Dental Assistant Biomedical Sciences WVEIS Code 0741
Within this course, the Dental Assistant Biomedical Sciences student will review proper nutrition as it relates to preventive dentistry. Students will examine basic structures and functions of the human body and their relevance to dental treatment. The course will further focus upon principles of disease transmission and prevention. Current technology will be utilized to master course standards. Students are provided the opportunity to participate in a Career and Technical Student Organization (CTSO).
Standard 1: Nutrition (0741.S.1)
Students will describe the benefits of proper nutrition.
Nutrition Objectives
Students will:
0741.1.1 Discuss the importance of good nutrition.
0741.1.2 Explain the overall goal of preventive dentistry in relation to nutrition.
0741.1.3 Identify the US Department of Agriculture Food Pyramid.
0741.1.4 Label foods that fall within each food group.
0741.1.5 Complete a dietary analysis form.
Standard 2: Basic Structures and Functions of the Human Body (0741.S.2)
Students will describe the basic structures and functions of the human body.
Basic Structures and Functions of the Human Body Objectives
Students will:
0741.2.1 Name and describe the structures and functions of each system of the human body.
0741.2.2 Describe the major body systems and correctly identify each on an unlabeled drawing.
0741.2.3 Explain the relevance of an accurate Patient Health History Dental Form and the relation to dental treatment.
Standard 3: Disease Transmission and Prevention (0741.S.3)
Students will describe and apply principles of disease transmission and prevention.
Disease Transmission and Prevention Objectives
Students will:
0741.3.1 Define, pronounce and spell terminology as related to microbiology, bacteriology and sterilization.
0741.3.2 Examine the conditions necessary for microorganisms to grow.
0741.3.3 Recognize the cycle of microorganism transmission and prevention.
0741.3.4 Describe the application of “Standard Precautions.”
0741.3.5 Identify common pathogenic microorganisms.
0741.3.6 Identify causes and symptoms of acute inflammatory reaction.
0741.3.7 Identify causes, symptoms and prevention of Hepatitis B.
0741.3.8 Identify causes, symptoms and prevention of HIV/AIDS.
Standard 4: Provide and Maintain Asepsis Standards (0741.S.4)
Students will describe the Standard Operating Procedures within the dental office.
Asepsis Standards Objectives
Students will:
0741.4.1 Define, pronounce and spell terminology as related to asepsis.
0741.4.2 Compare the effectiveness of methods used to destroy various bacteria.
0741.4.3 Identify the use and purpose of an ultrasonic.
0741.4.4 Identify the use and purpose of a steam autoclave.
0741.4.5 List the various types and uses of an autoclave.
Standard 5: Infection Control (0741.S.5)
Students will describe infection control policies and procedures applicable to the dental office.
Infection Control Objectives
Students will:
0741.5.1 Identify the rationale, regulation, recommendation and training that govern infection control in the dental office.
0741.5.2 Describe how pathogens travel from person to person in the dental office.
0741.5.3 List primary routes of microbial transmission and the associated dental procedures that affect the dental assistant.
0741.5.4 List various disinfectants and their applications as used in dentistry.
0741.5.5 Identify and show the proper usage of pre-procedure mouth rinses, high volume evacuation, dental dams and disposable items.
Standard 6: Personal Protective Equipment (0741.S.6)
Students will describe the use and application of Personal Protective Equipment in the dental office.
Personal Protective Equipment Objectives
Students will:
0741.6.1 Discuss standards of practice related to personal hygiene, hair, nails, jewelry and cologne.
0741.6.2 Demonstrate proper hand washing procedures.
0741.6.3 List types and use of protective eye ware.
0741.6.4 List types and use of protective gloves.
0741.6.5 List types and use of protective mask/shield.
0741.6.6 List types and use of protective fluid resistant gown.
0741.6.7 List guideline for disposing/laundering of attire.
Standard 7: Technology (0741.S.7)
Students will apply knowledge of computers and their use within the dental health care system.
Technology Objectives
Students will:
0741.7.1 Research the options and various Computerized Dental Office Programs utilizing the Internet.
0741.7.2 Integrate the use of Dental Software Programs.
0741.7.3 Integrate the use of software, hardware and the Internet to practice and master standards.
0741.7.4 Utilize the Internet as a resource/research tool.
Standard 8: Student Organization (0741.S.8)
Students will participate in at least one Career and Technical Organization (CTSO).
Student Organization Objectives
Students will:
0741.8.1 Participate in Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA) or SkillsUSA/Vocational Industrial Clubs of America (SkillsUSA/VICA).
0741.8.2 Research the American Dental Assistants Association (ADAA) or National Association of Dental Assistants (NADA) as option for state/local membership.
0741.8.3 Apply parliamentary procedure in organizational meetings.
0741.8.4 Demonstrate team membership skill, such as cooperation and leadership.
0741.8.5 Take part in local, state and national dental health care and education projects.