Controlled and uncontrolled communication channels

Controlled and uncontrolled refer to the media communication channels used to convey messages about an organisation to its publics.
1) Media including leaflets, brochures, emails and websites are controlled communication channels. The messages broadcast using these media are created and delivered by an organization and are tailored to reach a targeted audience. The organization stays fully in control of the message at all stages.

  • Direct Mail
  • Pamphlets, Brochures
  • Newsletters
  • Slide shows
  • Annual reports
  • Web sites
  • Public speaking engagements
  • Events

2) Uncontrolled communications channels refer to the media used to broadcast messages that an organisation can only hope to influence. These media include press reports, feature articles and TV programmes. Although controlled communications including press releases and exhibitions can be used by organisations to influence these channels, what is reported and the way in which it is presented ultimately rests with outside agencies.

*** It is difficult to influence uncontrolled media but it can give an organization the credibility that controlled communications can not.

For example, a favourable article about a service/product in a seemingly independent magazine read by an organisation's target audience will be more sucessful in motivating people to purchase than a 'biased' brochure created by the organisation.

In Uncontrolled Media

News placements help you:

• Create awareness

• Sustain awareness

• Create and expand knowledge

• Educate publics (to a limited degree)

 Key word here is news

What’s your hook?Will the media bite?







Uncontrolled MediaPopular Media: Print

1) Daily & Weekly Newspapers

2) General Circulation Magazines like

– Time, Newsweek

–People, TV Guide, Reader’s Digest

– Cleveland Magazine, Texas Monthly

3) Online news outlets


– Northern Ohio LiveUncontrolled Media

Uncontrolled Media Popular Media: Electronic

1) Television

– Newscasts and news magazines

– Talk shows

– Public affairs programs

2) Radio

– Newscasts (serious news on radio is limited)

– Talk shows (proceed with caution)

– Entertainment programs (on-air personalities)

Uncontrolled Media: Specialty media

• Reach audiences with focused interests

• One way to reach Opinion Leaders (OL), since OLs read in their interest areas


• Motor Trend, Car & Driver, Automobile • TravelLeisure, Ohio Motorist

• PC World, Wired • American Health, Prevention

Uncontrolled Media: Trade/Professional Publications

• Reach audiences with business & career-focused content

• Possible way to reach opinion leaders


• Machine Design, Metalworking News

• Radio & Records, Variety

• Dentistry Today, Dental Products ReportUncontrolled Media

Uncontrolled Media: On-line media:

• News sites are used frequently by younger readers and busy professionals

• News sites are monitored by opinion leaders and other journalists (may trigger more coverage)

• Blogs (Web Logs) offer opinion & discussion.

Often monitored by opinion leaders & other journalists. Lots of clutter here, but lots of potential, too.

• Discussion groups, bulletin boards are where opinions often surface.

What Media Should We Use?

Review objectives

Review audience

Review Channel Checklist


Communication Tactics

Action events

  • non-written events

Communication tactics

  • oral & written tactics (direct mail, news releases, etc.)
  • Radio, TV, WWW

Message vs. media

Target audience


1)Basın bülteni bir haberdir - hedef kitleye bilgi veren standart bir formattır.
Basın bülteni; NE, NEREDE, NASIL, NE ZAMAN, NEDEN ve KİM gibi temel sorulara yanıt vermelidir.

2)Basın bültenini hazırlarken unutulmaması gereken en önemli nokta, amacın reklam yapmak olmadığıdır. Satış artırmaya yönelik, aşırı övgü içeren ve süslü bir yazım dili kullanmamaya özen gösterilmelidir.

3)Mümkün olduğunca geniş zaman kullanılmalı, edilgen fiiller yerine daha güçlü ve canlı fiiller ve sözcükler seçilmelidir. Ancak, “belirtti” veya “devam etti” gibi ifadelerin yerine “dedi” ifadesinin kullanılması her zaman daha uygundur.

4)Basın bülteninin en önemli bölümü, başlığıdır.
Çoğu zaman medya mensupları ve konuyla ilgili üst düzey yöneticilerin, basın bülteninin başlığının altını okuyacak zamanı yoktur. Şirketin vermek istediği ana mesaj açık bir şekilde belirtilerek hedef kişilerin dikkati çekilmelidir.
Basın bülteninizi aşağıda belirtilen şekilde oluşturmanız mümkündür:
Paragraf 1: Haber anlatılır.
Paragraf 2: Haberin etkisi açıklanır.
Paragraf 3: Şirketin üst düzey yöneticilerinden alıntı yapılır.
Paragraf 4: Şirketin geçmişinden söz edilir.
Paragraf 5: Şirket hakkında bilgi verilir.

5)Son olarak, basın bülteninde temas kurulabilecek kişi veya kuruluşun iletişim bilgilerinin de bulunması gerekmektedir.