C:\LAST - SCT\Text File Layout for JET SCT V5.doc
Salary Cost Transfers Using Journal Entry Tool (JET)
Text File Record Layout
Batch Header - Row #1: First row of the data file. Required file label is SCTR.
Transaction Records: Second thru nth row of the data file. One transaction per row.
Data Element / Start Position / EditFlag / Length / Required / Explanation/Example
Business Unit / 1 / e / 5 / Yes / 5-character Business Unit. Only 1 per batch.
Department / 6 / e / 6 / Yes / 6-character department ID.
Fund / 12 / e / 3 / Yes / 3-character fund code.
Program / 15 / e / 1 / Yes / 1-character program code
Project / 16 / e / 7 / No / 7-character project ID. Use 7 spaces to indicate that a project ID is not used.
Account / 23 / e / 4 / Yes / 4-character SFS account code. Only payroll or allocated fringe account codes are allowed.
Class[1] / 27 / e / 4 / No / This field is deprecated. Any data supplied will be ignored.
Amount / 31 / e / 16 / Yes / Must have 2 decimal points. Use leading minus sign for a credit amount. Left-justify, space-fill to the right.
Description / 47 / e / 30 / Yes / Transaction line description. Must contain employee name in format: Last comma space first (like Doe, Jane).
Student: Required on input.
Other: Generate from IADS if not supplied on input.
Convert name to upper case.
Person ID[2] / 77 / e / 8 / Yes / 8-character Person ID.
Student: Required on input.
Other: Edit input against IADS. Generate from IADS if not supplied on input.
Appointment ID2 / 85 / e / 8 / Yes / 8-character Appointment ID.
Student: Required on input.
Other: Required on input. Edit against IADS.
Calc ID2 / 93 / e / 9 / Yes / 9-character calc ID. Edit against the CALC table.
Pmt Begin Date / 102 / e / 10 / Yes / Payment begin date. Format mm/dd/yyyy. Must be a valid date in the past and prior to the payment end date.
Pmt End Date / 112 / e / 10 / Yes / Payment end date. Format mm/dd/yyyy. Must be a valid date.
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[1] Due to potential conflicts with tuition remission semester codes, class field is not available for user entry.
[2] Edit feasibility depends on the look-back window of the edit tables.