COPSWEST Justification Toolkit

You see the value in the training, networking and discovering new vendors during the COPSWEST Training & Expo, but your superiors may be unfamiliar. Convince them of all your agency can gain through your attendance with the pointers below.

  • Create a personal agenda to present to your supervisor. In it, identify which breakout training sessions you will attend and highlight how these sessions will benefit your agency.
  • Offer to deliver a short presentation upon your return summarizing what you’ve learned or prepare written briefs for colleagues on each session to spread the knowledge throughout your agency.
  • Share handouts and your session notes with your colleagues afterward.
  • Remind your superiors that the training earns you up to 12 POST credit hours.
  • Offer to share a room with another agency employee to reduce hotel expenses.
  • Register early to qualify for discounted rates.
  • Take inventory of what supplies and technology your agency may need over the next year. Then, check out the exhibitor list to create a list of which companies can assist you in restocking, reconsidering current purchases and discovering new cost-cutting technology.
  • Present other benefits, such as networking to learn what other agencies of the same size from across the Western U.S. are doing.
  • Use the sample letter below to submit to your superiors.

COPSWEST Training & Expo 2017 — Proposal to Attend

To: <Supervisor name>

From: <Your name>

Date: <Insert date>

Subject: Attending 2017 COPSWEST Training & Expo

I am requesting approval to attend the California Peace Officers’ Association COPSWEST Training Expo October 30-November 1 in Palm Springs, CA. This event would be a valuable opportunity for me to gain education, industry knowledge, and new ideas that I can put to use immediately upon my return. I can also earn up to 12 hours of POST training during education sessions.

With an expected attendance of more than 1,000 law enforcementprofessionals, I would be surrounded by industry leaders and peers to connect and exchange ideas. The opportunity to meet and network with others who face similar challenges would be invaluable, and would provide a chance to share with others the best practices we use within our agency.

I am confident that my attendance at the 2017 COPSWEST will result not only in my own professional development, but also in knowledge and best practices that I can share with colleagues who did not attend. The opportunities to network with peers and learn from experts are an appropriate use of both our training/education budget and my time away from work. I would be happy to discuss your expectations of my attendance to ensure that they are met.

I very much appreciate your consideration of my request. If you require any further information at this point, please let me know.


<insert name here>