PURPOSE OF REPORT: / To keep the board up to date on key pieces of work undertaken by the CCG in relation to commissioning and contracting activities, including procurement and sanctions.
Recommendations: / The Board is asked to note the information shared in the report
Sub Committee Process and Assurance: / Procurement & Contract decisions are overseen by the Care Contracting Committee which has the delegated authority to act.
Risk Assurance Framework Implications: / Procurements and contract decisions are overseen by the Care Contracting Committee, it will assess and manage the risks associated with the correct contracting methodology and the actions taken in managing the CCG’s contracts to ensure providers meet their obligations.
Legal Implications: / The risk of undertaking a procurement incorrectly or of sanctions taken on a contracts is of a legal challenge to the process by the provider or other external interested party. CCC needs to ensure any and all risks associated with the contracts are assessed and understood.
Equality Impact Assessment implications: / An Equality Impact Analysis/Assessment is not required for this report ☒
An Equality Impact Analysis/Assessment has been completed and approved by the EIA
Panel. As a result of performing the analysis/assessment there are no actions arising ☐
from the analysis/assessment
An Equality Impact Analysis/Assessment has been completed and there are actions arising ☐
from the analysis/assessment and these are included in section ____ of the enclosed report
Finance Implications: / Financial pressures could arise through having to agree a contract envelope that is higher than the funding available, giving rise to the need to produce further savings plan for implementation. The CCC will consider the impact as part of its contract and procurement process evaluation.
Quality Implications: / Each contract considered will factor in the quality risks – these have all been communicated to the Quality Leads to ensure captured as part of the monitoring process
Procurement Decisions/Implications(Care Contracting Committee): / Any decisions to go out for procurement or award contracts will be discussed at the CCC, this report will communicate the decision and the basis for that decision to the Partnership Board.
Engagement Implications:
/ There are no engagement implications to this report
Conflicts of Interest / Have all conflicts and potential conflicts of interest been appropriately declared and entered in registers which are publicly available?
☒ Yes ☐ No
Links to CCG’s Strategic Objectives / ☐Sustainable services ☐Empowering people
☐Supporting communities ☒Delivering a fit for purpose organisation
NHS Constitution: /
Ensuring services commissioned for the public are fit for purpose, quality and cost effective.
Appendices / attachments / None

Contract Report to May 2018

  1. Contract Procurements:

NHS 111

The Procurement for this service has gone live Friday 27th April. A bidder’s day was held in Wakefield to parties that had expressed interest at the prior information notice stage. 8 bidders attended and each Area (WY,SY, HCV) set out the current expectations and relationships with local providers of SPA and GP OOH services.

The award date is expected to be September of 2018, with bidder evaluations in late July, at which CCG’s will be asked to support with clinical, quality and service colleagues to assist I the evaluation. The go live date is 1st April 2019.

Carers Centre

The Carers centre is coming to the end of its current contract and will be going out for procurement this summer. The evaluation panels will include service users and their feedback and comments on the bids will be incorporated into the final evaluation.

  1. Contracts

The current NHS contracts were 2 years based and so required just a contract variation for year 2 to reflect national contract changes and variations in funding in light of planning guidance or not having set a value in year 1.

The CCG has agreed all these contract variations at the time of writing bar 1.

Contracts Agreed

Northern Lincolnshire and Goole Foundation Trust – The CCG has agreed an initial position with the Trust, working with NHSI and NHSE which will be refined in the first quarter to take account of savings and efficiencies the CCG pans to make and a reflection of the capacity achievable by the Trust over the next year. This currently sets a difference of £4.0m between the CCG and Trust expectation which will be reduced as we implement the changes re demand and some technical changes to activity.

Other Contracts

•HEYT – Agreed

•Sheffield Teaching and Children's –Agreed

•Leeds Teaching Hospital - Agreed

•St Hugh’s – Agreed

•Care Plus Group – Agreed

•Navigo – Agreed

Still Outstanding

•East Midland Ambulance Service – not yet agreed across 23 CCG’s. It is expected that there will be agreement in the next week to sign a variation and plan.

  1. Residential and Home Care Update

Garden House - This provider has had its contract terminated due to a number of issues and failure to improve despite a number of breach notices. The funded residents are being moved out and Focus and CCG have been working with families of funded and self-funded residents they are fully aware and as required. The CCG has been working closely with the CQC about this issue.

Ashgrove, we have been working with Ashgrove over a significant period of time to raise the standards in the home.

It is now felt that they are operating at above the required standard and has been removed from the MIFs agenda.

The Grove, a full review of the Notice of Improvement (which was extended until the end of March) was undertaken.

The Grove are now fully compliant. A recommendation to remove the NOI and suspension has been made to Care Contracting Committee.

Domiciliary Care

Noise in the system has reduced. No real concerns raised by providers. There are individual capacity issues, usually with 2 carer calls. Winter pressures capacity has been extended due to this.

This is however due to the time task way of working. The Pilot in Humberston and Cleethorpes is showing to be much more responsive with plenty of scope to take new packages.

Eddie McCabe

May 2018