European Chapter on Combinatorial Optimization (ECCO) XXII
May 17-19, 2009
Scientific program
The conference is supported by:
9:00-9:15 welcome
9:15-10:15 Plenary talk(chair: Asaf Levin) – Alain Hertz "Solution methods for the inventory routing problem"
10:15-10:45 Coffee break
10:45-12:00 Parallel sessions:
Track 1: Integer and mixed integer formulations 1(chair:Giovanni Righini):
- Julia Rieck and Jürgen Zimmermann, " A new mixed integer linear model for a rich vehicle routing problem with docking constraints"
- Bartosz Sawik, "Bi-objective dynamic portfolio optimization by mixed integer programming"
- Alberto Ceselli, Giovanni Righini and Gregorio Tirado Dominguez, "Mathematical programming algorithms for the double TSP with multiple stacks"
Track 2: Approximation and Online algorithms(chair: Gur Mosheiov):
- Zvi Lotker, Boaz Patt-Shamir and Dror Rawitz, "Rent, lease or buy: randomized strategies for multislope ski rental"
- Asaf Levin and Uri Yovel, "Algorithms for (p,k)-uniform unweighted set cover problem"
- Leah Epstein and Gyorgy Dosa, "Preemptive online scheduling with reordering"
12:00-12:10 short break
12:10-13:00 Parallel sessions:
Track 1: Integer and mixed integer formulations 2(chair: Juan José Salazar González):
1.Jan Pelikán andJakub Fischer, "Optimal doubling models"
2.Jorge Riera-Ledesma and Juan José Salazar González, "A branch-and-cut-and-price for the multiple vehicle traveling purchaser problem"
Track 2: Approximation algorithms for bin packing problems (chair: Leah Epstein):
1.Rolf Harren and Rob van Stee, "An absolute 2-approximation algorithm for two-dimensional bin packing"
2.Leah Epstein and Asaf Levin, "Bin packing with general cost structures"
13:00-14:00 Lunch break
14:00-15:15 Parallel sessions:
Track 1: Algorithms(chair: Yefim Dinitz):
- Igor Averbakh, "Minmax regret bottleneck problems with solution-induced interval uncertainty structure"
- Endre Boros, Ondrej Cepek, Alex Kogan and Petr Kucera, "A subclass of Horn CNFs optimally compressible in polynomial time"
- Alexander Zadorojniy, Guy Even and Adam Shwartz, "A strongly polynomial algorithm for controlled queues"
Track 2: Scheduling 1(chair: Michal Penn):
1.Bezalel Gavish, "Batch sizing and scheduling in serial multistage production system"
2.Yaron Leyvand, Dvir Shabtay, George Steiner and Liron Yedidsion, "Just-in-time scheduling with controllable processing times on single and parallel machines"
3.Gur Mosheiov and Assaf Sarig, "Scheduling a maintenance activity to minimize total weighted completion-time"
15:15-15:25 short break
15:25-16:15 Parallel sessions:
Track 1: Supply chain (chair: Van-Dat Cung):
1.Tadeusz Sawik, "A two-objective mixed integer programming approach for supply chain scheduling"
2.Grzegorz Pawlak, "Multi-layer agent scheduling and control model in the car factory"
Track 2: Networks 1(chair: Dror Rawitz):
- Oren Ben-Zwi, Danny Hermelin, Daniel Lokshtanov and Ilan Newman, "An exact almost optimal algorithm for target set selection in social networks"
- André Amaral, Alberto Caprara, Juan José Salazar González and Adam Lechford, "Lower bounds for the minimum linear arrangement of a graph"
16:15-16:45 Coffee break
16:45-17:45 Plenary talk(chair: Michal Penn): – Maurice Queyranne "Structural and algorithmic properties for parametric minimum cuts"
17:45-17:55 short break
17:55-19:10 Parallel sessions:
Track 1: Scheduling 2(chair: Gur Mosheiov):
- Jan Pelikán, " Hybrid flow shop with adjustment"
- Alexander Lazarev, "An approximation method for estimating optimal value of minimizing scheduling problems"
- Alexander Kvaratskhelia and Alexander Lazarev, "An algorithm for total weighted completion time minimization in preemptive equal job length with release dates on a single machine"
Track 2: Optimization 1(chair:Jacek Blazewicz):
- Michael Katz and Carmel Domshlak, "Pushing the envelope of abstraction-based admissible heuristics"
- Roberto Battiti and Paolo Campigotto, "Brain-machine optimization: learning objective functions by interacting with the final user"
- Lukasiak Piotr, Blazewicz Jacek, David Klatzmann, " CompuVac* - development and standardized evaluation of novel genetic vaccines".
19:30-21:00 Reception
9:00-10:00 Plenary talk(chair: Silvano Martello) – Yefim Dinitz "Efficient algorithms for AND/OR (max-min) scheduling problems on graphs"
10:00-10:30 coffee break
10:30- 11:45 Parallel sessions:
Track 1: Metaheuristics(chair: Julian Molina):
- Johan Oppen, "Parametric models of local search progression"
- Gregory Gutin and Daniel Karapetyan, "Local search heuristics for the multidimensional assignment problem"
- José Brandão, "A tabu search algorithm for the open vehicle routing problem with time windows"
Track 2: Networks 2(chair: Van-Dat Cung):
- Silvano Martello, "Jacobi, Koenig, Egerváry and the roots of combinatorial optimization"
- Shoshana Anily and Aharona Pfeffer, " The uncapacitated swapping problem on a line and on a circle"
- Susann Schrenk, Van-Dat Cung and Gerd Finke, "Revisiting the fixed charge transportation problem"
11:45-12:00 short break
12:00-12:50 Parallel sessions:
Track 1: Optimization 2(chair: Gur Mosheiov):
- Gur Mosheiovand Assaf Sarig, "Scheduling and due-date assignment problems with job rejection"
- Ephraim Korach and Michal Stern, "TDIness in the clustering tree problem"
Track 2: Convex combinatorial optimization problems(chair: MauriceQueyranne):
- Tiit Riismaa, "Application of convex extension of discrete-convex functions in combinatorial optimization"
- Boaz Golany, Moshe Kress, Michal Penn and Uriel Rothblum, "Resource allocation in temporary advantage competitions"
13:10-14:30 Lunch
14:30-23:00 Trip+Conference gala dinner
9:00-10:15 Parallel sessions:
Track 1: (9:00-10:15) Scheduling 3(chair: Asaf Levin):
- Liron Yedidsion, "Computational analysis of two fundamental problems in MRP"
- Sergey Sevastyanov and Bertrand M.T. Lin, "Efficient algorithm of generating all optimal sequences for the two-machine Johnson problem"
- Alexander Lazarev, "An approximate method for solving scheduling problems"
Track 2: (9:25-10:15) Heuristics 1(chair:Jacek Blazewicz):
- Mark Sh. Levin, "Combinatorial optimization problems in system configuration and reconfiguration"
- Aleksandra Swiercz, Jacek Blazewicz, Marek Figlerowicz, Piotr Gawron, Marta Kasprzak, Darren Platt and Łukasz Szajkowski, "A new method for assembling of DNA sequences"
10:15-10:45 Coffee break
10:45-12:00 Parallel sessions:
Track 1: Graphs(chair: Alain Hertz):
- Dietmar Cieslik, "The Steiner ratio"
- Martin Charles Golumbic and Robert E. Jamison, "Tolerance and Rank-Tolerance in Graphs:Mathematical and Algorithmic Problems"
- Peter Adams, Moshe Rosenfeld and Hoa Vu Dinh, "Spanning graph designs"
Track 2: Heuristics 2(chair: Michal Penn):
- Michal Penn and Eli Troupiansky, " A heuristic algorithm for solving the heterogeneous open vehicle routing problem"
- Dorit Ron, Ilya Safro and Achi Brandt, "Fast multilevel algorithms for linear and planar ordering problems"
- L.F. Escudero and S. Muñoz, "A greedy procedure for solving the line design problem for a rapid transit network"
12:00-12:10 short break
12:10-13:10 plenary talk(chair: Van-Dat Cung) – Julian Molina "Metaheuristics for multi-objective combinatorial optimization"
13:10-13-20 concluding session
13:20-14:25 lunch