-Cooling ceiling panel with highly inductive feed-air infeed

-Cooling by means of air and water simultaneously

-High levels of thermal and acoustic comfort

-Compact dimensions for space-saving fitting into all common suspended ceiling designs

-Fitted with integrated mounting brackets at the factory

-Visible aluminium fins in architecturally high-quality design

Frankfurt/ Lingen, 14th March 2017– A cooling ceiling panel with highly inductive feed-air infeed was presented by emco Klima at the ISH 2017 in Frankfurt. The emcotherm DIKAL was specially developed to meet modern requirements in office and administrative rooms. This appliance is a combination of air outlet and a water-fed cooling system with which the inner loads of buildings can be conducted away in an energetically sensible way by means of air and water simultaneously. In this way higher cooling performances can be demanded without having to increase the volumetric air flow to a level higher than hygienically necessary. Low sound output levels, even temperature distribution and a draughtfree feed-air infeed into the frequented area ensure here high acoustic and thermal comfort. The integration of the components into a compact unit only 320 mm wide and 145 mm high enables space-saving fitting and a flexible room design. The new product is also already fitted with a mounting device to enable quick and easy fitting into all common suspended ceiling designs.

The ceiling induction cooling outlet is designed as a two-conductor system with cooling ceiling meander fitted at the rear. It serves to thermally activate the aluminium fins positioned below it that acts as a heat-transfer element. The primary-air is fed via a connecting box that is connected to the aluminium fins by extruded profiles. Because of the high discharge speed the secondary air is induced from the room, then conducted along the aluminium fins with the primary air and in this way cooled. On discharge the so-called Coanda effect also operates, causing the volumetric cooled air flow to keep under the ceiling and only after moving a certain distance to slowly sink. This effectively prevents draughts from occurring, while at the same time the high secondary air induction causes a rapid reduction in temperature and the room air to be evenly mixed.

The overall cooling capacity is made up of the load diffusion over cold water and over precooled primary air. At the same time the energy input and the costs bound up with it are markedly reduced by the use of free cooling at low outside temperatures. The water-side cooling capacity is 250 W/m at design temperatures of 15/17/26 °C (inflow/return flow/room temperature). At the same time volumetric air flows of between 25 and 70 m³/h can be achieved per running metre. A specially developed set of nozzles ensures a fine, even discharge of air at low sound output levels. As a result the ceiling induction cooling outlet with a volumetric air flow of 45 m³/h and a water-side cooling capacity of 300 W has a sound output level of only 35 dB(A). The new product is therefore especially suitable for use in spaces with high cooling loads and low to medium air exchange rates.

To ensure a high degree of comfort even when a number of appliances are operating next to one another, a fitting distance in the direction of air discharge of at least two metres is recommended. Because of the very low appliance height of 145 m uncomplicated fitting even in pure acoustic ceilings is possible. Optionally available is also a variant with an integrated inspection/service opening for use in closed ceiling systems. Integrated brackets provide a secure connection to the ceiling structure. They are positioned at the factory so as to enable the induction cooling outlet to be fitted into the ceiling grid from below without difficulty. The brackets can then be fitted over the bearing profile and bolted to the appliance. In this way also a number of ceiling induction cooling outlets can be linked together to form a coherent unit. After the appliance has been fitted, only the architecturally high-quality aluminium fins are visible.

Further information is available from emco Bau- und Klimatechnik GmbH & Co. KG, Breslauer Str. 34-38, Postfach 18 60, 49803 Lingen (Ems), Germany, Tel: +49 (0)591 - 9140 - 0, Fax: +49 (0)591 - 9140 - 851, .

About emco Klima

emco Klima has been offering ventilation and air conditioning component assemblies for installation in floors, walls and ceilings to meet demanding requirements in design, comfort and energy efficiency since1972. The five product groups emcoair (ventilation and system ventilation components), emcotherm (convectors for floor and wall), emcovent (decentral ventilation components), emcocool (cooling ceilings, cooling panels and ceiling cooling convectors) and emcoMSR (control engineering) enable individually engineered system solutions to be put together to meet any requirement profile. The company is one of eight divisions of the emco Group in Lingen.



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The DIKAL ceiling induction cooling outlet was specially designed for a thermally and acoustically comfortable removal of high cooling loads in spaces with low to medium air exchange rates.

Photo: emco Klima

Date: 14-03-2017

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