Contexts of Development (Module 2)

EDUC 381 (Buchanan)

Tue, Sep 8, 2015 (or Wed, Sep 9, 2015)

Kym Buchanan

Big Ideas

  1. Our students are influenced by many contexts(e.g.,Ed Psychp. 31).
  2. Children live, learn, and grow inside nested contexts. They try to meet their needs using resources in the contexts.
  3. Parents/guardians may need help understanding how and why they can participate more in their children's education.
  4. Be careful about assumptions about your students, including about their family.
  5. We need to be aware of the signs of abuse, so that we can report suspected abuse (seeEd Psychp. 34).

pluralism: includes valuing and honoring different perspectives and values. In a democracy, pluralism includes the respectful coexistence of multiple constituencies (e.g., conservative, moderate, liberal). In a society, pluralism includes the respectful coexistence of multiple backgrounds, value systems, and lifestyles, including differences in race/ethnicity, religion, dis/ability, and sexual orientation

Exam Questions

1. You teach 8th grade math. Lawrence, Todd, and Marco are boys in your class. You've assigned a unit project on data collection and representation. Each student has gathered data for two weeks. For example, one student has recorded the temperature on the thermometer outside the classroom window. Another student has recorded how many announcements were made over the intercom during home room. Then your students used tables and charts to represent the data and any trends. Today, your students are hanging up their results on the bulletin board outside your classroom. Many students created tables and charts using computers (e.g., Excel). However, Lawrence used a ruler and color pencils. Todd and Marco are making fun of Lawrence's work. "Your poor ass couldn't find a computer?" says Todd. "Maybe you should check more dumpsters." What do you do?

2.You teach 7th grade science. Camila, Stacy, and Lena are girls in your class. You've taken your students on a field trip to the planetarium. Your class is eating lunch at picnic tables outside the planetarium. Camila is silently saying grace before eating, with her fingers laced together in front of her. You notice Stacy and Lena making fun of Camila. They're whispering to each other and giggling, and lacing their fingers together and pretending to say grace. What do you do?

3.You teach 9th grade geography. Mehreen and Stanley are students in your class. Mehreen is usually very quiet in class, while Stanley often makes wise cracks. You know that Mehreen's family immigrated to the United States from Saudi Arabia when she was 2 years old. You know that Stanley's brother is currently serving in the Army. Your class is studying the geography of the Middle East, including some of the conflicts in the region since World War II. While you're lecturing about the invasion of Iraq in 2003, your slideshow includes a picture of a Predator UAV (drone). Stanley calls out, "Ain'tno one mess with 'Merica!" A few students laugh. Mehreen turns to Stanley. In an angry tone, she says, "Shut up! You don't know what you're talking about!" What do you do?