Board of Selectmen
762 Deering Center Road
Deering, NH 03244
Meeting Minutes-Approved
April 7, 2010
Selectmen present: Chairman Michelle Johnson, Selectman John Greene, and Selectman J.P. Marzullo
Town Employees present: Town Clerk/Tax Collector Nancy Cowan, Police Captain Tom Cavanaugh, Police Officer James Hargreaves, James Tramontozziand Administrative Assistant Beth Rouse
Department Heads present: Town Administrator Craig Ohlson, Police Chief James Pushee, Road Agent Peter Beard and Fire Chief Andy Anderson
Public present: Jim Dalzell, Ellen Kraus, Carrie Platt, Bruce Couturier and Leigh Bosse
The meeting began at 6:30pm
Town Clerk/Tax Collector Nancy Cowan came forth to inform the Board of Selectmen that she has been experiencing some recurring problems with her computer. Steve Vigeant from Data Revolution was in and informed Mrs. Cowan that “something” was writing to the hard drive repeatedly. The computer that Mrs. Cowan currently uses is the oldest in the building and needs to be replaced before tax billing season as to avoid any major issues. Mr. Cowan donated a computer to the Town; Administrative Assistant Beth Rouse informed the Board of Selectmen that this computer is in need of a hard drive and a cat-5 port; however it has a great processor and ample memory. Mrs. Rouse stated she will contact Mr. Vigeant and receive some quotes for the necessary hard drive. Mrs. Cowan also brought up the fact that although the Town is switching banks from TDBank to LakeSunapee, Mrs. Cowan stated that her deposits for the state will continue to be deposited into TDBank; the Treasurer will be responsible for making the deposits into LakeSunapee. Mrs. Cowan also informed the Board that she will be attending a training session with Avitar next week to begin the process of accepting tax payments online. The Deed letters will be mailed on Thursday, April 8, 2010.
Police Chief James Pushee introduced Ellen Kraus as the new part-time Officer. Ms. Kraus was sworn in and welcomed to the Deering Police Department.
Town Clerk/Tax Collector Nancy Cowan, Police Captain Tom Cavanaugh, Officer James Hargreaves, and Officer Ellen Kraus departed.
Police Chief James Pushee reviewed with the Board of Selectmen the monthly report of the Police Department. Chief Pushee informed the Board of Selectmen that Captain Cavanaugh is still on medical leave, but recovering quickly. Chief Pushee explained that the Crown Vic cruiser barely passed State Inspection because the tires were worn down; the new cruiser is in transit now from the manufacturer.
Road Agent Peter Beard reviewed with the Board of Selectmen the monthly report of the Highway Department. Selectman John Greene asked if Mr. Beard knew why the Town of Antrim dumped so much gravel on the other side of the bridge. Mr. Beard replied that he is uncertain why the Road Agent of Antrim decided to do that.
Town Administrator Craig Ohlson reviewed with the Board of Selectmen the monthly report of the Select board. Mr. Ohlson stated that he has received a complaint regarding 170 East Deering Road, Mr. Ohlson did make a trip out to that area, and clean up has begun. Mr. Ohlson stated that the Planning Board is working on revisions to the Master Plan including survey questions that will be distributed to the public. Chairman Michelle Johnson motioned to appoint Selectman J.P. Marzullo as Selectmen Liaison to the Planning Board. Selectman John Greene seconded. Motion passed.
Fire Chief Andy Anderson reviewed with the Board of Selectmen the monthly report of the Fire & Rescue Department. Chief Anderson stated that the Fire Department responded to 22 calls in the month of March. The Fire Department was busy in the month of March with training. The Fire Department acquired a structure in West Deering and trained within this structure numerous times. Chief Anderson wanted to thank everyone involved for their support of the Fire and Recue at this year’s Town Meeting.
Selectman John Greene inquired if someone could find out information on the flashboards in Hillsboro, specificallyas to when they are lifted. Mr. Beard informed Mr. Greene that the dam is actually 12 feet lower than the level of his house. Mr. Ohlson stated that he will look into this for Mr. Greene and contact the Army Corps of Engineers.
Fire Chief Andy Anderson and James Tramontozzi departed.
Carrie Platt was introduced to the Board of Selectmen. Ms. Platt works as the diversion officer for the Town of Antrim. Ms. Platt gave a brief description of her qualifications and experience. Ms. Platt stated that she was concerned about the Hillsboro/Deering relationship. J.P. Marzullo replied by stating that the Town of Deering requested that Ms. Platt attend tonight’s meeting, Ms. Platt did not contact the Town. Police Chief James Pushee stated that with all new things there will be a period of adjustment. Ms. Platt stated that currently she gets referrals from Prosecutor Mike Beausoleil and the Antrim Police Department. Selectman John Greene stated that at this time, the Town of Deering is still in agreement negotiations with the Town of Hillsboro. Selectman J.P. Marzullo replied that any decision relating to the hiring of Ms. Platt will need to wait until the next Board of Selectmen meeting following a meeting with Hillsboro.
Police Chief James Pushee and Carrie Platt departed.
The Board of Selectmen reviewed the meeting minutes from March 17, 2010. Chairman Michelle Johnson motioned to accept meeting minutes as written. Selectman John Greene seconded. Motion passed.
Town Administrator Craig Ohlson informed the Board of Selectmen that the WestDeeringBridge will officially close on Monday, April 19, 2010. The Bridge will be reopened to traffic by September 30, 2010.
Town Administrator Craig Ohlson updated the Board of Selectmen on the current legal issues. In the case of Raymond Daniels versus the Town of Deering, the dismissal hearing had not yet been scheduled. There is no new news on the case filed by James Rymes. In regards to Al Lindquist, Mr. Lindquist might be interested in attending the next Board of Selectmen meeting.
Selectman J.P. Marzullo stated his concern that the Deering Conservation Commission had CampTuckernuck on their meeting agenda. Selectman Marzullo was curious if there are two boards pursuingthe possibility of the Society leasing the land to the Town. Mr. Ohlson stated that there is a bankruptcy hearing scheduled for April 9, 2010 and that Steve Perron from the Society will be in attendance. Selectman Marzullo would like to be certain that Town Administrator Craig Ohlson talk to the Conservation Chairman regarding what the Town’s posture is regarding CampTuckernuck.
The Town of Deering is currently in the process of switching over the general fund account from TDBank to LakeSunapee. Treasurer Stuart Huggard stated that Lake Sunapee has been easier to work with in regards to acquiring Tax Anticipation Notes, lower interest rates on both the general fund checking account and the recently approved purchase/lease of the Highway Departments 10-wheeler. Beth Rouse, Administrative Assistant asked the Board of Selectmen to grant permission to the Administrative Assistant and Town Treasurer to perform online banking capabilities with LakeSunapee and to limit online transfers (ACH) by the Treasurer and/or Administrative Assistant to $50,000.00 per day. Chairman Michelle Johnson motioned to grant permission to the Administrative Assistant and Treasurer online banking access for the general fund located at LakeSunapee. Selectman J.P. Marzullo seconded. All in favor. Motion passed.
Chairman Michelle Johnson requested that the audit and the Trustees of the Trust Funds be placed on the agenda until those items are completed.
The Board of Selectmen reviewed the parameters for both the Assessing Advisory Committee and the Transfer Station Feasibility Advisory Committee. The Board of Selectmen signed the parameters for both Advisory Committees.
The Board of Selectmen reviewed the revised Transfer Station Agreement between the Towns of Hillsborough and Deering. A long discussion ensued and the Board of Selectmen agreed to reduce the $25,000 capital expenditures to $10,000 since the Deering Master Plan reflects this amount. The Board of Selectmen chose to delete a line in paragraph 5 that states ‘… capital costs and debt reduction’.
Administrative Assistant Beth Rouse handed out the quarterly financial statements. The Board of Selectmen reviewed these financial statements.
The Board of Selectmen agreed that at the June 2, 2010 Department Head meeting, a Hazard Mitigation meeting should be included.
The Board of Selectmen reviewed and approved the following documents:
Elderly Exemptions and Veterans Credit application
Timber Tax Levies
Lien Execution Report
Request from Town Clerk/Tax Collector for refund of overpayments
Lien Search Contract
Treasurer’s Manifest for March 31, 2010 in the amount of $4,018.00
Payroll Manifest for March 24, 2010 in the amount of $11,809.30
Payroll Manifest for March 31, 2010 in the amount of $9,485.65
Payroll Manifest for April 7, 2010 in the amount of $9,957.07
Accounts Payable Manifest for April 7, 2010 in the amount of $50,269.41
Hillsboro-Deering School District Monthly Manifest in the amount of $197,722.12
Ambulance Accounts Payable Manifest in the amount of $4,197.60
Purchase Order submitted by Highway Department
Selectman J.P. Marzullo motioned to adjourn. Selectman John Greene seconded. Motion passed. Chairman Michelle Johnson adjourned the meeting at 8:37pm
The next Board of Selectmen meeting will be held on Wednesday, April 21, 2010 beginning at 6:30pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Beth Rouse
Administrative Assistant