
Conversations with Innovators

presented by

Center on Innovations in Learning

League of Innovators

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Temple University

Howard Gittis Student Center – HGSC 200 A-B

1755 N. 13th Street
Philadelphia, Pa 19122

8:30 a.m.Registration/Continental Breakfast

9:15Welcome: Marilyn Murphy, Director

9:30-11:00Session 1: Personal Competencies as Propellants of All Learning


Joe Layng,Converging Qualities of Personal Competencies

Sam Redding, Competencies in Personalized Learning

Facilitator: Stephen Page

Sam Redding explores the relationship between personalized learning, competency-based education, and three types of student competencies: academic, career/occupational, and personal. He classifies four personal competencies: cognitive, motivational, metacognitive, and social/emotional. Joe Layng takes up Redding’s 4-fold classification to argue that these personal competencies themselves “consist of critical building-block competencies that converge in such a way that no clear demarcation between each may be possible,” and that personal competencies can be “directly taught and measured using criteria established for teaching complex cognitive skills.”


11:15-12:45 p.m.Session 2: Personalizing Instruction: Student Voice and Choice


Melinda S. Sota,Co-Designing Instruction with Students

Karen Mahon, Personalizing Curriculum: Curation and Creation

Facilitator: Mark Williams

Personalized learning implies that the student is an active agent in his or her own instructional path. But how should students be given that responsibility, and what are the proven methods for making the most of “student voice and choice?” Authors Sota and Mahon will discuss some of the opportunities and pitfalls of co-designing and personalizing the curriculum, and dispel a few myths along the way.

12:45-1:30Lunch and continued discussion

1:30-3:00Session 3:Information Technologies to Advance Teaching and Learning


Ryan Baker, Using Learning Analytics in Personalized Learning

Janet Twyman, Personalizing Learning through Precision Measurement

Facilitator: Allison Crean Davis

Data, its analysis, and the technologies that manage it play an important role in understanding what students know and don't know, and how they can better learn. In this session, Baker and Twyman will look at how we are harnessing the wealth of information available to educators to improve teaching and learning, and the abundant opportunities available to personalize the learning experience.


3:15-3:45 p.m.Wrap-up and Final Thoughts

All expert, facilitators, and invited guests

  • What did you learn today that you didn’t know before?
  • What would you like to learn more about?
  • Open questions and remarks