Career ManagementCourse Syllabus


Jeff ParrisHome Phone: (704) 528-8050


School Telephone: (704) 528-4536 extension 1392

Course Description:

This course prepares students to locate, secure, keep, and change careers. Emphasis is placed on self-assessment of characteristics, interests, and values; education and career exploration; evaluation of career information and creation of a career plan. Based on the National Career Development Guidelines, skills learned in this course include, but are not limited to communications, interpersonal skills, problem solving, personal management and teamwork. English language arts are reinforced. Work-based learning strategies appropriate for this course include business/industry field trips, internships, job shadowing, and service learning. Student participation in Career and Technical Student Organization, (CTSO) competitive events, community service, and leadership activities provide the opportunity to apply essential standards and workplace readiness skills through authentic experiences.

Career Management Course Objectives: At the end of this course you should be able to…

●Analyze the influence of positive self-concept.

●Apply positive interaction skills.

●Evaluate the impact of growth and development.

●Analyze the relationship between educational achievement and career planning.

●Analyze the need for positive attitudes toward work and learning.

●Apply skills to locate, evaluate, and interpret career information.

●Apply skills to seek, obtain, maintain, and change jobs.

●Determine how societal needs and functions influence the nature and structure of work.

●Apply problem solving skills to make decisions.

●Consider the interrelationship of life roles as related to career planning.

●Appraise the continuous changes in gender roles as related to career planning.

●Apply skills in personal career planning.

Materials Required for Class:

  • Three-Ring Binder (At Least 1”).
  • Be sure to put on a good attitude each day or at least warn me ahead of time
  • Notebook Paper
  • Writing Utensils (pens, pencils, markers)
Behavior: As a participant of this class, you are expected to do the following: come to class prepared with notebook and pencil, be respectful to everyone at all times, participate in all class activities and discussions, have a cooperative attitude, and follow instructions.

Attendance: You must be present in order to receive a participation grade. If you are absent, you will receive a zero for that day’s work unless you complete an alternative assignment chosen by the instructor. It is your responsibility to catch up on any notes or materials you may have missed while absent and to make arrangements to make up tests as soon as possible.

Participation: In order to be paid by an employer, you must perform the task that you are instructed to do on the job site for that day. In order to receive a high grade, you must participate and complete the daily assignment(s). Examples of non-participation include: texting on your cell phone, not following instructions, playing games on your computer, etc. Participation grades reflect a student’s ability to follow directions, cooperate with others, and complete the assigned task.

Tests & Quizzes: Section and Unit tests will be announced and based on the NC Agricultural Education Blueprint and test item banks for this course. All tests will be representative of the material covered in class. Quizzes will be given periodically during the semester and may be announced or unannounced. Quizzes will be based on material covered in class and/or in lab/shop. Quizzes may be oral, written or performance based.

Notebook: A 3-ring binder notebook with loose-leaf paper is required for this class. Any material given in class should be recorded and/or placed in your notebook in a neat and orderly manner. It is important for you to take adequate notes. You may write in pencil or ink. Notebook checks may be announced or unannounced.
Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE): Each student is expected to complete several exploratory SAE assignments. These assignments will require work outside of the instructional day. In addition to performing the various tasks needed to complete the assignments, students will be required to keep accurate records on the Agricultural Education Tracker (AET) regarding their activities.

Bathroom Policy:You will be given 4 bathroom passes for each 9-week grading period which can be used as needed once signed by Mr. Parris. Conserve your passes so that you have one available in case of an emergency. If you still have them at the end of the grading period, you will be given extra credit on your participation grade.



Classwork & Quizzes15%


SAE Project10%

This course has an End of Course Test (VoCATS) administered by the Department of Public Instruction in Raleigh. This exam grade will count as 20% of your final semester grade.