The Albany Running Exchange’s
Dodge the Deer 5k
and 1 Mile Fun Run/Walk
Sunday, April 25, 2004
Fun Run – 9:30am
5k Race – 10:00am
Sponsorship Application
The Albany Running Exchange is proud to invite you to become a sponsor of the “Dodge the Deer 5k and 1 Mile Fun Run / Walk”. It will be held on April 25, 2004, at Rensselaer Lake Preserve and Park, located on Fuller Road just north of Washington Avenue. The race will be run on both a paved bike path and some of the trails of the Albany Pine Bush Preserve. We are very excited about the event, and we would love for you to come aboard and dodge the deer with us!
The Albany Running Exchange formed in late September, 2002, to encourage a healthy lifestyle through running for both students of the University, as well as community members. We meet daily for group runs, and we have had members run anywhere from their first 5k’s to their first marathon’s with us. In our first year, we have grown from a handful of individuals to nearly seventy-five strong.
In 2003, The Dodge the Deer race was our first chance to put on an event for the whole community to take part in and enjoy. It was an absolute success, as nearly 300 people gathered together that day, smiling faces abundant. After the race, the Lorraine Michaels Dance Studio performed a dance demo, and even Dodge (the deer) got in on the action. As we continue with the tradition established last year, we strive to make the last Sunday in April an annual day that we can all come together in the spirit of health and fun. Proceeds will benefit both the Pine Bush Preserve as well as allow the Albany Running Exchange to continue to grow and to provide more to the community in which we all live. To make the event as entertaining and successful as we are hoping, we are reaching out to the local businesses and stores to assist us. Any and all help is most undeniably appreciated, as we attempt to create what will become a staple of early spring in Albany.
Josh Merlis and the Albany Running Exchange
The Albany Running Exchange’s
Dodge the Deer 5k
and 1 Mile Fun Run/Walk
Sunday, April 25, 2004
Fun Run – 9:30am
5k Race – 10:00am
Sponsorship Packages*
Phd$500 / Masters
$250 / Graduate
$200 / Senior
$150 / Junior
$100 / Sophomore
$50 / Freshman
Business Visibilty1
Name/Logo on T-shirts / Logo / Logo / Name / Name
Name/Logo on Entry Forms / Logo / Logo / Logo / Name
Name/Logo/Link on Website / Logo + L / Logo + L / Logo + L / Logo + L / Logo + L / Name + L / Name + L
Coupons/Samples in Race Packet / X / X / X / X / X / X / X
Race Day Recognition
Logo on Race Bibs / X
Corporate Banner Display / 2 / 1
Name recognition Announcement / X / X / X / X / X / X / X
Company Participation
Delivery of Race Packets and Shirts / X
Reduced entry fee for employees / X / X / X / X / X
Employee Volunteer Opportunities / X / X / X / X / X / X / X
1Logo may be submitted via email in .jpg format using email address below.
Name/logo on Entry FormJanuary 23, 2004
Name/logo on Race BibsFebruary 27, 2004
Name/logo onT-shirtsMarch 5, 2004
*Your contributions will greatly help make this a success by providing the means for shirts, awards, refreshments, and entertainment. In addition, direct donations of services or merchandise would be graciously appreciated; merchandise and gift certificates will be raffled off following the race, and that is a great way to gain visibility for your business or store.
For additional sponsorship information, please contact Josh Merlis at or (518) 956-5203
For information regarding the race, please visit
The Albany Running Exchange’s
Dodge the Deer 5k
and 1 Mile Fun Run/Walk
Business Sponsorship Form
Business / Store Name______
City______State ______Zip ______
Email address ______Website ______
(Please answer yes or no where applicable)
If not enclosed, will you be emailing your logo?______
Will you be submitting coupons or samples for the race packet?______
Are any of your employees interested in participating in the race?______
Are any of your employees interested in volunteering at the race?______
Are there any materials or items that we should pick up from you?______
SponsorshipMonetary contribution: / ______
Approximate value of donated items: / ______
Total: / ______
Please circle the appropriate category below
$500 / Masters
$250 / Graduate
$200 / Senior
$150 / Junior
$100 / Sophomore
$50 / Freshman
Please make checks payable and send to: Dodge the Deer
PO Box38195
Albany, NY12203-8195
Signature of Applicant ______Title ______
Printed Name ______Date ______