BG: България (Bulgaria)
BG:България (Bulgaria) / General information [REF 1], [REF 4]
‘’In Bulgaria, the two-tier system was introduced in 1995 with the new Higher Education Act. Only the universities and specialised higher education schools at university level offer a Master degree of 1 year, building on a Bachelor of 4 years. Actually, the ECTS system has been implemented in several higher education institutions. The 2003 draft of the Higher Education Act foresees adoption of the ECTS system by all higher education institutions.’’
Specific view provided by Theiere partner
…Currently Bulgaria implements a 4-5-8 scheme for engineering education.
There are not any discussions about implementation of new 3-5-8 scheme …
1.BG: България (Bulgaria)
Coordinating author. Dr Silvia Stefanova (EAEEIE, RousseUniversity, )
Other contributors: Dimiter Dimitrov (University of Sofia, ), George Georgiev (EAEEIE, RousseUniversity, )
Review: Fernando. Maciel-Barbosa (EAEEIE, Universidade do Porto, Portugal)
1.1.General information
Figure 3.1: Bulgarian Higher Education System in EIE disciplines
In Bulgaria the curriculum is slightly different at each University. The basic courses are mandatory, but there are some courses that are optional. TheAcademic council of each University validates the curriculum in connection with the Academic Autonomy of the Bulgarian Universities.
1.1.1Electrical and Information Engineering in Bulgaria, boundaries of the field of study
List of general Education Areasand Professional Directions and EIE Education Areasand Professional Directions
The List of general Education Areasand Professional Direction is establishedby the Bulgarian government. The Classification of Higher Education Areasand Professional Directions is prepared on the basis of Bulgarian Experience in Higher Education and is consistent with appropriate Education Areasand Professional Directions in the world.
ClassificationOf Higher Education Areasand Professional Directions
Code / Higher Education Area / Code / Professional Direction
4 / Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Informatics / 4.6 / Informatics and Computer Science
5 / Technical Science / 5.2
5.4 / Electrical Engineering, Electronics and automatics
Communication and computer techniques
Power engineering and electrical equipment
The code 4.6. is removed because that speciality is not classified as engineering yet.
1.1.2Content, degrees and accreditations
The Government defines the pedagogical content of the degrees. It defines the curriculum and the list of the compulsory subjectsin general for each of theabove-mentioned specialities for the period of education (semester shared). In this frame the Academic Council of each University independently (principle academic autonomy) determines and votes the teaching programmes for each speciality.
1.1.3Implementation of the Bologna-BMD system in Bulgaria
The Bologna-BMD system is now available in Bulgaria. The higher education system has been structured in three levels, bachelor-master/magister-doctor, since April 2002.
1.2.Figures on the weight of EIE in Bulgaria
Educational Institution, Teaching Staff and Students1996/97 / 1997/98 / 1998/99 / 1999/2000 / 2000/2001
Institutions / 42 / 42 / 42 / 41 / 41
Teaching Staff / 23285 / 19416 / 22072 / 24368 / 21162
Students / 235701 / 234182 / 245237 / 239769 / 227223
Doctors / 2075 / 2558 / 2775 / 3091 / 3414
Distribution of the students in EIE specialities
N / High Education Schools2002/03 / Teaching
form Bach / EIE
Students Bach
time / Part
time / Code / Full
time / Part
1 / University of Sofia “Sv.Kliment Ohridski” / 4170 / 740 / 4.6 / 290
2 / “Paisij Hilendarski”University of Plovdiv / 1370 / 370 / 4.6 / 80 / 20
3 / “Cyril i Methodius”University of Veliko Tarnovo / 1350 / 370 / 4.6 / 40
4 / University of Shoumen “ Ep.Konstantin Preslavski / 870 / 255 / 4.6 / 75
5 / South-WestUniversity “Neofit Rilski”, Blagoevgrad / 1350 / 120 / 4.6
5.3 / 50
6 / University of Rousse “Angel Kantchev” / 935 / 230 / 4.6
5.3 / 25
120 / 25
7 / TechnicalUniversity – Sofia / 1840 / 370 / 4.6
5.4 / 20
140 / 90
9 / TechnicalUniversity – Sofia, branch Plovdiv / 310 / 25 / 5.2
5.3 / 80
80 / 25
9 / TechnicalUniversity – Sofia, branch Sliven / 100 / 45 / 5.2
5.4 / 40
30 / 15
10 / TechnicalUniversity – Varna / 875 / 110 / 5.2
5.4 / 170
75 / 20
11 / TechnicalUniversity – Gabrovo / 570 / 200 / 5.2
5.4 / 90
50 / 20
12 / University of Mining and Geology- Sofia / 360 / 135 / 5.2 / 60 / 35
13 / Chemical Technology & Metallurgy University-Sofia / 525 / 120 / 5.2 / 60 / 20
14 / High School of Transport “Todor Kableshkov”, Sofia / 130 / 70 / 5.3 / 30 / 20
15 / University of National and World Economy, Sofia / 2200 / 600 / 4.6 / 80
16 / University of Economics, Varna / 1335 / 350 / 4.6 / 80 / 23
17 / Аcademy of Economics “D.Cenov”, Svishtov / 1030 / 400 / 4.6 / 50
18 / Higher School of Transport “T.Kableshkov”-Sofia / 130 / 70 / 5.3 / 30 / 20
5.4 / 790
295 / 68
Total / 19470 / 4253 / 3125 / 638
1.3.Degrees in EIE in Bulgaria
The Diplomas in EIE are defined by two elements: the concrete title and thedirection:
1.3.1Specialist level
Specialist - 3 years after the secondary school for full-time students and 3,5 years for part-time students;
1)Informatik,InformaticsandComputerScience (code 4.6),Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Informatics (code 4). => this degree is not, exactly, an "engineering" degree but is close to the border of "Electrical and Information Engineering"
2)ElectronicsTechnicEngineer, Electrical Engineering, Electronicsandautomatics (5.2), Communicationandcomputertechniques (5.3), Technical Science (5)
3)ElectricalEngineer, ElectricalEngineering, Electronics and automatics (5.2),Powerengineeringandelectricalequipment (5.4), Technical Science (5)
1.3.2Bachelor level
Bachelor – 4 years after the secondary school for full-time students and 5 years for part-time students;
4)Informatik,InformaticsandComputerScience (code 4.6),Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Informatics (code 4). => this degree is not, exactly, an "engineering" degree but is close to the border of "Electrical and Information Engineering"
5)ElectronicsTechnicEngineer, Electrical Engineering, Electronicsandautomatics (5.2), Communicationandcomputertechniques (5.3), Technical Science (5)
6)ElectricalEngineer, ElectricalEngineering, Electronics and automatics (5.2),Powerengineeringandelectricalequipment (5.4), Technical Science (5)
Distribution of the general areas in EIE training for Bachelors
Title and codeof the speciality
in EIE
Keywords / 5.2.1.
(PSRE) / 5.2.2.
(E) / 5.2.3. (AICT) / 5.3.1. (CST) / 5.3.2. (CTT)
Basic Training
Mathematics/ Physics / 11 % / 12 % / 12 % / 12 % / 12 %
Electrotechniques/ Instrumentation&
Measurement / 7 % / 10 % / 12 % / 6 % / 8 %
Electronics / 4 % / 38 % / 7 % / 12 % / 10 %
Informatics / 3 % / 9 % / 24 % / 35 % / 11 %
Networks / 4 % / 9 %
Control Engineering / 6 % / 24 % / 2 %
Communication, radio and video systems / 29 %
Power Systems / 40 %
Mechanical Technology/
Systems / 9 %
Additional Training
Foreign Language / 4 % / 4 % / 4 % / 4 % / 4 %
Projects / 2 % / 1 % / 4 % / 8 % / 1 %
Industrial Practice / 3 % / 4 % / 4 % / 3 % / 4 %
Technical Documentation / 1 % / 2 % / 2 % / 3 % / 3 %
Management / 1 % / 5 % / 3 % / 3 % / 2 %
Codes and abbreviations of the specialities:
5.2.1.Power Supply and Power Equipment (PSRE)
5.2.2.Electronics (E)
5.2.3.Automatics and Information Control Techniques (AICT)
5.3.1.Computer Systems and Technologies (CST)
5.3.2.Communication Technique and Technologies (CTT)
1.3.3Master/Magister level
Master/Magister – no less than 5 years after the secondary school for the non-bachelor specialities and for full-time students, 3 semesters after the bachelor level for full-time students or 4 semesters for part-time students);
7)Informatik,InformaticsandComputerScience (code 4.6),Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Informatics (code 4). => this degree is not, exactly, an "engineering" degree but is close to the border of "Electrical and Information Engineering"
8)ElectronicsTechnicEngineer, Electrical Engineering, Electronicsandautomatics (5.2), Communicationandcomputertechniques (5.3), Technical Science (5)
9)ElectricalEngineer, ElectricalEngineering, Electronics and automatics (5.2),Powerengineeringandelectricalequipment (5.4), Technical Science (5)
The information given in this monograph is based on the following documents and web links:
- Higher Education, 2001, vol II, Ministry of Education and Sciences, under the edition of Prof. D. Dimitrov;
- Statute No 86 from 12th of March 1997 for the validation of the government register of the education-qualification degrees in Higher Schools of BulgariaRepublic
- Statistical Yearbook, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001
- Седмично издание АБВ, май 2002.
BG: България (Bulgaria)
BG: България (Bulgaria)
City / Name of the institution (national language) / Name of the institution (English) / http addressBlagoevgrad / Югозападен университет “Неофит Рилски” / South-WestUniversity “Neofit Rilski” /
Gabrovo / Технически университет – Габрово / TechnicalUniversity – Gabrovo /
Plovdiv / Технически университет – София, клон Пловдив / TechnicalUniversity – Sofia, branch Plovdiv
Rousse / Русенски университет “Ангел Кънчев” / University of Rousse “Angel Kantchev” /
Sliven / Технически университет – София, клон Сливен / TechnicalUniversity – Sofia, branch Sliven
Sofia / Технически университет- София / TechnicalUniversity – Sofia /
Sofia / Минногеоложки университет - Сопфия / University of Mining and Geology - Sofia /
Sofia / Химикотехнологичен и металургичен университет / ChemicalTechnology & MetallurgyUniversity - Sofia /
Sofia / Висше транспортно училище “Тодор Каблешков” / High School of Transport “Todor Kableshkov”, Sofia /
Varna / Технически университет Варна / TechnicalUniversity – Varna /
2.BG: България (Bulgaria)
In Bulgaria, the academic fields are numbered (see part 2 of the monograph for more information). The references of the fields of Electrical and Information Engineering are the following:
5.2. Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Automatics
5.3. Communication and Computer Techniques
5.4. Power Engineering and Electrical Equipment
City / Institution / 5.2. / 5.3. / 5.4.Blagoevgrad
Благоевград / South-WestUniversity “Neofit Rilski”
Югозападен университет “Неофит Рилски” / X
Габрово / TechnicalUniversity – Gabrovo
Технически университет – Габрово / X / X / X
Пловдив / TechnicalUniversity – Sofia, branchPlovdiv
Технически университет – София, клон Пловдив / X / X
Русе / UniversityofRousse “AngelKantchev”
Русенски университет “Ангел Кънчев” / X / X
Сливен / TechnicalUniversity – Sofia, branchSliven
Технически университет – София, клон Сливен / X / X
София / TechnicalUniversity – Sofia
Технически университет- София / X / X / X
София / University of Mining and Geology – Sofia
Минногеоложки университет - Сопфия / X
София / ChemicalTechnologyMetallurgyUniversity – Sofia
Химикотехнологичен и металургичен университет / X
София / High School of Transport “Todor Kableshkov”, Sofia
Висше транспортно училище “Тодор Каблешков” / X
Варна / TechnicalUniversity-Varna
Технически университет Варна / X / X / X