Contract Renewal
Contract No.: 640-002-12-1
Contract Name: Commercial Paper and Other Facility Items
This Amendment (“Amendment”), effective as of November 2, 2016 to the Commercial Paper and Other Facility Items Contract No. 640-002-12-1 (“Contract”), between the State of Florida, Department of Management Services (“Department”) and Dade Paper and Bag Company (“Contractor”) are collectively referred to herein as the “Parties.” All capitalized terms used herein shall have the meaning assigned to them in the Contract unless otherwise defined herein.
WHEREAS the Department awarded the above referenced Contract to Dade Paper and Bag Company for the provisions of Commercial Paper and Other Facility Items; and
WHEREAS the Parties agreed that the Contract may be amended by mutual agreement as provided in section 4.42 “Modification of Terms” of the Contract; and
WHEREAS the Parties agree to renew the Contract as provided in section 4.26 “Renewal” of Contract No. 640-002-12-1; and
THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises contained below, and other good and valuable consideration, receipt, and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the Parties agree to the following;
I. Contract Amendment.
a) The contract is amended to rename section 3.10.1 “Diversity” of the Contract to be “Diversity Reporting,” delete it in its entirety and replace it with the following:
The State of Florida supports its diverse business community by creating opportunities for woman-, veteran-, and minority-owned small businesses to participate in procurements and contracts. The Department encourages supplier diversity through certification of woman-, veteran-, and minority-owned small business enterprises, and provides advocacy, outreach, and networking through regional business events. For additional information, please contact the Office of Supplier Diversity (OSD) at .
Upon request, the Contractor shall report to the Department its spend with business enterprises certified by the OSD. These reports must include the time period covered, the name and Federal Employer Identification Number of each business enterprise utilized during the period, commodities and contractual services provided by the business enterprise, and the amount paid to the business enterprise on behalf of each Customer purchasing under the Contract.
The Contractor shall not subcontract any work under the Contract without prior written consent of the Department. The Contractor is fully responsible for satisfactory completion of all subcontracted work. The Department supports diversity in its procurements and contracts, and requests that Contractors offer subcontracting opportunities to certified woman-, veteran-, and minority-owned small businesses. The Contractor may contact the OSD at for information on certified business enterprises available for subcontracting opportunities.
b) The Contract is further amended to delete the content under section 5.19 “Contractor – Public Records” in its entirety and replace it with the following:
(1) The Department may unilaterally cancel this Contract for refusal by the Contractor to comply with this section by not allowing public access to all documents, papers, letters or other material made or received by the Contractor in conjunction with the Contract, unless the records are exempt from section 24(a) of Article I of the State Constitution and section 119.07(1), F.S.
(2) If, under this Contract, the Contractor is providing services and is acting on behalf of a public agency as provided by section 119.0701, F.S., the Contractor shall:
(a) Keep and maintain public records required by the public agency in order to perform the service.
(b) Upon request from the public agency, provide the public agency with a copy of the requested records or allow the records to be inspected or copied within a reasonable time at a cost that does not exceed the cost provided in Chapter 119, F.S., or as otherwise provided by law.
(c) Ensure that public records that are exempt or confidential and exempt from public records disclosure requirements are not disclosed except as authorized by law for the duration of the contract term and following completion of the contract if the Contractor does not transfer the records to the public agency.
(d) Upon completion of the Contract, transfer, at no cost, to the public agency all public records in possession of the Contractor or keep and maintain public records required by the public agency to perform the service. If the Contractor transfers all public records to the public agency upon completion of the contract, the Contractor shall destroy any duplicate public records that are exempt or confidential and exempt from public records disclosure requirements. If the Contractor keeps and maintains public records upon completion of the contract, the Contractor shall meet all applicable requirements for retaining public records. All records stored electronically must be provided to the public agency in a format that is compatible with the information technology systems of the public agency.
Protection of Trade Secrets or Other Confidential Information
(1) If the Contractor considers any portion of materials made or received in the course of performing the Contract (“contract-related materials”) to be trade secret under section 812.081, Florida Statutes, or otherwise confidential under Florida or federal law, the Contractor must clearly designate that portion of the materials as “confidential” when submitted to the Department.
(2) If the Department receives a public records request for contract-related materials designated by the Contractor as “confidential,” the Department will provide only the portions of the contract-related materials not designated as “confidential.” If the requester asserts a right to examine contract-related materials designated as “confidential,” the Department will notify the Contractor. The Contractor will be responsible for responding to and resolving all claims for access to contract-related materials it has designated “confidential.”
(3) If the Department is served with a request for discovery of contract-related materials designated “confidential,” the Department will promptly notify the Contractor about the request. The Contractor will be responsible for filing, the appropriate motion or objection in response to the request for discovery. The Department will provide materials designated “confidential” only if the Contractor fails to take appropriate action, within timeframes established by statute and court rule, to protect the materials designated as “confidential” from disclosure.
(4) The Contractor shall protect, defend, and indemnify the Department for claims, costs, fines, and attorney’s fees arising from or relating to its designation of contract-related materials as “confidential.”
Retention of Records
Contractor shall retain sufficient documentation to substantiate claims for payment under the Contract, and all other records made in relation to the Contract, for five (5) years after expiration or termination of the Contract.
II. Contract Renewal. Pursuant to section 4.26 of the State Term Contract, the State Term Contract No.640-002-12-1 is renewed for a period of one (1) year at the same terms and conditions, with a new contract expiration date of November 1, 2017.
III. Conflict. To the extent any of the terms of this Amendment conflict with the terms of the Contract, the terms of this Amendment shall control.
IV. Warrant of Authority. Each person signing this Amendment warrants that he or she is duly authorized to do so and to bind the respective Party.
V. Effect. Unless otherwise modified by this Amendment, all terms and conditions contained in the Contract shall continue in full force and effect.
State of Florida:Department of Management Services / Contractor:
Dade Paper and Bag Company
By: ______ / By: ______
Name: Debra Forbess / Name: Jed C. Turner
Title: Director of Finance and Administration / Title: Branch Manager
Date: ______ / Date: ______
Commercial Paper and Other Facility Items Page 4 of 4
State Term Contract No.: 640-002-12-1
State Term Contract Number 640-002-12-1
Commercial Paper and Other Facility Items
This Amendment No. 2 (“Amendment”) effective on November 2, 2015 to the Commercial Paper and Other Facility Items, State Term Contract No. 640-002-12-1 (“Contract”), between the State of Florida, Department of Management Services (“Department”), and Dade Paper & Bag Company (“Contractor”) are collectively referred to herein as the “Parties.” All capitalized terms used herein shall have the meaning assigned to them in the Contract, unless otherwise defined herein.
WHEREAS, the Contract was originally awarded to the Contractor on November 3, 2011 to expire on November 2, 2014, and the first renewal option will expire on November 1, 2015 for the provision of Commercial Paper and Other Facility Items, pursuant to ITB No. 01-640-002-C; and
WHEREAS, the Parties agree to renew the contract, as provided in section 4.26 entitled “Renewal” of the Contract, with the new expiration date being November 1, 2016.; and
THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises contained below, and other good and valuable consideration, receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the Parties amend the Contracts as follows:
1.0 Contract Renewal.
Pursuant to Section 287.057(13), Florida Statutes, the Parties hereby executes its renewal option for one year, to expire not later than the end of the day on November 1, 2016.
2.0 Effect.
Unless otherwise modified by this Amendment, all terms and conditions contained in the Contract shall continue in full force and effect.
3.0 Conflict.
To the extent any of the terms of this Amendment conflict with the terms of the Contracts, the terms of this Amendment shall control.
4.0 Warrant of Authority.
Each person signing this Amendment warrants that he or she is duly authorized to do so and to bind the respective party.
State of Florida, Contractor: Dade Paper & Bag Co.
Department of Management
By: ______By: ______
Name: Chad Poppell Name: ______
Title: Secretary Title: ______
Date: ______Date: ______
State Term Contract Number 640-002-12-1
Commercial Paper and Other Facility Items
This Amendment No. 1 (“Amendment”) effective on November 2, 2014, or the date fully executed, to the Commercial Paper and Other Facility Items, State Term Contract No. 640-002-12-1 (“Contract”), between the State of Florida, Department of Management Services (“Department”) and Dade Paper & Bag Company (“Contractor”) are collectively referred to herein as the “Parties.” All capitalized terms used herein shall have the meaning assigned to them in the Contract, unless otherwise defined herein.
WHEREAS the Contract was originally awarded to the Contractor on November 3, 2011 to expire on November 2, 2014, for the provision of Commercial Paper and Other Facility Items, pursuant to ITB No. 01-640-002-C; and
WHEREAS in accordance with Section 287.057(13), Florida Statutes and section 4.26 of the contract, upon mutual agreement, the parties may renew the Contract in whole or in part, for a period that may not exceed three years; and
THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises contained below, and other good and valuable consideration, receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the Parties amend the Contracts as follows:
1.0 Contract Renewal.
Pursuant to Section 287.057(13), Florida Statutes, the Parties hereby executes its renewal option for one year, to expire not later than the end of the day on November 1, 2015.
2.0 Effect.
Unless otherwise modified by this Amendment, all terms and conditions contained in the Contract shall continue in full force and effect.
3.0 Conflict.
To the extent any of the terms of this Amendment conflict with the terms of the Contracts, the terms of this Amendment shall control.
4.0 Warrant of Authority.
Each person signing this Amendment warrants that he or she is duly authorized to do so and to bind the respective party.
5.0 Reporting Requirements.
Section 5.8 is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following:
“5.8 Contract Sales Summary Requirement.
Each Contractor shall submit a sales report on a quarterly basis. Reporting periods coincide with the State Fiscal Year:
· Quarter 1- (July‐September)
· Quarter 2 - (October‐December)
· Quarter 3 ‐ (January‐March)
· Quarter 4 - (April‐June)
Each Quarterly Sales Report must be in Excel format and shall include:
· Contractor’s Name and contact information as required on the Department of
Management Services “Contract Quarterly Report”
· Detail of time period covered by included data
· Total sales including detail of list price and contract price
· Transaction detail shall include the following:
Part Number/SKU: Your product part number if applicable
Item / Service Name: Given name of Item or Service
MFG Manufacturer: Publisher, Service Provider
Item Category: Description of the product category, according to attached table
Item Subcategory: Additional grouping for item
Product Description: Additional detail for item
Customer Name: State Agencies, Universities, Political Subdivisions, Other Eligible Users
UNSPSC Code: United Nations Standard Products and Services Code
UOM: Unit of Measure
Volume Qty: Number of items/services purchased/provided
Order Date: Order date
Date Delivered: Delivered date to customer
Purchase Type: Purchase Order, Payment Card, Other
List Price: List price
Contract Price: Contracted price with state per contract terms
Additional Fields: Any new information related to your company's products/services
Failure to provide quarterly sales reports, including no sales, within thirty (30) calendar days following the end of each quarter (September, December, March, and June) and/or contract year may result in the contract supplier being found in default and cancellation of the contract by the Department. Upon request, the Contractor shall report to the Department, spend with certified and other minority business enterprises. Reports must include the period covered, the name, minority code and Federal Employer Identification Number of each minority vendor utilized during the period, commodities and services provided by the minority business enterprise, and the amount paid to each minority vendor on behalf of each purchasing agency ordering under the terms of this contract. Initiation and submission of the Contract Sales Summaries are to be the responsibility of the Contractor without prompting or notification by the Contract Manager. The Contractor will submit the completed Contract Sales Summary forms by email to the Contract Manager.”
6.0 Public Records.
Section 5.0 is amended to add section 5.19 Contractor- Public Records and reads as follows:
“5.19 Contractor- Public Records.