Coonabarabran High School
Table of Contents
School Data ...... 4
Members of Staff ...... 5
Roles & Responsibilities ...... 6
Accidents - Reports & Procedures ...... 7
Appearance ...... 8
Anaphylaxis ...... 8
Assemblies ...... 8
Attendance and Absence (Staff) ...... 9
Bell Times ...... 9
Borrowing of School Equipment ...... 10
Canteen ...... 10
Casual Teachers ...... 11
Classroom Routine and Management ...... 12
Cleaning of Rooms ...... 13
Collection of Money ...... 13
Committees and Extra-Curricular Activities ...... 13
Communication within School ...... 14
Controversial Issues in Schools & Visiting Speakers ...... 15
Debating ...... 15
Detentions ...... 15
Distribution of Material in School ...... 15
Dramatic Productions and Musicals ...... 15
Duplicating Procedures ...... 16
Emergency Evacuation and Lockdown Procedures ...... 17
Emergency Evacuation Plan ...... 20
Examinations ...... 21
Examination Rules ...... 21
Excursion Procedures ...... 22
Hall Booking and Use ...... 23
Homework Policy ...... 24
House System ...... 24
Illegal Entries ...... 25
Inner-School Christian Fellowship ...... 25
Library Guidelines ...... 25
Motor Vehicles ...... 28
Notification to Parents ...... 29
Official Correspondence ...... 29
Ordering of Material ...... 29
Parent Interviews ...... 29
P & C ...... 30
Petty Cash ...... 30
Playground Duty ...... 30
Prefects ...... 31
Professional Conduct ...... 32
Professional Ethics ...... 34
References ...... 35
Reports on Students ...... 35
Roll Call ...... 35
Roll Marking ...... 36
School Records ...... 36
Security ...... 36
Sick Students ...... 37
Special Roles ...... 37
-Careers Adviser
-School Counsellor
-Year Adviser, Assistant Year Adviser
-Student Adviser (Girls), Student Adviser (Boys)
and Welfare Co-ordinator
-Support Teacher Learning Difficulties
Sport ...... 42
Stocktake and Stock Records ...... 42
SRC ...... 43
Supervision ...... 43
Telephones ...... 43
Training & Development ...... 44
Uniform ...... 45
CoonabarabranHigh School - School Data
Type of SchoolSecondary High School
Street AddressNewell Highway
Coonabarabran NSW 2357
Postal AddressPO Box 3
Coonabarabran NSW 2357
School Code No.8347
Telephone Numbers6842 109968421063
Fax6842 2267
School Education AreaWestern (Warrumbungle)
HAT:Mr P Draper
ENGLISH:Ms M DOOLAN (HT)_____Mrs E Macintosh_____Mr C Gardiner_____
Ms N Bell_____
Mrs M Birrell_____
Mrs R Partridge_____
Ms E Rankmore_____
Mrs K Nash_____
Mrs K Deshon_____
Mrs D Redden_____
Mr S Frazer_____
Ms E Dwyer_____
Dr D Stevenson_____
Mrs M Eshman_____
Ms S Moore_____
Ms V Higgins_____
Mr C May_____
Ms A O'Brien_____
Mr A Piper_____
Ms G Kenny_____
Mr D Partridge_____
TAS:Mrs A Adam (HT)_____
Mr P Armstrong_____Ms N Morrissey_____
Mrs M Gale_____
Mr D Stewart_____
Miss D Suthons_____
Mr B Shand_____
PD/H/PE:Mr J Ramage (Co-ord)_____
Mr C Cousens_____
Ms C Crossingham_____
Mrs M Jenner_____ / ADMIN:Ms L Barker (HT)_____
Ms M Webb_____
Mrs N Doolan_____
Mentoring (Norta Norta)
Ms J Sullivan_____
ED:Ms C Drysdale_____
Ms S Rankmore_____
Ms B Young_____
Mrs K Canham (SLO)_____
Mrs Y Rice (SLO)_____
Mr D Coe (SLO)_____
Mrs M Lawson (SLO)_____
Mrs L Doel (SLO)_____
Mrs M McEvoy (SLO)_____
Mr D Dundas (SLO)_____
Mr D Crawley (SLO)_____
AEO:Mr W Robinson_____
Mr D Dundas (Norta Norta) _____
Ms S Nixon (SLO Ab Ed)_____
COUNS:Ms L Somers_____
CHAPLAIN:Ms N Pfeiffer_____
PARA/PROF: Mrs W Starr _____
Ms K Ryan (SAM)_____Mrs D Wood (SAO)_____
Mrs S Evans (SAO)_____
Mrs J Redfern (SAO)_____
Ms S Fiegert (SAO)_____
Mrs P Danson (SAO)_____
Mrs S Mathews (SAO)_____
Mr S Turner (TSO)_____
Mr K Keeler (GA)_____
Mr M Wilkin (FA)_____
CANTEEN:Mrs J McGlashan_____
Ms B Pilcher_____
CLEANERS:Mr M Noy_____
Mrs M Noy_____
Roles & Responsibilities 2012
Aborig Submission / J Cox/W Robinson/M Johnston / Practice Teaching / P DraperAgriculture Skills Day / M Webb/K Nash/E Barker / Prefects / M Johnston/M Gale
Anti-Racism Officer / Publicity/School News / S Fiegert/M Birrell
Annual School Report / G Enks / Public Speaking / M Doolan
Anzac Day / HSIE / RDA / B Young
Art Displays / C Drysdale / Report Coordination / J Nott
Formal Assemblies / J Cox / Rolls/Attendance / E Barker
Awards Night / J Cox/G Enks / SBT/SBA Coordinator / N Doolan
Band / D Suthons / Scholarships Coordinator / N Doolan
Basketball / S Moore / School Bus / P Draper
Blues Co-ordinator / G Enks/J Ramage / School Council
B.O.S. -Coordination / N Doolan/E Barker / School Development Day / G Enks
Canteen Committee / C Gardiner / School Improvement Team / B Shand
Country Area Program / M Johnston/D Partridge / School Industry Link / N Doolan
Carnivals / Ramage/Cousens/Crossingham / School Magazine / E Rankmore/A Adam
Cattle Team Leader / M Webb/E Barker / School Production / D Suthons/C Gardiner
Charities / Senior Course Tracking / N Doolan
Chemical Safety / J Nott/J Redfern / SLSO's / J Cox
Chess Coordinator / Socials / A Adam/C Gardiner
Choir / D Suthons / Softball / S Moore
CPR/Emergency Care / J Cox/D Suthons / Sound Engineering / C May/P Armstrong
Credit Union / D Graham / Sport / J Ramage/C Cousens
Crossroads / J Ramage / Staff TPL / G Enks
Curriculum / Principal/DP / Staff Induction / M Johnston/P Draper
Debating / English Faculty/A O'Brien / Staffing / M Johnston
Distance Education / N Doolan/E Barker/K Nash / Staff Functions / D Partridge
Drug Education / J Ramage / Student Council (SRC) / K Nash
Environment Com / D Stevenson/ P Draper / Study Centre / V Higgins
Equestrian Expo Com / M Johnston/D Graham / Study Program / B Shand
Equestrian Managers / D Graham / Subject Choice Co-ord / Year Advisers
Evacuation/ Lockdown / G Enks / Supervisor - Boys / D Graham
Exchange Students / Yr Adviser/Principal/Rotary/Partridge / Supervisor - Girls / M Birrell
Examinations / E Barker / Talented/Gifted Students / M Eshman
Farewells - Year 12 / M Gale/C Gardiner / Technology Coordination / J Eshman/S Turner
Federation Rep / C Cousens / Timetable / J Eshman/B Shand/G Enks
Feeder Schools Link / G Enks / Tournament of Minds / R Partridge/M Eshman
First Aid / J Redfern/V Higgins / Transition Program (Yr6-7) / G Enks /Yr7 Adviser
Foyer Display / S Rankmore / Transition Education / J Cox/L Somers
Grounds / GA/J Ramage / T-VET Coordinator / N Doolan/A Adam
HSC Assessment Booklet / Year 12 Advisor/G Enks / Uniform / Deputy/Principal/Executive
HSC Exams & SC Exams / E Barker / VET Coordinator / N Doolan
IYLP / J Cox/G Enks / WH&S (OH&S) / J Nott
Keys/Security / G Enks / Work Experience / N Doolan
Learning Support / J Cox/L Somers/ YA’s/STLA / Work Placement Coord / N Doolan
Lockers / C May / Writers Festival / Writers Festival Committee
Maintenance / J Nott / XSEL / C Gardiner
Mentoring Program / K Nash / XSEL Science Prac Coord / J Nott
Mock Trial / M Doolan/C May / Year 7 / E Dwyer/S Moore
MUNA / R Partridge / Year 8 / D Partridge/M Eshman
Music Performances / D Suthons/N Doolan / Year 9 / C Crossingham/K Nash
Netball / V Higgins / Year 10 / C Cousens/M Birrell
Parent Afternoons / J Nott / Year 11 / M Webb /R Partridge
Photographs / J Cox / Year 12 / M Gale/C Gardiner
Photography / E Rankmore
(a)TO STAFF: It is essential that any accident which occurs to you while on duty be reported immediately to the Deputy Principal so that in the event of consideration for Workers Compensation, the Deputy Principal has a written record and can complete necessary documentation and incident report. Staff should notify the OH&S Directorate on 1800 811523.
(b)TO PUPILS: Staff should remember that all the written reports are legal documents, which will be produced in court in the event of legal complications. Therefore, it is essential that those involved in completing accident reports set out the relevant information neatly, clearly and accurately. The Deputy Principal or the Principal must be immediately informed.
Accidents to PupilsThe Department of Education “Handbook” lists strict regulations regarding the procedures which follow accidents to school pupils. Handbook 3 3.2.1-3 2.1.2. It is imperative that the nearest staff member attend immediately any accident in their area, or any accident brought to their attention. After all possible aid has been rendered to the accident victim, the following procedure is necessary:
(a)An investigation of the cause of the accident is carried out.
(b)Written reports are obtained from a minimum of three reliable witnesses to accident (if available).
(c)Written report is obtained from the victim (when fit to do so).
(d)A staff report on the accident, and events that followed, is given to the teacher in charge of Accident Reports.
(e)The necessary Accident Report form and associated documents are completed and returned to the Principal.
“Under no circumstances are any statements to be made admitting liability or identifying the cause or persons responsible for the accident. Personal opinions should not be given. The parents may be informed of the manner in which the accident occurred, but any background particulars leading to or concerning the accident are matters which the parents or guardians may take up later with the Department.” Book 3, page 108.
Guidelines for Completing Accident Forms
Deputy Principal can provide Incident Notification Forms in accordance with Injury Management Procedure for Employee Incident Notification. Deputy and First Aid Officer can provide Non-Employer (student) Injury Notification Form.
NB:Teachers are asked to be meticulously correct as regards spelling and grammatical construction. This insistence on care in completing the forms is in the interests of teachers’ welfare. Completed forms are filed away unless legal problems necessitate appropriate Departmental action in the Court.
Suggested Accident Procedure for Staff on Playground Duty
If, in your opinion, a student appears to have suffered a broken limb or other serious injury, it is essential that other possible injury be avoided.
1DO NOT MOVE STUDENT - This is particularly important where there is the possibility of a broken limb or some internal injury.
2Make student comfortable.
3Send student-helpers to:
(a)Deputy Principal, or
(b)Mrs Redfern (First Aid Officer), or
(c)Student Adviser Girls (Student Welfare Coordinator), or
(d)Physical Education teacher, as they are usually First Aid trained.
4Request attending executive member to ring ambulance. Specify exactly the location of the injured pupil.
5If these have not been already supplied by staff members assisting, send students to obtain a blanket from the clinic and an ice pack from the Office.
6Remain with injured student until the ambulance arrives or you are relieved by another teacher.
7(a)Complete Accident Report as a matter of priority.
(b)Obtain two eyewitnesses and get them to write out statements on appropriate form.
NB:*Staff listed above will be responsible for:
(a)calling ambulance
(b)checking hospital details
(c)notifying parent or guardian
8In the event of minor injuries obtain the assistance of other members of staff to take the student to the clinic and inform the staff mentioned above.
Students who have anaphylactic reactions are listed on the main wall in the school office. An Epi-penis kept in the main office.
Staff are expected to dress in a professional/appropriate manner at all times. Staff are expected to wear footwear that provides appropriate protection and stability to minimise the risk of injury.
An assembly is an important method of circulating information of an urgent nature as well as developing school spirit and tone. All staff members are expected to be present. Daily assemblies are to be as brief as possible. In addition to daily assemblies held on the quadrangle, Formal Assemblies and Year Assemblies are held as required in the Hall.
Attendance and Absence (Staff)
Teachers’ attendance book is located in the Staff Common Room. The book must be signed on arrival at school. In case of teacher absence or delay, please phone the Deputy Principal at home on 6842 7825, between 6.30-7.00am so that the necessary rosters may be made and relief may be obtained early, or at school after 7.30am and before 7.45am on 68 421099.
Please complete Leave on-line as soon as possible on resumption of duty.
No teacher should absent himself/herself from the school during normal school hours unless on official school business when permission from the Principal or Deputy Principal is required. Please complete the leave book in the Front Office and notify the office staff. Lunch time is the exception to this rule when you are requested to notify the office in case of in-coming phone calls.
Teachers are reminded of their obligation to arrive at school with ample time for parking, signing on, etc. so as to be able to commence duty at 8.55am. As a general rule, staff should be present by 8.30am.
BELL TIMES(No Period 6 on Fridays)
Monday, Tuesday & Thursday / Wednesday / FridayRoll Call:8.55-9.06
Recess10.54-11.18 (24 mins)
Lunch 11.06-1.26 (20 mins)
Lunch 21.26-1.46 (20 mins)
P62.38-3.30 / Roll Call8.55-9.06
Recess110.50-11.10 (20 mins)
Lunch 112.54-1.14 (20 mins)
Lunch 21.14-1.34 (20 mins) / Roll Call8.55-9.06
Recess11.00-11.24 (24 Mins)
Lunch 11.18-1.38 (20 mins)
Lunch 21.38-1.58 (20 mins)
Wet Weather Wednesday
Lunch 112.54-1.20 (26 mins)
Lunch 21.20-1.46 (26 mins)
Borrowing of School Equipment
The following conditions must be met for the borrowing of any school equipment by teachers, parents and pupils.
1Permission must be obtained from the Principal or Deputy Principal.
2Details of the equipment borrowed and the time involved must be entered in the Loans Register which is organised by the School Assistant in the Front Office.
3On return, the equipment borrowed must be sighted by the School Assistant who will sign it back into the school.
4The borrower is held responsible for the equipment while it is in his/her possession.
Phone: 68421904
The Canteen is operated as a convenience for the teachers and students. It has a manager and some parents to assist as volunteers on a roster system. While the canteen aims to provide lunches and refreshments at very reasonable prices, the profits are channeled into school funds.
The following times are set for both teachers and pupils.
1Lunches are to be ordered by end of Recess.
2Normal trading hours are Recess and Lunch times and Breakfast in Terms 2 and 3.
It would be appreciated if staff lunches are paid for when ordering. Staff may wish to deposit credit payments when ordering from canteen. NO CREDIT will be given (ie no booking up).
Canteen Procedures
Students line up and are supervised by the teacher on duty assisted by Year 12 students and Prefects.
Ordered Lunches
Students who have ordered their lunches, line up at the appropriate counter.
The Canteen area is out of bounds to all students except those who have come there for the sole purpose of buying something, except in wet weather.
Casual Teachers (Employment)
Supply Casual and Temporary Teachers are teachers employed on a long term basis in a position not filled by a permanent teacher, ie a position where a permanent teacher could be employed but is not available. These positions are mostly for fractions of a week eg Support Learning Difficulties 0.4 (2 days per week).
Appointment - is made by the Principal. The appropriate form must be sent in by the School.
Payment - After appointment as Supply Casual, payment is made from the Department without the need for the teacher to submit a claim form each fortnight.
Short Term:
The Principal or his delegate may employ appropriate casual relief to cover the short term absence (ie for a period of 10 days or less) of a teacher whose absence is expected to lead to an application for special leave, short leave or sick leave.
*The Principal can obtain immediate casual relief for teachers on Jury Duty, teachers attending Trade Union training courses conducted by the Teachers’ Federation, teachers elected as members of the Teachers’ Federation executive who are attending Executive meetings.
*Relief days are also provided for some In-service activities and for some sporting activities.
Long Term:
*More than 10 days. In cases of Maternity Leave, Long Service Leave, Sick Leave extending beyond 10 days, and other periods when relief is necessary because of official teacher deployment/secondment by the Department.
Classroom Routine and Management
Teachers should be prompt to all lessons. This is essential. They should ensure the physical conditions of the classroom are the optimum the circumstances permit ie lighting, heating/cooling, ventilation, cleanliness and arrangement of furniture. Lesson materials should be already in the classroom, ie there should be no reason for a teacher or student to be out of class.
In some faculty areas, classes may not be allowed to enter a classroom without the teacher being present, and teachers should familiarise themselves with faculty policy.
Only in special circumstances should a pupil be allowed to be absent from the room. If a pupil is out of class he/she should have a note from the teacher concerned showing the reason and the time. On returning to class the note is retrieved by the teacher and destroyed.
Under no circumstances is a pupil to go directly to the sick bay. The pupil must carry a note from the class teacher. Students take this note to the Deputy Principal or the First Aid Officer (Mrs Redfern).
If a pupil is late to class then a note should be given from the teacher who has detained the pupil. If you wish to take a pupil from class, it is a courtesy to inform the teacher concerned beforehand. If late from the playground then the teacher is responsible for any disciplinary action.
If a child has truanted from your lesson the Deputy Principal must be notified.
Do not dismiss pupils before the bell. Early movement in corridors has an unsteadying influence on other classes. Early marks are not to be given as you are responsible for supervising your class. Supervise pupils out of buildings. No teacher is empowered to allow pupils to leave school premises other than at normal dismissal.
Make sure that the room is tidy - furniture straight, papers off the floor - before vacating it. Clean the blackboard. Teachers who have Home Rooms may have spent considerable time in organising displays and generally setting up their room. All teachers who use these rooms please ensure that these rooms are left as you found them. Should your class be the last to use the room for the day please see that the windows are closed and the lights and fans turned off.
If the above routine procedures are followed then we can be assured of an efficient, productive and harmonious school.
Pupils are not to be stood (unsupervised) outside a room for extended periods of time. This is both a Departmental and School rule. If it is necessary to send a pupil from class, he/she should be referred to the Head Teacher with a note of explanation.
Classes should be in the rooms as timetabled. Do not arrange changes unless absolutely necessary - then inform Head Teacher AND the Front Office.
Cleaning of Rooms
Cleaners must have access to all rooms so that they may be cleaned.
Obviously circumstances may arise where sensible negotiation will be required. Teachers should leave the room tidy, lock windows, turn off heaters etc - last period of the day.
During holiday periods, cleaners have the right to the rooms for cleaning as teaching staff are not present. As above, negotiations can be made.
Collection of Money
Money is not to be collected other than via the Accounts Office, where it is receipted, except immediately prior to sport after which it should be taken to the Office.
All money is to be paid before School, at recess and at lunch, and will not be accepted at any other time without prior arrangements being made with the Senior Administration Manager.
When paying money to the office for anything other than fees, students must have a note from the faculty concerned, otherwise it will not be accepted. Hence, when attending an excursion the student must have their permission note from home to hand in to the office, which will show the student’s name and year, the excursion being attended and the cost, together with the parent’s/guardian’s signature.