COOREMAN Philippe (born May 7,1963) Url:
1780 Wemmel Mobile: +32 473 402 582
Graduated in Computer Science, 1982-1984
ISIB-IESEC, Place Madou, Brussels
1. Diamant Boart (Carbodiam presently) from 10-10-1985 to 31-12-1988
Function: Analyst-Programmer
Applications: Access control, Diamond stock management, infirmary management, Diamond recycling management, install and evaluate some softwares, maintenances, users support.
Hardware: IBM PC/XT and PC/AT clones
Softwares : MS-DOS 3.2, LOTUS 1-2-3, Db-Fabs, Word Perfect, IBM Writing Assistant 2.0
Langages : GWBasic, Quick Basic II
2. Military Service from 1-05-1987 to 2-5-1988
Function : Analyst-Programmer and infographist
Applications : Informatisation of Cadets’ school secretariat, creating graphic presentation for open-door days.
Hardware: IBM PC/XT and Commodore Amiga
Softwares: MS-DOS 3.3, AmigaDos 1.3, Deluxe Paint
Langages: dBase III
3. ASSUBEL/AGF Belgium/ALLIANZ Belgium from 24-01-1989 until 31-12-2009
Function: Analyst-Programmer
- Developments Central Client File IMS and Global Client Repertory CICS
Conversion of 1.400.000 postcodes
Take-over of 235.000 claims in Work Accidents branch
Take-over’s clients data from AGF, Sofibanque, Thaler, Royal Life, …
Improvements, maintenances
Migrations IMS DB2
Cleaning of Data-bases
- Developments Archives management
- Developments applications brokers management
- Technical support to Development and to Users
- Selective masking of “Wood Sector” Affiliates in Repertory (2009)
Hardware: IBM 3090 and Comparex
Softwares: MVS/XA, TSO/ISPF, SPUFI, DATAVANTAGE, DADIC, ALEX, Panvalet, Intertest/Batch, DL1/IMS, DB2/SQL
Desk softwares: Excel, Word, Powerpoint
4. Contraste Europe from 1-10-2010 until now
Function : Cobol developer and Technical Analyst Consultancy by ING BANK Belgium
Applications :
- Developments CSI (Customer Signaletic Information)
Electronic ID Card implementation, Deposit Scheme Associations,
Di Rupo 4% tax, Greenfield migration, ING Assistance On Line,
Marketing Data Platform 2, LinkING-Mebo, Prospects Management,
Record Bank Uncapables, Validation Foreign Tax, Reference Accounts,
- Developments Payments
Ultimate Work Package (2013), TMG project
Hardware : UNISYS
Softwares : MCP, MARC, DMS-II, CANDE, URSA, ERGO, SURE classic, SURE for Windows, Adaptive Coding Schemes
Languages : WFL, COBOL 85
Desk Softwares : HP Service Center, Mercury Quality Center, MultiEdit
Spoken languages
French: Mother tongue
English: Second language, Very good written & spoken
Dutch: Third language, good written & spoken
German: Good notions, better reading than spoken & written
Free time, hobbies
Paleontology (Search and extract fossils, guided tours, mechanical preparation, museology, temporary exhibitions, lectures, archaeological research, WEB sites, books)
Micro-informatics and its applications:
Numeric Photography, Electronic Document Publishing
Collections numerisation and on-line posting (Virtual Museum)
Administrator/Moderator of Forums (geology-paleontology)
Webmaster of several sites especially
Hardwares: Apple iMac 24, PC Laptop Medion, Commodore Amiga, iPad 2
Softwares: Open Office, Pagemaker, Photoshop, Over-Blog, Forum Actif, Geoforum
Langages : C, Turbo Pascal v1.1, Assembler 6502, Assembler 68000