*Discussion Questions for Crime and Punishment

Answer the following questions on a separate sheet of paper, using complete sentences (except when asked to list) and quotes to support for each question. (Be sure to include page # citations.) These questions will provide a foundation for our discussion. YOU WILL BE TURNING THIS IN TO ME. (Don't worry; you'll get it back before we have our discussion!)

#'s 1-5: 4 points each

1. Explain why Raskolnikov is so opposed to Dounia's marriage to Luzhin AND describe Luzhin's personality; explain why he's so revolting. (Defend him if you don't feel that he is)

2. Describe Razumihin, and explain his relationship to Raskolnikov. (Don't forget to consider what happens on page 292)

3. Describe Dounia, and discuss the way that her character develops and changes throughout the novel.

4. Describe detective Porfiry Petrovitch, and explain what he represents to Raskolnikov.

5. List contradicting behaviors apparent in Raskolnikov.

#'s 6-10: 5 points each

6. Discuss how Dostoevsky creates suspense.

7. Discuss class distinction throughout the novel.

8. List words and phrases that Raskolnikov uses to describe Alyona Ivanovna. Explain why Raskolnikov places his focus on her.

9. Explain Raskolnikov's philosophy of crime (Check out pages 237-249, as well as his confession to Sonia - page 387-ish.)

10. Reread pages 238-239 and explain, in your own words, the socialist view of crime, as presented by Razumihin.

#'s 11-13: 7 points each

11. List and explain as many moments in the novel wherein Existentialist philosophy is expounded as you can find. (Here's one for you - check out page 300. Also, consider Katerina Ivanovna...)

12. Explain the treatment of women in the novel. (Treatment of women by men) *Consider Dounia, Sonia, Katerina Ivanovna, Lizaveta, Marfa Petrovna, Svidrigailov's betrothed, and the women witnessed in the streets.

13. Explain the function of the side story of Marmeladov. (How does his story contribute to a theme in the novel?)

#s 14-19: 10 points each

14. Look back at the side story of Svidrigailov, and answer the following

a. What is the point of his character?

b. Why is he so vile? (Defend him, if you don't believe that he is)

c. Explain the significance of his dream on page 470.

15. On page 480, Raskolnikov muses, "But why are they so fond of me if I don't deserve it? Oh, if only I were alone and no one loved me and I too had never loved anyone! Nothing of all this would have happened." Explain what he means by this. Then, explain how this comment relates to a greater theme in the novel.

16.Discuss the presentation of God and religion throughout the novel, and explain how the Epilogue contributes to this presentation. ALSO, explain how the Biblical story of Lazarus relates to Raskolnikov.

17. Sonia does not meet Raskolnikov until after he has committed his crime. Explain why she never leaves his side, and what she represents to Raskolnikov.

18. What ultimately is Raskolnikov's crime? What about his punishment?