/ P. O. Box 5811
Kingwood, Texas 77325
Office: (832) 418 9180
SKYPE: (281) 968 0727
Fax: (713) 481 8428

Contract Labor Agreement

This agreement for contract labor services is made by and between:

ENGINEERING SERVICES, LP whose address is P.O. Box 5811, Kingwood, Texas,77325, hereafter referred to as the COMPANY,

And the CONTRACTOR, given below,






Social Security Number


Home/ Cell Phone

/ Zip

This contract is effective beginning______, and may be terminated by either part with out notice.

Description of Services

CONTRACTOR shall be requested by COMPANY to perform services on a “As-Needed” basis at certain locations. The duties shall also include submitting the proper activity reports as required by COMPANY or COMPANY’S client.


As full and complete compensation for CONTRACTOR”S services he shall be paid each two week and according to the following schedule:

  1. The work-week will begin on Saturday and ends on Friday. CONTRACTOR will be paid the following Friday after the work-week that the time is performed and reported. Time will be reported on COMPANY time sheet.
  1. An hourly rate of $ per hour
  1. A mileage rate of (published Client’s rate)and tolls for use of a personal automobile in performance of approved authorized services. Prior approval is required. A regular work location is not considered reimbursable mileage.
  1. Reimburse expenses authorized by COMPANY in performance of services. Prior approval is required.
  1. Overtime rates will not be paid. All hours will be paid on a flat rate bases, according Item 2, and this contract.
  1. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for his own tax debts, including federal/state taxes arising from this agreement. COMPANY will pay the hourly fee in Item 2 and will not make any deductions to pay for any of Contractor’s tax responsibilities. CONTRACTOR understands that he is responsible for ALL taxes, such as social security, state and federal taxes. CONTRACTOR understands that he will receive a 1099 Tax Form at the end of the Calendar year and he will be responsible for paying taxes on that amount. The form will indicate all fees and expenses paid to the CONTRACTOR.

Entire Agreement

This Document constitutes the entire agreement between the parties listed in the CONTRACT.

In witness where of, the parties here to have executed the agreement as of the day and year first above written.

Signature and Date / Signature and Date
Gordon A. Aaker Jr., P. E.
Contractors Initials
Contract Labor Agreement / Page 1 of 2 / Contractors Name