Personal, Social and Emotional Development /
- Talking about and setting goals
- Following rules
- Questioning skills and talking about home life
- Learning about the cultures and beliefs of others
- Studying a different country (Brazil)
- Working together as a team
Understanding of the world /
- Finding out about other countries
- Cooking foods from around the world
- Investigating the outdoor area
- Exploring in forest school
- Directing floor robots and using Learnpads
- Planting flowers and vegetables
- Learning other language > counting to 5 in Spanish
Communication and language/literacy /
- Talking about the features of non-fiction texts
- Discussing another culture
- Reading and writing postcards
- Singing songs and chanting rhymes from around the world
- Writing own full name
- Talking to the class about the ‘This is Me’ box and the class toy they take home (Paddington)
- Independent reading/writing: passports, leaflets, shopping lists, brochures
- Using the Internet for finding out about animals from the rainforest
- Joining in with storymaking sessions, creating story maps and re-writing the ‘Paddington’ story
- Performing topical songs and stories for the nursery children
Mathematics /
- Recognising numbers to 20 and above (on rainforest characters, flowers, vegetables)
- Finding One more/One less
- Adding & subtracting
- Weighing & measuring (cooking/role play/maths table)
- Halving/Doubling >South Americancakes.
- Solving practical problems
- Using positional language
- Counting to 20 > counting rainforest animals, spots on ladybirds
- Using stop watches to time their exercises etc. Introducing clocks during free play
- Exploring money/money problems > shop role play, different currency & coin rubbings
Expressive Art & Design /
- Singing traditional songs from around the world
- Story making'Paddington's Trip'to perform to the nursery children
- Watching 'The Lion, The Witch & The Wardrobe'the musical
- Exploring international music
- Creative Cube outside, exploring sounds
- Designing leaflets/posters etc. for the trip to Cotswold Wildlife Park
- Role play in the Rainforest & singing summer songs
- Creative art activities on the ‘busy table’ (child-initiated)
Physical Development /
- Dance – from all round the world (Latin dancing, African dancing, Zumba) Being able to find a space and work in teams to make up movements to different music e.g. fast/slow
- Hall: Gym > Find different ways to travel in and around, under and over the equipment. How does your body changes during exercise?
- Finger Fun Friday: sandpaper sounds, gloop, cotton bud painting, bead threading, rice
- Outside role play – stage, shop, sensory jungle. Indoor role play – Rainforest
- Outdoor physical development > streamers, construction, sand/water tray (with animals, sounds, flags, leaves), mud kitchen