SWARGs are a group of faculty members focused on mutual support for scholarship and writing.

Each semester there are approximately 25CC faculty members participating in accountability and/or writing and research exchange groups on campus.This kind of interaction has been shown to be highly effective at increasing an individual’s productivity, as well as their overall satisfaction as teacher/scholars.

Often groups form themselves from mutual interests, career stages, or departments, but an individual may apply and ask to be assigned to a group as well.

SWARGscan function inone or all ofthe following ways:

•Reporting: Most groups report to each other regularly, some weekly, others daily. These reports can be via e-mail or phone. This is a key component for successful productivity.

•Writing Groups: After an initial meeting to set goals, groups meet in person regularly (weekly, at certain times of the block, blockly, etc.) for shared quiet time working on individual projects. Writing groups often incorporate a reporting agreement as well.

•Research Groups: In some cases, those with similar interests or research goals have meetings at which group members read each other’s work and exchange feedback. (Examples: people writing grant proposals or book proposals, people who are turning conference papers into articles, or faculty with interests in similar disciplines.) Writing groups often have a regular meeting to share work in progress and give/receive feedback.

Once accepted, each group can receive reimbursement for expenses up to $300 (per group) per year to cover lunches or meeting refreshments, copying papers, etc.

Application Process:

Please fill out the brief form below (also available on the Crown Canvas Site) and send or email it to Jane Murphy at . Send receipts to Brett Gray at for reimbursement.

SWARG Application Form

Please list the group members (recommended size 3-6 members):

Please describe the rationale for the group’s composition:

Please explain the group’s primary goals / objectives (or attach a summary list of the projects that the members plan to work on):

How often will your group meet?

Each group should submit a brief written report about progress made on projects and the impact of collaboration, either at the end of the 2017-2018 academic year or when the group dissolves, whichever comes first.

Updated 8/17