Tender Date : 13.03.2015

Tender Due Date : 23.03.2015 at 02.00 PM

Tender Opening Date : 23.03.2015 at 04.00 PM

M/S. ______


Dear Sirs,

Sub. : Engagement of one Eight (08) Seater Taxi Quota Vehicle such as INNOVA, TAVERA OR SUMO GOLD OR ANY OTHER MAKE ETC” (With Fuel & driver having proper valid driving licence) – Model- 2013 or Above .

(Contract period 01.04.2015 to 31.03.2016 extendable for further period subject to Company’s discretion.

Balmer Lawrie & Co. Ltd., a Government of India Enterprise under the Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas is a multi-activity, multi technology, multi-location conglomerate with global footprints – along with its joint Ventures, encompassing diverse interests in Manufacturing Sector via, Industrial Packaging, Grease & Lubricants, Performance Chemicals and Tours & Travels, Logistics Infrastructure & Services and Engineering & Technology Services.

We need to hire one vehicle for bringing / dropping the Company’s officials from / to Huda City Centre Metro Station. The vehicle may also be required to visit adjoining areas such as Delhi etc. etc depending on the operational requirements.

Your Sealed / Closed tender / quotation is invited to undertake the subject job. Your Offer in the sealed / closed envelop clearly marked as “Tender for HIRING OF 8 SEATER VEHICLE ” along with a Demand Draft of Rs.5,000/- (Rupees Fiv e Thousand) only towards Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) by way of Demand Draft in favour of BALMER LAWRIE & CO. LTD., payable at NEW DELHI should be sent at the above address addressing to the Chief Manager (HR)-NR and or to be dropped in the Tender Box at our office so to reach us on or before the due date & time i.e. 23.03.2015 at 02.00 PM.

Offers received without EMD shall be treated as Invalid. EMD will be refunded by cheque to unsuccessful tenderers after finalization of tender.

Please submit your offer as per Annexure-1 attached.






1.  We are looking for a contractor to provide us one 08 Seater Vehicle ’ (with Fuel) of Model -2013 or above , on monthly hire charges basis, for bringing & dropping company’s officers from / to Huda City Centre Metro Station on the following basis for a period of one year extendable for further period, from the date of placement of work order. The vehicle may also be required to visit adjoining areas such as Delhi etc. etc depending on the operational requirements.

-  The normal working hours shall be 12 hours to start from 8.30 AM to 8.30 PM.

-  The vehicle shall be required for all seven days and also on ‘Sundays/Off-days’/Holidays. Only one alternate Sunday in a month shall be granted off day to vehicle for maintenance purpose.

-  In case the Driver being on leave or the vehicle is under breakdown, the Contractor shall make alternative arrangement without disturbing the normal running of the vehicles.

Other than Petrol, vehicle with HSD Driven Engine would be allowed,

2.  The tenderers are required to submit their offer to our above office, address on or before the due date & time, as given above, as per the format given in Annexure-1 to this enquiry, in a sealed / closed envelop marked “Tender for Engagement of ‘08- SEATER VEHICLE’ enclosing therein an EMD amount of Rs.5,000/- (Rupees Five Thousand) only by way of Demand Draft/Pay Order in favour of “BALMER LAWRIE & CO. LTD.,” payable at NEW DELHI. Cheque / Cash or any other form of payment is not acceptable towards EMD.

3.  Those who are interested to submit their offers against this tender enquiry should have in possession at least one vehicle in their own name/firm (proof to be submitted along with the offer). In case the bidders fail to submit the proof along with the offer, the offer shall be treated as invalid. However, the successful bidder shall have to provide proof of possession of two nos. ‘’08-SEATERS VEHICLE – 2013 Model or Above ” proposed to be engaged in their own name/firm, along with the copy of the R.C. Insurance Papers etc. within 7 days of the confirm order. Please note that the successful bidder shall not be allowed to give sub-contract to any other person/firm and no vehicle other than the vehicles registered in the name of successful bidder shall be allowed under the job contract.

4.  Late tenders / delayed tenders including postal delay and those not conforming to the prescribed terms and conditions, without EMD or tie up with other transactions towards EMD will not be considered at all.

5.  For accepted tenderer, EMD will be refunded only after they submit the necessary Security Deposit against the work order placed on them. EMD shall be refunded by Cheque to unsuccessful tenderers after finalization of tender. EMD will carry no interest.

6.  Validity of Quotation: The quotation should be valid for the Company’s acceptance for a period of 45 days (excluding the due date) from the date of opening of tender.

7.  The company would normally not carry out any negotiation except with such party/parties who is/are the lowest tenderers originally i.e. when the tenders are first opened. As such it would be in the interest of the tenderers to quote lowest rates in the beginning. The tenderer will be required to confirm the negotiations in writing within the time stipulated. If the tenderer fails to comply with this requirement, the company reserves the right to evaluate their tender at its discretion based on their original rates.

8.  The tenderer should read this tender enquiry carefully and submit the same along with their offer to the company, duly signed and stamped by them confirming their acceptance to the terms & conditions.

9.  Validity of the Work Order : The contract if any awarded against this tender will be valid for a period of one year from the date of Work Order / or as advised by the Company. The same would be extendable for a further period on the same terms and conditions, mutually acceptable to both the parties, and subject to discretion of the Company.




10.  Within 7 days of the Company’s communication to the successful tenderer of the acceptance of the rates, they will have to deposit with the company security amount equivalent to 10 % of the estimated contract value in the following manner :

i) DD/pay order in favor of Balmer Lawrie & Co.Ltd., payable at New Delhi Cheque will not be accepted.

ii) Guarantee Bond executed by a Nationalized Bank approved by RBI as per Company’s Standard format.

iii)  The security Deposit shall not bear any interest and shall be refunded by cheque only.

11.  In case of unsatisfactory performance of the successful tenderer, failure to adhere to prescribed norms or mis-behaviour with employees of the company etc. the company reserves its right to cancel the contract or to deduct such amounts as the company may deem reasonable due to the loss of goodwill, business, goods from the security deposit.

12.  The EMD/SD shall be liable to forefeiture in case the successful bidder fails to provide the vehicle within the stipulated time and the order so awarded/to be awarded may be cancelled at the discretion of the Company.

13.  The maintenance/servicing etc. of vehicle will be borne by the successful tenderer.

14.  In case of breakdown, alternative arrangements will have to be made by the successful tenderer, by providing another suitable vehicle. In case the tenderer fails to provide another vehicle in time, the Company may hire a vehicle from the market, the hire charges of the vehicle would be recovered from monthly bill of the tenderer.

15.  The vehicle should be covered under Comprehensive Insurance Policy.

16.  Payment will be made only on the basis of actual running verified by the officer of the company within 15 days from the date of receipt of the monthly bill. Income Tax would be deducted at the rate applicable from time to time from the monthly Vehicle running bill towards tax deducted at source.

17.  The tenderer shall hold the company harmless and indemnified from and against all claims, charge and cost for which the company may be held liable under the Workmen’s Compensation Act, 1923. Employees Liability Act, 1930 and amendments thereof and expenses which the company may be made to bear by them in respect of personnel injuries to the servants and employees of the company, arising out or occasion through the acts of commissions/omissions whether due to negligence or not, of the contractor his agents or his employees in carrying out the job of the tenderer.

18.  The tenderer shall hold the company harmless and indemnified from all claims, costs and charges for which the company may be held liable in respect of any loss of injury exchanged to any third party through servants/employees/agents. This indemnity shall be in addition to, and not in lieu of any indemnity towards the Company may be entitled by law.

19.  The tenderer shall pay their workers as per the Minimum Wages applicable in the State, and shall indemnify the company against any claim arising out of any action taken against the Company on account of tenderer’s failure to fulfill the above conditions.




20.  Price Escalation / De – escalation

The date of escalation / de-escalation will be from the date of increase/decrease of HSD price for actual KMs covered. No other price escalation on any account will be entertained during the contract period. Escalation / de-escalation in rate will only be applicable if minimum increase / decrease in HSD price is Rs.1.00 per litre from the existing price. The current HSD price as on date of enquiry would be applicable prevailing at Gurgaon for this purpose. The vehicle average mileage per litr has to be declared by the tenderer.


Increase in cost (Rs./Per KM) = Revised fuel price (-) Rs.------(HSD Rates as on date of enquiry

Average milage of vehicle running

Toll Tax: shall be reimbursed at actual against documentary evidence.


Any dispute or difference arising out of this Contract shall be referred for adjudication at Kolkata to a sole Arbitrator to be appointed by the Chairman & Managing Director of Balmer Lawrie & Co Ltd. The fees of the arbitrator, if any, shall be shared equally by both the parties.

For Balmer Lawrie & Co Ltd

Chief Manager (HR)-NR

Signature of Tenderer with Official Seal/Stamp







S.No. / Description / Rate (Rs.) /per Month / per vehicle
1. / Monthly hire charges for 2500 Kms.
Running / In Numerals
In Words
2. / Per Km. rate for beyond 2500 Kms.
running during a month / In Numerals
In Words
3. / Rebate per Km. for less than 2500 Kms.
monthly running during a month / In Numerals
In Words
4. / Overtime charges per hour
(beyond normal working hours i.e. from 08.30 AM to 08.30 PM only.) / In Numerals
In Words
5. / Night/Outstation Halting Charges after 12.00 PM only. / In Numerals
In Words
6. / Average mileage of the offered vehicle In Kilometers / In Numerals
In Words


v  Tenderers are requested to fill in above column.

v  Overwriting and erasing will not be accepted.

v  Full signatures with stamp is necessary wherever corrections made.

v  The estimated figures given above are only indicative and do not carry

any commitment. The actual running would depend upon the quantum of business

and hence the Company will not entertain any liability, whatsoever,

in case of wide fluctuations.

I/We have studied the tender documents carefully and have quoted our lowest rates in accordance with the terms and conditions.

Signature of tenderer with official

Date: Seal/Rubber Stamp