ControllerE Hardware Troubleshooting Guide
This guide is designed to aid the reader in troubleshooting common errors on an AS-i system through the use of the LED indications on the controllerE AS-i master.
Step 1.Is the 24V PWR LED On?
24 VDC power is needed to supply power to the ControllerE AS-i master.
LED Indication / Description / Possible causesSolid Green /
24 VDC is applied to the ControllerE
Move to step 2
No LED / 24 VDC power is not present1.Verify that the 24 VDC power supply is working correctly.
2.Ensure connections are properly made from the 24 VDC power supply to the ControllerE / In the process of wiring the 24 VDC power supply, the + and – terminals were reversed between the 24 VDC power supply and the ControllerE.
Step 2.Is the PWR/COM LED On?
The PWR/COM LED indicates that AS-i power, which is required to couple and de-couple data on the network, is present and that the modules are communicating on the network.
LED Indication / Description / Possible causesSolid Green / AS-i voltage is present and at least one module is detected on the network.
Moved to step 3
Flashing Green / AS-i voltage is present, but no modules are detected.
- Verify that modules are connected to the yellow network cable.
- Verify that the main trunk of the yellow network cable is wired correctly to the AS-i power supply.
- Verify that 24 VDC is not connected to the yellow network cable. Only the AS-i power supply should be connected to the network cable.
No LED /
AS-i voltage is not present
1.Verify that the AS-i power supply is working properly.2.Verify that the AS-i power supply is wired properly to the AS-i master. / A common misstep is to wire the AS-i + and – to the 24 VDC + and – terminals on the controllerE.
Step 3.Is the Proj LED on?
The Proj LED indicates whether the controller is in Protected mode or Configuration mode.
Protected Mode A text message is displayed on the ControllerE LCD screen when an error occurs. Configuration of the controller is not possible in this mode.
Configuration Mode Configuration of the system is possible in this mode. However, when an error occurs, a text message is not displayed on the ControllerE LCD screen.
LED Indication / Description / Possible causesSolid Amber /
Configuration Mode is active
If the configuration of the system is complete, change to the protected mode and move to step 4.Flashing Amber / Configuration mode is active, but change over to the protected mode is not possible as a module with the address 0 is connected.
- Verify the address of all the connected modules.
- If an address 0 is found, it must be changed to an available address and the system must be re-configured.
No LED / Protected Mode is active.
Move to step 4.
Step 4.Is the CONF/PF LED On?
The Conf/PF LED indicates an error on the AS-i system.
List of Detected Slaves (LDS) List of all addressed modules that are physically detected on the network. This is what the master sees on the network.
List of Projected Slaves (LPS)List of all addressed modules that are currently configured for the network. This is what the AS-i master expects to see on the network.
LED Indication / Description / Possible causesSolid Red / Configuration fault: projected and current configuration do not match.
- Compare the LDS and LPS. If the projected and detected list do not match, make the appropriate changes and re-configure the system.
- Verify that the field modules are properly seated in the module bases. Look for a green power light on the modules.
- Check for loose wiring on the cabinet modules and cables.
- Check the AS-i power supply for proper jumper placement
Flashing Red / A periphery fault is detected on at least one connected module.
Check for short circuit/overload conditions on the sensor inputs or loss of AUX 24 VDC power on the listed modules. / Field wirable connectors are generally used for applications where exact length cords are desired. It is necessary to wire the +, -, and signal wire to the terminals of the field connector. If the signal wire is incorrectly wired to the negative terminal instead of the signal terminal, the result is a short circuit on the input.
No LED / Projected and current configuration do match
No configuration error. Move to step 5
Step 5.Is the PLC Run LED On?
The PLC Run Light indicates whether a program is running in the PLC
LED Indication / Description / Possible causesSolid Amber /