(copy and paste into your word processor and submit on your letterhead)

Interstate Movement Notification Letter

Permits Branch

Biotechnology Permits

Biotechnology Regulatory Services

4700 River Road, Unit 147

Riverdale, MD 20737-1228

FAX 301-734-8910

1. Reference Number: (Leave blank)

2. Applicant Reference Number:

3. Applicant/Responsible party:

4. Duration of Introduction:

Interstate Movement: (dates) (up to 1 year)

5. Recipient: Rice (Oryza sativa)

6. Regulated Article: Transposon transformed line

a) designation of transformed line: RGT_____

category: Other

phenotype: Transposon inserted

construct: pDsGTR (Dissociation Element Gene Trap Rice)

genotype: Niponbare

Marker gene

promoter: Zea maize Ubiquitin 1

gene: DsRed (red fluorescent protein), coral Discosoma sp.

terminator: nopaline synthase (nos) 3' from

Agrobacterium tumefaciens T-DNA

Reporter gene

Gene: glucuronidase (uidA) from E. coli

terminator: nopaline synthase (nos) 3' from

Agrobacterium tumefaciens T-DNA

Transposon: Zea maize Dissociation Element

b) designation of transformed line: RDs_____

category: Other

phenotype: Transposon Inserted

construct: pDsR (Dissociation Element Rice)

genotype: Niponbare

Marker gene

Promoter: Maize Ubiquitin 1

gene: DsRed (red fluorescent protein), from coral Discosoma sp

terminator: nopaline synthase (nos) 3' from

Agrobacterium tumefaciens T-DNA

Transposon: Zea maize Dissociation Element

c) designation of transformant line: RdSpm____

category: Other

phenotype: Transposon inserted

construct: pdSpmR(defective Suppressor-mutator transposable element)

genotype: Niponbare

promoter: Zea maize Ubiquitin 1

gene: DsRed (red fluorescent protein), from coral Discosoma sp.

terminator: nos 3' from A. tumefaciens T-DNA

Transposon: Zea maize dSpm (defective Suppressor-mutator transposable element)

d) designation of transformant line: RGdSpm____

category: Other

phenotype: Transposon Inserted

construct: pdSpmG (defective Suppressor-mutator transposable element


genotype: Niponbare

promoter: 35S from CaMV (Cauliflower Mosaic Virus)

gene: GFP (Green Fluorescent Protein), jellyfish Aequorea Victoria

terminator: nos 3' from A. tumefaciens T-DNA

Transposon: Zea maize dSpm (defective Suppressor-mutator transposable element)

7. Mode of Transformation: disarmed A. tumefaciens,

8. Introduction:

Interstate Movement:

ORIGIN: Genetic Resources Conservation Program

University of California

One Shields Avenue


County of Yolo


9. Certification: I certify that the regulated article will be

introduced in accordance with the eligibility criteria and the

performance standards set forth in 7 CFR 340.3. The above

information is true to the best of our knowledge.

If there are any changes, we will contact APHIS.

Signature ______Date ______

Name Typed ______