CLC Lesson Plan
Date: 4/29/15
Course: CLC Topic: Wrap-Up
Instructor Notes:
Check your mailbox for copies of handouts to be used in this lesson.
Learning Target:
  1. Copies of Student Reflection Surveys.
  2. Activity (Your Choice)
  3. Computer and Projector

Lesson Outline:
  1. Pass out Student Reflection Surveys and have students complete (5 min).
-Please return completed surveys to Ms. Kolkmeier in Room 154.
  1. Have a discussion with students about what has been covered in CLC this year (goal-setting, self-management skills, bullying, GRIT, etc). Talk to students about what things they liked, what they disliked, if there were topics they wanted to cover, what they wish was different about CLC, etc. (5-10).
-Please feel free to send Ms. Kolkmeier or any counselor an email with feedback/suggestions for next year.
  1. Time for some fun  (rest of time).
-This is your CLC and time for you to do whatever team building, morale boosting, or relationship building you would like to do with your CLC. There are suggestions/ideas for games and activities below, but you are welcome to do your own activities with your students. You can go revisit an activity you ran out of time for previously, or if you think it would be more beneficial to have grade check-ins with your students, you can use this time to do. Your choice 
Game/Activity Suggestions:


Group size:4+
Time:10 minutes
Description:One member out of the group leaves the room while the instructor hides an object somewhere in the room. When that member returns, they are the “robot” and must find the object with the help of the other team members, who know where it is. Team members can only give simple instructions to lead the robot to the hidden object, for example “turn 180 degrees”, “take two steps forward”, “stop”. The robot can only do what he is told.
Song Title Competition
Purpose:Icebreaker, fun
Group size:6+
Tools:Paper and pencils
Time:10 minutes
Description:Teams compete with each other to find out who can come up with the most number of song names and put them on a list. The instructor gives a keyword, for example “love” or “baby” (common in songs) and group members have to brainstorm titles with that keyword in it.
True Colors Inventory
Have students find out their personality/leadership style. Discuss the different personality types in the room.

Airplane Caper
Time: 1–2 minutes
Purpose: Lighten up a tough day; re-energize
Participants: All
Materials needed: Paper
Instructions: Two teams are formed on opposite sides of the room; each person makes a paper airplane. Everyone begins to throw her or his airplane to the other side at once. The goal is not to let any planes land on the floor.
**Please collect any paper airplanes at end of CLC 
Animal Game
Time: 1–2 minutes
Purpose: Break from the ordinary, communicate in new ways
Participants: Partners
Materials needed: None
Instructions: Each person tells a partner what animal they would be if they could be an animal; they can’t talk or write, but must only act and sound as that animal.
AH, Um Game
Time: 10-15 minutes
Goal:Avoid saying the taboo words “Ah”, “Um”, “Like”, or “You Know”.
- List of topic ideas
- Timer/watch
How to Play The Ah, Um Game:
1. Separate everyone into groups of about three or four. A person must talk to their group about a certain topic for one full minute without saying the following taboo words: “Ah”, “Um”, “Like”, or “You Know”. If the person does not say the taboo words in the round, then the person can move to the second round. If they accidentally say a taboo word, then it'll be the next person's turn.
2.Have one person in each group volunteer to be first. Use the timer/watch to track a minute and announce one of the topics listed below.
3.Afterwards, have a different person from each team volunteer to go next and repeat the same exercise as above. The people who avoid saying the taboo words are the winners of the game.
List of Topic Ideas:
-Favorite Movie
-Favorite Animal
-Best Gift
-Favorite TV Show
-What did you do last week?
-Summer Activities
-Birthday Party
-What would you do with $10,000?
-What do you want to be when you grow up?
-What is your favorite activity?
-What is your favorite dessert?
Guess that Logo
-This is takes about 20 minutes and requires some prep.
Telephone Charades
Time: 10-15 minutes
Goal:To have the player at the end of the line do best imitation of the original action.
- Print the list of actions below and plan what your actions will be
- You'll be the moderator and judge
How to Play the Telephone Charades Game:
1.Split everyone into teams of five or more (can have teams of up to 10 people each). Ask each team to stand in a line.
2.Explain the game: You (the moderator) will be showing an action scene to the person at the front of the line, with no words or sounds. Everyone else will have their backs turned to you, except for the person at the front.
3.Once the person understands the action scene as best as he/she can, he or she taps the shoulder of the next person in line. The next person turns around, and the person imitates your action scene to that person, with no words or sounds. Once he or she understands and remembers the action scene, he or she taps the shoulder of the next person, and so forth. An action scene can be continually repeated until the person understands the action scene.
4.The last person in the line is eventually reached. You will judge who has the most accurate action scene to what you did originally. The team with the most accurate action scene will get one point. The team with the most points wins the game.
List of Actions:
1. Go fishing in a boat, catch a fish, and fry it
2. Walk to the refrigerator, get bread, ham, and mayo, and make a sandwich
3. Drive through a fast food restaurant, order a large burger, fries and soda, get your food and drive away.
4. Turn on a television, watch a football game, eat popcorn, and cheer for a team's touchdown
5. Jump out of a ski lift, ski down a mountain, go into a lodge and drink hot chocolate
Bear, Mosquito, Salmon
This activity is a more active version of rock, paper, scissors. Two people stand back-to-back and count 1...2...3. On three, they jump to face the other person and perform one of three animals. The Bear (arms raised with claws, making a growl sound) eats the Salmon (hands above head with the palms together, wiggling the hips and body), the salmon eats the Mosquito (hands clasp together in front of body with pointer fingers out front, moving like a stinger, making a buzzing sound), Lastly, the mosquito has malaria and kills the bear.
1. Start with the entire group together and practice each of the three in unison. This not only makes sure that people understand, it also makes people feel more comfortable when everyone in the room looks as silly as they do. For further clarification, have two people do one in front of the group to model.
2. Have the group get into pairs, back-to-back. If there is an odd number of people, it is okay to make a group of three.
3. The leader counts so that all groups do it in unison.
4. Have the groups trade partners and repeat the activity several times.
5. For the last round, have “Championship Bear, Salmon, Mosquito.” The loser sits back in their seat. This gets everyone settled and builds a climate to see who in the room wins the Bear, Salmon, Mosquito Gold Medal!
Mime Basketball
Small groups of people can play half or full court mime basketball if they are committed to paying attention to who has the ball. This activity can be expanded with a “Globe Trotter Version” where each person does tricks with the basketball before they pass it to someone else. Note: This can work with other sports including single and group jump rope.
Captain’s Calling
This is a great blood pumping game for all ages and it lasts about 15 minutes. You must choose one leader to be the captain. This person is usually outgoing and loud. Then you must have one of the leaders be a jailer. Have the captain explain all the rules and control the game. Have the group form lines, one behind the other, facing front. Then have the captain explain that this game is a lot like Simon says. You are crew members on a ship and I am your captain. Whatever I say to do, you do. If you disobey my orders then you go to jail, where the jailer will make you do push ups and jumping jacks (This is a good deterrent for the slackers to try). When the captain says stern, the crew must run backwards. When the captain says bow, the crew must come to the front. When the captain says port, the crew must go left. When the captain says starboard, the crew must go right. Make sure the crew understands these directions before you go on. The rest of the commands should be done when the captain says the call and they do not stop until the captain says captain’s calling. When the captain says this, the crew must stand back at attention. One of these commands is captain’s ball, where 2 people get together and dance with one another. The person who is left out is out. The crew must dance until the captain says captain’s calling. If the captain says stern before he says captain’s calling and some people go backwards, they are out because they must be at attention before they can do any other action. The other actions are rowboat, where three people get together and row a boat. The people left standing are out. There is also octopus, where 4 people get together and sit back to back and kick their legs up. Then finally there is starfish, where 6 people link arms and swing around in a circle. The game ends when there are two people left.

Check out the website above for additional ideas!