Coordinating global research for wheat
Proposal number(1):YYYY/#Date of submission(1):YYYY/MM/DD
ANNEX 5(June 2016)
INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH PROGRAMME PROPOSAL PRO-FORMA (2)Please return the completed pro-forma to
In the case where coordination and alignment of national programmes may prove insufficient to tackle a wheat international research challenge, EWGs may suggest the ICC to launch an International Research Programme on a dedicated topic using this template.
Proposals will be accepted on a continuous basis.
Proposals will be reviewed by the Research Committee during a face-to-face meeting prior to submission to the Institutions’ Coordination Committee.
The criteria used to review and prioritise the proposals are indicated below.
For Wheat Initiative Secretariat use only, do not fill
2 Please send the completed form to a MS Word format
Title of International Research Programme- ACRONYM
Abstract (max 1 page)
Core-theme/topic of the Strategic Research Agenda covered by the proposal
EWG submitting the proposal
The International Research Programme Proposal should make a compelling case for the creation of a new international collaborative research programme. Make sure to substantiate your arguments. Please also consider the assessment criteria.
1. Scientific rationale and background
Please give an overview of the state-of-the-art, and present the need for and timeliness of a global-level, collaborative research programme on this topic. Please explain the potential for cutting-edge research and innovation.
2. Scientific objectives, goals, outcomes and benefits
Please provide the scientific objectives, specific goals, expected outcomes and potential impacts in the short and long-term. Describe what are the major milestones and benefits expected during the programme with specific reference to the social impacts and challenges and their relevance to the Wheat Initiative Strategic Research Agenda.
3. Research topics, themes, and priorities
Please describe the main research topics and sub-topics, including their relative priorities in the programme and the way they interlink with each other. List any crosscutting themes and how they are going to be integrated in the programme.
4. Potential for synergies and for coordinating research at the international level
Please explain the degree of complementarity and continuity in relation to past, ongoing and planned funding initiatives and what is the potential for collaboration and synergy with such initiatives. Explain what is the added value for coordinating an international research programme in this area.
5. Relevant scientific community
Please provide details on how the research programme will mobilize a critical mass of excellent researchers in the relevant disciplines worldwide, as evidenced by the list of potential participants to the programme (to be provided as an appendix).
6. Proposed structure, funding scenario and governance
Please use this space to give recommendations to Funding Agencies on the suggested programme’s structure, on its duration, on the critical mass (minimum level of funding) required, on the programme governance and management (including selection of proposals and peer-review procedures).
7. Need for infrastructure, data management and other requirements
Please provide a justification for specific support for infrastructure and facilities (e.g. for items such as fieldwork, major equipment, data storage and management or any other Infrastructure and facilities access).
8. Private sector engagement
Please explain the on-going private sector engagement in this area, and how this research programme will appeal to industry. What will be the commercial outcomes and benefits to breeders? Please describe how to deal with the generation, protection and exploitation of IP.
9. Ethical and legal issues
Please provide any ethical or legal issues, especially in relation to national and international norms, standards and regulations, which would need to be considered in the proposed programme, and suggestions on how to deal with any such issues.
SECTION C: APPENDICESAppendix 1: Past, on going or planned national and international initiatives in this area
Programme/Initiative / Date (start, end) / Funding bodies / Participating countries
Appendix 2: Potential participants to the programme
Name of Principal Investigator / Organisation / Country
Appendix 3: Public funders, private industries and donors/foundations that have already expressed an interest or might be interested in participating
Name of funding organisation/private company / Country / Has expressed an interest (*) / Might be interested (*)
(*) Tick the appropriate box
ANNEX 5 – International Research Programme Proposal pro-forma