan was already at full quota and space for an additional Company was not authorized. State Senator Joseph Chandler of Houghton came to the Company's rescue. He drafted a special bill that allowed the Light Guards to gain the status of Michigan State Troops. In response, the jubilant men of the Calumet unit dubbed Senator Chandler as the 'Father of the Company.' 1

The establishment of the Michigan State Troops created a coordinated force from semi-independent Militia groups. The State Troops purpose was to preserve the peace in the case of civil dissentions. They were intended for local use, and not as a reserve for the Federal government. Units could volunteer for active Federal service in the event of war. However, they could not be called up unwillingly. The enlisted men selected the officers through an election. The minimum age for membership was 18 and the maximum 45. All served for a three-year enlistment.

In December of 1894, the volunteer units were integrated into Michigan State Troops. The name was changed to the Michigan National Guard. The new organization created five infantry Regiments, three of these would be ordered to active duty in 1898 for the Spanish American War. In this case, Michigan offered the units to the Federal government.

The reason the Calumet Light Guards entered State service was not purely a patriotic one. As a private Company, the required uniforms, weapons, and equipment would have to be purchased privately. As a State unit, Michigan would provide them. On August 8, 1881, the Calumet Light Guards were officially mustered into the Michigan State Troops as Company B, 2nd Battalion of Infantry.

The officers of the new company remained the same as the original private militia. Henry Wilkins was the Captain, James N. Cox, First Lieutenant, and John B. Curtis, Second Lieutenant.

The membership of the unit included many men who would later rise to military prominence. As captains, sergeants Henry Fliege and Edward Gierson would command the unit. Sergeant Frank B. Lyon would eventually not only command the 5th Regiment, but also be promoted to Brigadier General. He was the first of four men from the Battalion's lineage to reach the rank of general. Another was First Lieutenant Cox. He later became the Adjutant General of Michigan. Private John P. Peterman, as a Colonel, commanded the 34th Michigan Volunteer Infantry Regiment during the Spanish American War. The original Calumet Light Guard provided a remarkable wealth of talented men.2

By today's standards the Calumet Company was certainly a 'light' Company. The strength was only three officers and 72 men. The State of Michigan would designate the unit Company H, 3rd Infantry Regiment in 1883. In December 1891, they would redesignate it Company D, 5th Infantry Regiment.3

Life in the early Militia Companies was a colorful affair. It was far different from unit operations today. The Marquette unit, part of the same Regiment as the Calumet Light Guard, provides an interesting look into the past.

The unit, first known as the Marquette Militia Company, was organized 1874. Since a vacancy had already existed, they soon were accepted into the Michigan State Troops. Later the unit was known under a variety of names, including Marquette Chasseurs, Rifles, Light Guards and City Infantry.

Originally, drills were held twice weekly, on Tuesday and Friday evenings in the city council rooms. There were no specific State requirements for drills. As time went on, the drill schedules fluctuated with the interest in the unit.

The early equivalent of the present-day Annual General Inspection was called the Annual Muster of Inspection. The unit was deluged with high-ranking officers of both the State Militia and Regular Army.4

The 1892 inspection of the Marquette Rifles was a good example of the similarity between past and present. There was a full dress inspection and a long drill in the fatigue uniform. Afterward the inspector, General H. B. Lothrop of the State Headquarters, stated that he was '...gratified to find all of the property of the State present and accounted for, everything clean and neatly in their places.' He praised the care shown by the '...bright and highly polished rifles and accouterments...' However, he was somewhat perturbed since the polishing effort had worn the rifle’s bluing completely off the barrels and bolts!

Following the official inspection, the Company and inspectors, '...sat down to a collation’, [light meal],’ in the Company dining room and a very jolly hour or two was passed about the table, toasts and speeches enlivening the occasion.' The Rifle’s Quartet entertained as well as several instrumental soloists.' 5

Washington's Birthday and The Fourth of July commonly were occasions for large parades. A military dress ball usually followed the parades. In 1875 the Marquette Mining Journal recorded:

'The afternoon street parade called out our citizens, it being the first appearance of the Company since receiving the new uniforms from the State. At the drill held later, quite a number of ladies and gentlemen witnessed the evolutions of the Company with interest and frequent applause. An evening banquet was attended by 60 members.'

In 1875, the unit was the only one in the State to have their own band. It was also the only State Company in the entire Upper Peninsula. They were a great source of local pride. That same year the Governor visited the area with a group of legislators. He even took time to inspect the unit.6

Annual receptions were normal. In 1892, an affair in Marquette drew much notice from the city. ‘The honored guests were the local members of the G.A.R. [Grand Army of the Republic], an organization of Civil War veterans. An orchestra played popular dance music. At 10 p.m., during an intermission, a special drill exhibition was held and declared the best given in years. Dancing followed and continued until 3 a.m.' 7

These various units also supported many local civic activities. In the 1890's, the 5th Regimental Band in Calumet regularly played Norwegian folk song concerts for annual celebrations honoring Norway's independence! 8

Annual encampments were held for the State Troops. They were at various sites in the Lower Peninsula. Locations included Mackinaw, Battle Creek, Brighton (Island Lake), Whitemore Lake, and Grosse Isle. Like the present day National Guard Annual Training periods, it was the only time during the year when all of the State's units were brought together for training.

In 1875 the Marquette unit traveled to Grosse Isle aboard the steamer KEWEENAW. ‘The review of the troops at this camp drew a crowd of over 8,000 people.' 9 During the following years, crowds ran about the same size. The Militia was a popular organization!

During these early encampments, it is interesting to imagine some of the problems faced by the troops and their commanders. One particular problem seems to have been the number of women the officers kept in camp. In an 1895 letter, the Adjutant General of Michigan commented to his Wisconsin counterpart:10

'The presence of feminine relatives of officers in camp of instruction [in] this State is discouraged as much as possible. No line officer is allowed to have ladies at his quarters over night and the Field Staff Officers are gradually abandoning the practice.'

Reading between the lines would suggest the practice must have been very popular prior to 1895!

By 1881, there were units not only in Calumet and Marquette, but also in Houghton and Hancock. Units were later formed in Menominee, Iron Mountain and Ironwood. The tradition of the National Guard in the Upper Peninsula was established. The lineage of the Battalion was created.


The most hated use of both State and Federal troops was during labor strikes. The large industrialist would not hesitate to wield their political power to break strikes. These troops would be used to escort 'scabs' to and from work. On some occasions they actually fired on strikers. It was a bloody business.

The Upper Peninsula units never participated in this type of unsavory activity. The records clearly indicate that only proper civil authorities called them out. They were only used to protect the lives and property of both the strikers and mining companies.

While they were employed protecting mining company property, they served as a vital buffer between these two factions. When the Militia was on duty, senseless violence was successfully prevented.

All but the most militant of the strikers realized this. They treated the soldiers with respect and courtesy. The troopers reciprocated in kind. After all, the members of the Guard were their fellow citizens. The Guard was never identified with the ‘special deputies’ or ‘detectives’ hired by the mining companies. They were not hired thugs.

The National Guard units of the Upper Peninsula achieved a proud and respected record during the strike duty.

1892, 1874 Republic

Although the records are tantalizingly vague, it is possible that some element of the 5th Regiment was activated for strike duty in June of 1892. Where and under what circumstances isn't known. Colonel Lyon of Calumet, the commander of the Regiment, received a letter from the Adjutant General. The letter informed him that the local sheriff or mayor had the authority to 'call up troops for riots, etc.', and that he should 'promptly comply with a request and notify the Governor of the action by telegram.'