Cooperatives in the Americas:

Driving Economic Growth with Equity and Inclusion

March 20, 2014

Organization of American States, Hall of the Americas

Corner of 17th Street and Constitution Ave, N.W.

Washington, D.C.20006

Forum Agenda

*Interpretation will be provided in English, Spanish, French, and Portuguese.

9:00 a.m.Opening Session

Welcome and Introduction: Sherry Tross, Executive Secretary, Executive Secretariat for Integral Development(SEDI), Organization of American States (OAS)


Ambassador Albert Ramdin, OAS Assistant Secretary General

Ambassador Carmen Lomellin, Permanent Representative of the UnitedStates to the OAS

9:30 a.m.The CurrentState of Cooperatives in the Americas

Speaker:Manuel Mariño, Regional Director, Co-operatives of the Americas – A Region of the International Co-operative Alliance

9:45 a.m.Panel 1: How Cooperatives are Achieving Growth and Social Inclusion

Every sector of the region’s economies are impacted by cooperative businesses—agriculture, energy, public services, housing, healthcare, insurance, financial services, and consumer goods. These businesses are not only helping economies grow, creating jobs, and providing key products and services, they are also addressing social needs. How are cooperatives reaching marginalized sectors, women, youth, persons with disabilities, and other vulnerable populations with their services? What strategies have worked and what are the continuing challenges in meeting needs for social inclusion? This interactive session will provide examples of co-operative impact on local and national economies, and how the cooperative principles and social impact set them apart from other forms of business.

Moderator:Amy Coughenour Betancourt, Chief Operating Officer, NCBA CLUSA


Multi-sectoral: Martin Lowery, Executive Vice President, External Affairs, National Rural Electric Cooperatives Association, United States; Member and Past President, NCBA CLUSA Board of Directors and Member of the International Co-operative Alliance Board

Housing Sector:Fernando Zerboni, General Secretary,Federación Uruguaya de Cooperativas de Vivienda por Ayuda Mutua (FUCVAM), Uruguay

Agriculture Sector: Marcio Lopes de Freitas, President, Organização Cooperativas Brasileiras, Brazil

Insurance Sector:Fermin Contreras Gómez,Director, Seguros Múltiples Group Companies, Seguros Múltiples de Puerto Rico, United States

Gender:Maria Eugenia Perez Zea, International Co-operative Alliance Equity Gender Committee and the Cooperatives of the Americas

Youth:Gabriela Buffa, International Co-operatives Alliance Youth Network

Audience Participation

11:15 a.m.Break

Sponsored by National Cooperative Bank, CCA Global, and the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association

11:30 a.m.How Cooperatives are Competing in the Global Economy: Shared Services, Quality Products

Moderator: Charles Snyder, President and CEO, National Cooperative Bank, United States; NCBA CLUSA Board Member

Speaker: Howard Brodsky, President and CEO of CCA Global,United States; NCBA CLUSA Board Member

Audience Participation


Sponsored by National Cooperative Bank, CCA Global, and the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association

1:15 p.m.Panel 2: Barriers and Opportunities for Cooperative Growth in the Americas

Despite cooperatives’ positive impact on economic and social indicators, they still face considerable challenges. Regulatory barriers, legislative gaps, and tax and status challenges all limit the enabling environment for cooperative in many countries. This panel will discuss the approach of various sectors in several countries of overcoming barriers and positioning cooperatives for growing opportunities in the region and globally.

Moderator: Maryse Robert, Director, Department of Economic and SocialDevelopment, SEDI, OAS


Utility Sector: Ariel Guarco, President, Confederación de Cooperativas de la República de Argentina (COOPERAR), Argentina

Healthcare Sector:Eudes de Freitas Aquino, President, (UNIMED), Brazil

Insurance Sector:Estuardo Paredes, Presidente, ICORED y Gerente General, Cooperativa San Francisco, Ecuador

Credit Unions/Financial Cooperatives:

Suzanne Gendron, Managing Vice-president, Cooperation and Corporate Affairs Administrative Division, Desjardins, Canada

Melvin Edwards, Program Director, Caribbean Development Education, former President of the Caribbean Confederation of Credit Unions

Gerardo Mora Navas, President, Confederación Latinoamericana de Ahorro y Crédito (COLAC), Panama

Audience Participation


Sponsored by National Cooperative Bank, CCA Global, and the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association

3:00 p.m.Panel 3: Co-op to Co-op Trade and Collaboration

Cooperatives have long been seen as local member-owned businesses that grow out of needs in a particular market. However, there is growing recognition that cooperatives can strengthen each other by doing business together at the local, national, regional, and even international levels. This panel will highlight co-operatives that are trading with each other, cross-promoting cooperative products and services, and living the 6th cooperative principle of helping other cooperatives.

Moderator:Valentín Medrano, President, Cooperativa Nacional de Servicios Múltiples de los Maestros (COOPNAMA), Dominican Republic


Fair Trade:Merling del Rosario Preza Ramos, General Manager, Promotora de Desarrollo Cooperativo de las Segovias, Sociedad Anonima (PRODECOOP S.A.), Nicaragua

Consumer Sector:Alberto Esteves, President, Confederación Uruguaya de Entidades Cooperativas (CUDECOOP), Uruguay

Worker Co-ops: Rebecca Kemble, President of the U.S. Federation of Worker Cooperatives; President of CICOPA North America

Financial Sector: Héctor Córdova, Corporate Manager, Federación de Asociaciones Cooperativas de Ahorro y Crédito de El Salvador (FEDECACES), El Salvador

Audience Participation

4:15 p.m. Blueprint for a Cooperative Decade in the Americas and Around the World

Speaker: Charles Gould, Director General, International Co-operative Alliance

4:30 p.m.A Cooperative Agenda for the Americas: Defining Next Steps

Speaker: Ramon Imperial, President, Co-operatives of the Americas

Audience Participation

5:25 p.m.Closing Remarks: Carlos Calderón, Chief Executive Officer, OAS Staff Federal Credit Union (FCU)

5:30 p.m. Reception, Patio Azteca

Sponsored by OAS Staff FCU