Excellent Suppliers Awards 2017

Contribution to Ethical, Social Environmental Responsibility

This category encompasses social, ethical, environmental, sustainability and community initiatives. The category is specifically about the role a supplier has played in helping to reduce the University’s carbon footprint, or how a supplier has worked with the University to use resources more efficiently and/or minimised waste to the benefit of the supply chain and the University.

John Warren ABP LtdFirst place

Kate Cairns and Bowmer and KirklandHighly commended


Contribution to Student Experience

This category is for suppliers who either directly or indirectly have implemented was of working, products or services that enhance the student experience. This can be in any context, for example, employability, welfare, social or lifestyle.

Southern GreenFirst place

CriticalArcHighly commended


Award for Innovation

The award is for innovation within the supply chain at Newcastle University and is for a supplier who has employed innovative or new approaches, products, services or processes within their business with the University that is delivering, or has delivered, tangible results. This will be something new and/or unique, or a departure from an existing method/product.

PH PartnershipFirst place

Galliford Try in partnership with CIMCHighly commended


Excellence in Customer Service

This category is for first-class customer services where a supplier’s approach to customer service sets them apart from other organisations. It should also show how their approach to customer care really makes a difference to their customer.

P F Burridge and SonsFirst place

Galliford TryHighly commended


Contribution to Staff Experience

Selective Travel ManagementFirst place


Best Cost Saving Initiative

This award is for a supplier that has delivered significant cost savings or cost avoidance as a direct result of a project, initiative, intervention or way of working.

Galliford TryFirst place

NetSupport NotifyHighly commended


Best use of Technology

The award is for a supplier whose innovative uses of technology has delivered benefits to the University and our students. This may be technology used during the delivery of a project, as part of a bigger programme, or this may be a piece of technology the supplier has developed that can bring added value. The supplier does not need to be a technology supplier to win this category.

Bowmer and KirklandFirst place

N G Bailey

GSSArchitectureHighly commended


Supplier of the Year

Selective Travel ManagementWinner
