Public Transport Victoria

Conversation summary: Latrobe Valley’sproposed bus network

Table of Contents

Latrobe Valley’s proposed bus network

Who participated

Consultation process – drop-in information sessions

Online consultation

The proposed network

Moe – proposed network map

What you told us

What you liked

More direct services

Extension of Route 45

New Route 15 in Moe

What you want improved

Engagement summary and outcomes

Next steps

Latrobe Valley’sproposed bus network

The Victorian Government’s Better Bus Networksprogram has committed $100 million to deliverimproved bus services that better meet the travelneeds of metropolitan and regional Victoria.

Public Transport Victoria has proposed a new busnetwork for the Latrobe Valley that offers bettercoverage and connections to train stations, schools,health centres, shops and business districts.

We carried out a consultation process in August 2016,to gather feedback on the proposed network andmake sure it benefits as many people as possible.

This conversation summary highlights feedback wereceived during the consultation.

We would like to thank everyone who participated.

Who participated

Consultation process– drop-in information sessions

We carried out an extensive round of consultation,including six, three-hour drop-in information sessionsacross Traralgon, Moe and Morwell, online discussionand surveys, meetings with key community groupsand a meeting with the bus operator.

During these drop-in sessions, the benefits of theproposed network and any necessary ‘trade offs’were presented to the community prior to discussion.More than 120 people attended sessions and wereceived more than 40 written responses.

Online consultation

More than 700 people visited the Latrobe ValleyBetter Bus Network ‘Get Involved’ page, and wereceived 42 online and hard copy responses to thesurvey.

Respondents were of varying ages and from acrossLatrobe Valley.

Chart 1: What is your age bracket?

Age bracket / Percentage
12-17 / 21.1
18-30 / 15.8
31-55 / 33.3
56-70 / 17.5
71-84 / 12.3

Chart 2: Where do you live?

Location / Percentage
Moe / 14
Morwell / 7
Newborough / 14
Other / 36.8
Traralgon / 28.1

The proposed network

Key features included:

a new route in Moe to cater for new areas thatdon’t currently have services

improvements to the Route 1 journey time, makingtravel within Latrobe Valley faster

an extension to Route 45 in Traralgon, making iteasier to access a major shopping district

improved span of hours for services in Traralgon

improved connections with trains

services connecting A-B more directly

the coordination of Route 2 with V/Line trainsat Morwell to provide better connections forstudents commuting to Federation University.

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Public Transport Victoria

Map 1: Traralgon – proposed network map

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Public Transport Victoria

Moe – proposed network map

Map 2:Moe- proposed network map –Option 1

Map 3:Moe- proposed network map –Option 2

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Public Transport Victoria

What you told us

A new bus network for the Latrobe Valley receivedpositive support from the majority of the communitywho participated in the engagement program.

There were some areas of concern regarding bus stopspacing and the hours of operation, however many seethe proposed network as an improvement.

What you liked

More direct services

Removing the ‘Newborough Loop’ from Route 1 was well received by the majority of people. You said:

“To cut out the travel time of going through Newborough makes travel time from Moe toTraralgon/Morwell much more appealing andpractical”

“It will be good to have a shorter time travel betweenMoe and Traralgon/Morwell if the Newborough partof the route is cut out.”

While a couple of residents expressed concernregarding the downgrade in frequency for the Route 15,the key stakeholders in this area Federation Trainingand St Mary’s Primary School were happy with thechange particularly if the new service were to coincidebetter with school bell times and lecture times for theFederation Training students.

Extension of Route 45

Most people liked that we’re proposing Route 45 inTraralgon is extended to service the shopping strip onPrinces Highway. You said:

“I like that the bus will stop at the Traralgon Aldistore”

“I really like that I will be able to get to Spotlight andAldi”

“I think it’s a good idea to have a loop here so we don’thave to cross the road to get to Aldi or Spotlight”

New Route 15 in Moe

Most people have responded really positively to thenew service proposed in Moe. You said:

“Dinwoodie Dr! YES, YES, YES!!!”

“Option 2 takes into account the new estate andDinwoodie Dr – gets my vote.”

What you want improved

A number of people suggested improvements to theproposed bus network: You told us:

Bus stops along the existing routes are too far apart.

You would like to see more frequent services forlonger hours in the day.

Services are required in Catherine Street andBellarine Circuit in Morwell.

Improvements to services in Traralgon South andHazelwood North, particularly to connect people toChurchill.

Altering Route 1 around the Latrobe Regional Hospital toservice Village Avenue, Valley Drive and Airfield Road.

Engagement summary and outcomes

We have taken your concerns and feedback intoconsideration and they will feed into the planningof the final network design.

Next steps

We would like to thank everyonewho participated and will keepthe community up-to-date withdevelopments in the comingmonths.

To find out more on the proposed networkplease visit, or call 1800 800 007.

If you have a hearing or speech impairment, contact usthrough the National Relay Service:

TTY users phone 133 677, then ask for 1800 800 007

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