Wednesday, May 27, 2015 6:00 PM


Boardroom, Rice Memorial Center

901 W. Memorial Drive

Houghton, MI 49931

CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 5:59 PM.

ROLL CALL: Board Members Present – Richard Bourdeau, Carol Evers, James Fyfe, Richard Herrala, Kathleen Johnson, Albert Koskela, Michael Koskinen, James Tervo, and Patrick Rozich.

ABSENT: Barry Fink and Randy Eckloff.

OTHERS: Vicki Mikkola, Dawn Stromer, Cari Raboin, Cathy Campbell-Olszewski, and Sue Nutini.


MOTION by Mr. Koskela, seconded by Ms. Johnson, that the Agenda be approved with one addition of a letter received by Management regarding hiring. Motion carried unanimously.


MOTION by Mr. Koskela, seconded by Ms. Johnson, that the Minutes of the April 29, 2015 Board meeting be approved as presented. Motion carried unanimously.


MOTION by Mr. Koskinen, seconded by Mr. Fyfe, that checks numbered 42438 to 42702 for a total of $1,009,302.58, and Combined Cash Investments Report for April 30, 2015 totaling $8,436,864.46 is accepted and placed on file. YES: Koskinen, Fyfe, Bourdeau, Evers, Herrala, Johnson, Koskela, Tervo, and Rozich. Motion carried unanimously.

COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC: There was no public present, and therefore, no comments were noted.

CHAIRPERSON’S REPORT: Patrick Rozich, Board Chairperson, presented the Chairperson’s Report.

NorthCare Governing Board Meeting-5/13/15 – Mr. Rozich stated the NorthCare Governing Board Meeting was held on May 13, 2015 and it was a shorter meeting than usual with no significant information to note.


-Mr. Rozich noted there was an article in the Daily Mining Gazette regarding proposed legislation in Lansing that local elected officials have to be present at a meeting to vote.

-Mr. Rozich stated the Board Members received a copy of a letter from staff expressing their support for an internal applicant for the Facilities Manager’s replacement. Board Members reviewed the letter and there was some discussion. Mr. Rozich noted the Board is now informed and felt Management staff should deal with this matter. Vicki Mikkola stated she asked our attorney, Bonnie Toskey, for her recommendation for responding to employees, and a letter of response will be drafted and sent out.

School Social Work Presentation

Vicki Mikkola introduced Cathy Campbell-Olszewski to discuss the School Social Work program. Cathy Campbell-Olszewski stated this is the last year of the grant for the School Social Work Program. Mike Bach has submitted a grant proposal to the Superior Health Foundation, in an attempt to keep the School Social Work Program going for one more year. Cathy Campbell-Olszewski stated she has worked in the SSW Program for 4 years, and before that, she was a counselor in Calumet for 17 years. She works with children that are severely mentally ill, have depression issues, have experienced trauma, or have Autism Spectrum Disorder. They struggle with behaviors, and the program provided the ability to work one on one with the child and their parents, as well as their teacher. The Board thanked Cathy for her presentation.

MACMHB Spring Conference

Vicki Mikkola attended the MACMHB Spring Conference and stated about 425 people were there. The theme of the conference was “Strong Together, Growing Together, Success Together.” Lynda Zeller introduced a video called “Opening Minds…Ending Stigma”, which is now available on You Tube. Vicki Mikkola stated she also has the video on a thumb drive, so if at some point the Board has 30 minutes, we could watch it at a Board Meeting. Bill Davie from Marquette was elected as the President for the MACMHB. The Power Pointes will be available on the website if anyone is interested.

MDCH Report of Funding by CMHSP

Vicki Mikkola stated she wanted the Board to have the MDCH Report of Funding by CMHSP that was put together by the Department and given to the members of the Legislature. This supports their statement that “community mental health has more money than it ever has.” This report is through 2014, and it does not show the latest General Fund cuts or the reduced Medicaid for this fiscal year.


Home & Community Based Services Rule & Timeline

Vicki Mikkola stated there is a new Federal rule that has been put into place that has requirements for programs and settings that use Medicaid money to provide home and community-based services. This Federal rule went into effect on March 17, 2014, and the State has five years to come into full compliance with the rule.

Vicki Mikkola stated for us at CCMH, it affects the programs that use Habilitation Supports Waiver. Most of the people who live in our group homes are enrolled in that Waiver. If those people living in the group homes happen to go to the Calumet Work Center or our Day Program, then those settings need to be in compliance as well. Vicki Mikkola stated there are some questions to assist in determining whether or not a residential setting meets the requirements. We’ve heard that we won’t be able to have people living in group homes that are larger than six-bed homes; and that we will need to be able to provide a private room if the person wants one. That will be a challenge for us. We currently have eight homes where people with Habilitation Waivers live, two of them are eight-beds and one is nine-bed. The others are six-bed. Also, we contract with Oak House, which is a ten-bed home. It will be a challenge over the next few years trying to meet compliance of this new Federal rule.

Included in the packet, is the timeline that the State is using. They have started doing surveys, and they will probably visit some of our sites when they are here in the U.P. in August.

Contracts FY 2015

Vicki Mikkola stated she mentioned last month that we had to go with a different company for Telepsychiatry, and therefore, she is requesting approval for the contract with Locum Tenens for that service. The rate to provide the Telepsychiatry services is $175 per hour, and it is paid for with the grant we received from the Portage Health Foundation, as well as, insurances if people have Medicare or Blue Cross or some other private insurance. Additionally, Vicki Mikkola requested approval of a contract with Roberta Rosenberger to provide on-call coverage primarily after hours and as back-up in Acute Services at the rates indicated on the action item. This just adds another person that can do on-call and will fill a gap.

MOTION by Mr. Koskinen, seconded by Mr. Koskela, that the Board accepts the two Contracts for FY 2015 with Locum Tenens for Telepsychiatry Services and Roberta Rosenberger for on-call after hours and back-up coverage in Acute Services as presented. Motion carried unanimously.


Cash: Investment Allocation

Vicki Mikkola stated at least once a year, we provide the Board with this Cash Investment Allocation report that shows our investments. The report shows the maturity dates are laddered and the interest rates are pretty low. We have one 10-year CD with a little higher interest rate. We usually don’t do this, but the penalty is only six months, so we wouldn’t be losing much after a short time period even if we did have to pull it out.

Other Updates

Vicki Mikkola stated it has been a fairly quiet and uneventful month. Our Facilities Manager retired and the new Facilities Manager started work on May 18, 2015. We have a telepsychiatrist who started training a couple of weeks ago and saw her first consumer this week. The Supervisor in Ontonagon resigned, so we have that job posted. The Applied Behavior Analyst (ABA) Specialist position has been accepted and this individual will begin on June 8, 2015 working with the children’s team. We will be advertising for a new Board Member soon, and the Direct Care staff advertisement is ongoing.

Vicki Mikkola stated the U.P. Region does not have a lot of representation on MACMHB committees, probably due to the distance from the UP to the downstate area. She noted you can attend the meeting by telephone now. For the next meeting, Vicki Mikkola stated she would bring in additional information about where the openings are for the committees and what they do.

FINANCE DIRECTOR’S REPORT FOR APRIL, 2015: Vicki Mikkola presented the Finance Director’s Report for April, 2015 in Susan Serafini’s absence.

Vicki Mikkola reviewed the Revenues & Expenditures by funding source. We continue to be under spent in Medicaid. There was a large increase in unspent Healthy Michigan in April due to receiving $230,000 in Healthy Michigan savings from FY 2014 from NorthCare. Up to 7.5% of FY 2015 total Medicaid and Healthy Michigan combined revenue can be used in FY 2016 once the shortfalls in the region are covered. Much of the unspent Medicaid and Healthy Michigan funds can be spent in FY 2016. The General Fund is seeing a slight improvement with the supplemental payment and state facility utilization starting to decrease, compared to the first three months of the FY. Vicki Mikkola reviewed the Balance Sheet as of April 30, 2015. Our cash position at the end of April was $8.4 million compared to $7.7 million in March. This is due to the $230,000 Healthy Michigan cash settlement with NorthCare, and part of our Medicaid payment from March was not received until April 2. All of our funds have an income of $51,106 through the end of April, compared to a net loss of $51,376 in March. Most of this is due to the decrease in health insurance expense as well as a decrease in salary expense. The General Fund is showing a net income of $9,688 as compared to a loss last month of $77,651. All other funds are in the black, with the larger being in the


Employee Benefit Fund, which is showing a gain of $26,102. Vicki Mikkola reviewed the General Fund Income Statement Revenues. To be right on budget, the variance should be 58%. Revenues are about 2 1/2% under budget. This is the last year of a 5-year block grant, and we have a higher local match requirement. MI Child is showing a larger variance as the funds are now going through the PIHP, and any unspent funds go back to NorthCare. Expenditures are about 4 ½% under budget, though State Facility for Children is significantly over budget, and community inpatient and contract residential are under budget. Community Inpatient for Adults is under budget. Overall expenses are $500,000 less than last April and $1.4 million less than April, 2013.

MOTION by Mr. Fyfe, seconded by Mr. Koskela, that the Board accepts the Copper Country Mental Health Finance Director’s Report for April, 2015 as presented. Motion carried unanimously.


MOTION by Mr. Tervo, seconded by Mr. Herrala, that the Board approves the Executive Committee Meeting Minutes of April 29, 2015 as presented. Motion carried unanimously.


MOTION by Mr. Tervo, seconded by Ms. Evers, that the Board approves the Minutes of the Building & Grounds Committee Meeting of April 29, 2015 as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING REPORT – 5/14/15: Mr. Rozich, Committee Chairperson, presented the Executive Committee Meeting Report of May 14, 2015.

The Executive Committee met with management staff to discuss a 2% cost of living increase for all staff and additional increases for certain classifications of staff. The Director and Finance Director felt we could afford the above increases and recommended Board approval.

MOTION by Mr. Koskela, seconded by Mr. Fyfe, that the Board accepts the Executive Committee’s recommendation for a 2% cost of living adjustment for all Copper Country Mental Health staff and increases as discussed for certain classifications of staff. YES: Koskela, Fyfe, Bourdeau, Evers, Herrala, Johnson, Koskinen, Tervo and Rozich. Motion carried unanimously.

MOTION by Mr. Tervo, seconded by Mr. Koskinen, that the Board accepts the Minutes of the Executive Committee Meeting of May 14, 2015 as presented. Motion carried unanimously.



There was no old or new business to discuss.

MOTION by Mr. Koskela, seconded by Mr. Koskinen, that the meeting adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 6:56 PM.

Submitted by,


Michael Koskinen, Board Secretary


Patrick Rozich, Board Chairperson