Only those abbreviations appropriate to the rehabilitation department are included.
The abbreviation list serves as a legend for approved abbreviation terminology that can be used in rehabilitation documentation.
A (with circle) Assistance
AAROM Active Assistive Range of Motion
A.B.C.D. Arizona Battery for Communication Disorders of Dementia
AC Acromioclavicular
ADA American Diabetes Association
ADL Activities of Daily Living
AE Adaptive Equipment
AFO Ankle Foot Orthosis
AKA Above Knee Amputation
A.L.D. Assistive Listening Device
ALPS Aphasia Language Performance Scale
A-P Anterior-Posterior
A.R. Aural Rehabilitation
AROM Active Range of Motion
A.S.A. Acetylsalicylic Acid (aspirin)
ASHD Arteriosclerotic Heart Disease
a (with a line over) before
abd Abduction
add Adduction
amb Ambulation
amt Amount
ant Anterior
asp aspiration
aug augmentative
B (bilateral) Bilateral