Contractor: Report # Covering the Mo/Yr of:
Project Name: Project # Address:
Phase-in of Local Law 77 Requirements
Local Law 77 Requirements for Contracts Awarded After:June 19, 2004 / December 19, 2004 / June 19, 2005 / December 19, 2005
Contracts in Lower Manhattan / ULSD & BAT / ULSD & BAT / ULSD & BAT / ULSD & BAT
Contracts > $2M City-Wide / Not applicable / ULSD / ULSD & BAT / ULSD & BAT
Contracts < $2M City-Wide / Not applicable / ULSD / ULSD / ULSD & BAT
Equipment Used on Site
Please list all diesel equipment over 50 horsepower (HP) used and to be used on site for more than 20 days during contract duration. Indicate the Best Available Technology (BAT) used for each in compliance with LL77, the Contract, and the requirements of the DEP. See DEP website for regular updates. List each piece of equipment separately, even if it is the same make and model.
Days Used / Type / Make / Model # / VIN # / HPRating / DEP approved BAT installed
(DEP sticker must be applied to vehicle indicating BAT type and date installed.)
Months / This
Mo. / Future
(est.) / Date installed / Make / Model / Tier*
I, II, III / DEP waiver** required
(Use DDC Supplement to Monthly Report Form to attach additional pages if necessary)
* Attach copy of DEP determination if Tier II or Tier III BAT is proposed or used.
* * Attach copy of DEP Waiver if BAT requirement is waived for any reason during all or part of the contract period
Summary of Listed Equipment and BAT
Total pieces of Equipment used on site this Month = Total that used BAT this Month =
Total pieces of Equipment used on site this Calendar Year = Total that used BAT this Year =
Diesel Fuel Used
The use of Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel Fuel (ULSD) with less than 15 parts per million (ppm) sulfur is required * for all diesel equipment and engines (50 HP or greater) used on site. Please indicate your fuel use for this month and the running total for the calendar year. Copies of fuel invoices and these forms with required attachments must be kept on site and supplied to DDC/DEP representatives upon request.
/Other Low Sulfur Diesel Fuels
Fuel Supplier / <15 ppm sulfur / 16-30 ppm sulfur* / Fuel used as Tier III BAT* / Other(List fuel-based BAT’s here)
gallons / gallons / gallons / gallons
Totals for the Calendar Year
* Attach copy of DEP Determination/ Waiver.
Declaration of Compliance
By signing this document, I certify that the information provided is accurate, that all diesel equipment over 50 hp used on the project during the reporting period by my employees and subcontractors is included and, except as explained above, all diesel fuel used on the project during the reporting period was ULSD with sulfur content less than 15 ppm, and that all BAT retrofits have been selected and installed in accord with LL 77. Note that DEP will audit sites to ensure forms are accurate. Fines for non-compliance and fraud will be levied by DEP against the Contractor according to the terms of the Law.
Signed: Date:
Name and Title
There are other Prime Contractors on this site whose equipment is not included here.