European Chapter on Combinatorial Optimization (ECCO) XXII

May 17-19, 2009


Scientific program

The conference is supported by:


9:00-9:15 welcome

9:15-10:15 Plenary talk(chair: Asaf Levin) – Alain Hertz "Solution methods for the inventory routing problem"

10:15-10:45 Coffee break

10:45-12:00 Parallel sessions:

Track 1: Integer and mixed integer formulations 1(chair:Giovanni Righini):

  1. Julia Rieck and Jürgen Zimmermann, " A new mixed integer linear model for a rich vehicle routing problem with docking constraints"
  2. Bartosz Sawik, "Bi-objective dynamic portfolio optimization by mixed integer programming"
  3. Alberto Ceselli, Giovanni Righini and Gregorio Tirado Dominguez, "Mathematical programming algorithms for the double TSP with multiple stacks"

Track 2: Approximation and Online algorithms(chair: Gur Mosheiov):

  1. Zvi Lotker, Boaz Patt-Shamir and Dror Rawitz, "Rent, lease or buy: randomized strategies for multislope ski rental"
  2. Asaf Levin and Uri Yovel, "Algorithms for (p,k)-uniform unweighted set cover problem"
  3. Leah Epstein and Gyorgy Dosa, "Preemptive online scheduling with reordering"

12:00-12:10 short break

12:10-13:00 Parallel sessions:

Track 1: Integer and mixed integer formulations 2(chair: Juan José Salazar González):

1.Jan Pelikán andJakub Fischer, "Optimal doubling models"

2.Jorge Riera-Ledesma and Juan José Salazar González, "A branch-and-cut-and-price for the multiple vehicle traveling purchaser problem"

Track 2: Approximation algorithms for bin packing problems (chair: Leah Epstein):

1.Rolf Harren and Rob van Stee, "An absolute 2-approximation algorithm for two-dimensional bin packing"

2.Leah Epstein and Asaf Levin, "Bin packing with general cost structures"

13:00-14:00 Lunch break

14:00-15:15 Parallel sessions:

Track 1: Algorithms(chair: Yefim Dinitz):

  1. Igor Averbakh, "Minmax regret bottleneck problems with solution-induced interval uncertainty structure"
  2. Endre Boros, Ondrej Cepek, Alex Kogan and Petr Kucera, "A subclass of Horn CNFs optimally compressible in polynomial time"
  3. Alexander Zadorojniy, Guy Even and Adam Shwartz, "A strongly polynomial algorithm for controlled queues"

Track 2: Scheduling 1(chair: Michal Penn):

1.Bezalel Gavish, "Batch sizing and scheduling in serial multistage production system"

2.Yaron Leyvand, Dvir Shabtay, George Steiner and Liron Yedidsion, "Just-in-time scheduling with controllable processing times on single and parallel machines"

3.Gur Mosheiov and Assaf Sarig, "Scheduling a maintenance activity to minimize total weighted completion-time"

15:15-15:25 short break

15:25-16:15 Parallel sessions:

Track 1: Supply chain (chair: Van-Dat Cung):

1.Tadeusz Sawik, "A two-objective mixed integer programming approach for supply chain scheduling"

2.Grzegorz Pawlak, "Multi-layer agent scheduling and control model in the car factory"

Track 2: Networks 1(chair: Dror Rawitz):

  1. Oren Ben-Zwi, Danny Hermelin, Daniel Lokshtanov and Ilan Newman, "An exact almost optimal algorithm for target set selection in social networks"
  2. André Amaral, Alberto Caprara, Juan José Salazar González and Adam Lechford, "Lower bounds for the minimum linear arrangement of a graph"

16:15-16:45 Coffee break

16:45-17:45 Plenary talk(chair: Michal Penn): – Maurice Queyranne "Structural and algorithmic properties for parametric minimum cuts"

17:45-17:55 short break

17:55-19:10 Parallel sessions:

Track 1: Scheduling 2(chair: Gur Mosheiov):

  1. Jan Pelikán, " Hybrid flow shop with adjustment"
  2. Alexander Lazarev, "An approximation method for estimating optimal value of minimizing scheduling problems"
  3. Alexander Kvaratskhelia and Alexander Lazarev, "An algorithm for total weighted completion time minimization in preemptive equal job length with release dates on a single machine"

Track 2: Optimization 1(chair:Jacek Blazewicz):

  1. Michael Katz and Carmel Domshlak, "Pushing the envelope of abstraction-based admissible heuristics"
  2. Roberto Battiti and Paolo Campigotto, "Brain-machine optimization: learning objective functions by interacting with the final user"
  3. Lukasiak Piotr, Blazewicz Jacek, David Klatzmann, " CompuVac* - development and standardized evaluation of novel genetic vaccines".

19:30-21:00 Reception


9:00-10:00 Plenary talk(chair: Silvano Martello) – Yefim Dinitz "Efficient algorithms for AND/OR (max-min) scheduling problems on graphs"

10:00-10:30 coffee break

10:30- 11:45 Parallel sessions:

Track 1: Metaheuristics(chair: Julian Molina):

  1. Johan Oppen, "Parametric models of local search progression"
  2. Gregory Gutin and Daniel Karapetyan, "Local search heuristics for the multidimensional assignment problem"
  3. José Brandão, "A tabu search algorithm for the open vehicle routing problem with time windows"

Track 2: Networks 2(chair: Van-Dat Cung):

  1. Silvano Martello, "Jacobi, Koenig, Egerváry and the roots of combinatorial optimization"
  2. Shoshana Anily and Aharona Pfeffer, " The uncapacitated swapping problem on a line and on a circle"
  3. Susann Schrenk, Van-Dat Cung and Gerd Finke, "Revisiting the fixed charge transportation problem"

11:45-12:00 short break

12:00-12:50 Parallel sessions:

Track 1: Optimization 2(chair: Gur Mosheiov):

  1. Gur Mosheiovand Assaf Sarig, "Scheduling and due-date assignment problems with job rejection"
  2. Ephraim Korach and Michal Stern, "TDIness in the clustering tree problem"

Track 2: Convex combinatorial optimization problems(chair: MauriceQueyranne):

  1. Tiit Riismaa, "Application of convex extension of discrete-convex functions in combinatorial optimization"
  2. Boaz Golany, Moshe Kress, Michal Penn and Uriel Rothblum, "Resource allocation in temporary advantage competitions"

13:10-14:30 Lunch

14:30-23:00 Trip+Conference gala dinner


9:00-10:15 Parallel sessions:

Track 1: (9:00-10:15) Scheduling 3(chair: Asaf Levin):

  1. Liron Yedidsion, "Computational analysis of two fundamental problems in MRP"
  2. Sergey Sevastyanov and Bertrand M.T. Lin, "Efficient algorithm of generating all optimal sequences for the two-machine Johnson problem"
  3. Alexander Lazarev, "An approximate method for solving scheduling problems"

Track 2: (9:25-10:15) Heuristics 1(chair:Jacek Blazewicz):

  1. Mark Sh. Levin, "Combinatorial optimization problems in system configuration and reconfiguration"
  2. Aleksandra Swiercz, Jacek Blazewicz, Marek Figlerowicz, Piotr Gawron, Marta Kasprzak, Darren Platt and Łukasz Szajkowski, "A new method for assembling of DNA sequences"

10:15-10:45 Coffee break

10:45-12:00 Parallel sessions:

Track 1: Graphs(chair: Alain Hertz):

  1. Dietmar Cieslik, "The Steiner ratio"
  2. Martin Charles Golumbic and Robert E. Jamison, "Tolerance and Rank-Tolerance in Graphs:Mathematical and Algorithmic Problems"
  3. Peter Adams, Moshe Rosenfeld and Hoa Vu Dinh, "Spanning graph designs"

Track 2: Heuristics 2(chair: Michal Penn):

  1. Michal Penn and Eli Troupiansky, " A heuristic algorithm for solving the heterogeneous open vehicle routing problem"
  2. Dorit Ron, Ilya Safro and Achi Brandt, "Fast multilevel algorithms for linear and planar ordering problems"
  3. L.F. Escudero and S. Muñoz, "A greedy procedure for solving the line design problem for a rapid transit network"

12:00-12:10 short break

12:10-13:10 plenary talk(chair: Van-Dat Cung) – Julian Molina "Metaheuristics for multi-objective combinatorial optimization"

13:10-13-20 concluding session

13:20-14:25 lunch