Monday – November 13, 2017 - 171113
Context: Competition - Get psyched and go for a PR today on the clean!
Dynamic Warm Up Option: 2 rounds: 8 squat jumps, 3 inch worms, 3 crab bridge, 8-12 hollow rocks, then 3 sets of 5 with the empty bar: Jefferson curl (rounded back deadlift), bent over row, hang muscle clean, shoulder press, hang squat clean
Mobility: Hip
Skill Practice Warm Up: Spend 8 minutes testing your max depth strict HSPU (or progression)
Strength: 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 power clean TEST MAX! (7 sets of 1 rep, increase weight to new max)
Super Set: none
Metabolic Conditioning: “Russian Dash Cams“
For Time. 3 Rounds
14 Russian Kettlebell Swings (Health: 35lb / Athletic: 53lb*/ Performance: 70lb)
10 goblet squats (same)
200m run or 40 single unders, 4 reps of 20' (6m) out and back shuttle no line touch
*Women’s “Performance” weights and reps (Rx)
Scaling Guide: 4:30 - 8 min
Coaching Tips: Kettlebell swings come from the hips so be sure to use a great hip pop and keep the abs tight. Think about throwing the kb out away from you (but don't let go). Try to do these in unbroken sets to keep the intensity up, but if you can't maintain good positioning (because you are breathing too hard for example), break up the sets.
Compare to: June 22, 2016
Optional ‘Cash Out’ or Hypertrophy: 10 burpees, 30 cal row, 3 rounds OR 3 sets of 12 single arm shoulder press in a super set with 12 banded hamstring curls
“By the Numbers” Book References: Press p. 199, KB Swings p. 277, Run p. 269
Tuesday – November 14, 2017 - 171114
Context: Competition - Do your best to finish this one ‘as prescribed’ and don’t forget to log it!
Dynamic Warm Up Option: 3 rounds 10-20m farmer carry, 10 ring rows, 10 reverse lunge steps (5R/5L), 10 hollow rocks, 10 goblet squats
Mobility: Shoulder
Skill Practice Warm Up: Spend 10 minutes working on barbell lunges (front, back or overhead). Lunge out 20' using progressively more challenging loads or more challenging variations, then walk the bar back to the rack. Plan on doing at least 4-6 'sets'. Share bars to reduce how much space is needed!
Strength: none
Super Set: none
Metabolic Conditioning: “Crackerjack”
For time
100 ft walking lunge
Kipping Pull-up
Abmat Sit-Up
(repeat walking lunge after each set except last set of 6)
*Women’s “Performance” weights and reps (Rx)
Scaling Guide: 10 - 20 minutes
Compare to: BTWB “CrossFit Classic”
Coaching Tips: Do some bigger set on the 21s and the 18s if you can. Break up the 15s and 12s, but go big again on the last couple rounds. Make sure you pull ups are legit (head over the bar and full extension at the bottom), and make sure you smart and not risking a hand rip. Wear knee sleeves or knee pads if you have them for the lunges. The knee must ‘kiss’ the floor every rep, and there must be full hip extension at the top.
Optional ‘Cash Out’ or Hypertrophy: 3 sets of 12 ring dips in a super set with 12 single leg deadlifts
“By the Numbers” Book References: Walking Lunge p. 220, Kipping Pull-up p. 258, Butterfly sit-up p. 133
Wednesday – November 15, 2017 - 171115
Context: Practice - Focus on the lock out of both the jerks, the push ups, and the kb swings.
Dynamic Warm Up Option: "Novo" Kb Warm Up Flow, 2 rounds: 16 single arm single leg deadlift (8L/8R), 12 kb floor press with sit up (6L/6R), 8 goblet squats, 12 kb kickstand rows (6L/6R), 16 single leg glute bridges (8L/8R), 100' overhead carry, calf stretch 30s per side, face down quad smash 30s per side, pec smash 30s per side
Mobility: Shoulder
Skill Practice Warm Up: Spend 6 minutes doing 3 sets of 3-5 'ring outs' (think of an 'ab wheel' on the rings).
Strength: none
Super Set: none
Metabolic Conditioning: “Crud Muffin“
For time. 5 rounds
10 clean and jerks (Health: 55lb / Athletic: 85lb* / Performance: 135lb)
15 push-ups
15 American Kettlebell swings (Health: 26lb / Athletic: 35lb* / Performance: 53lb)
400m run OR 2 rounds of 30 double unders, 5 burpees
1 min rest
*Women’s “Performance” weights and reps (Rx)
Scaling Guide: 20 - 26 minutes, about 4.5 min per round including the rest. Scale Up: 105/155lb bar, 53/70lb kb
Compare to: NEW WORKOUT!
Coaching Tips: Get through the first round of clean and jerks quickly, but plan on pacing later rounds so that you protect your back. Really emphasize the legs on the jerks so that you can save your shoulders for the push ups. Keep these legit! No worming or rocking. Push the pace on the runs because of the minute rest. Adjust the load during the rest intervals if needed!
Optional ‘Cash Out’ or Hypertrophy: none
“By the Numbers” Book References: Clean p. 404, Push Jerk p. 424, Push-up p. 192, Kettlebell Swing p. 277, Run p. 269, Double Unders p. 213,
Thursday – November 16, 2017 - 171116
Context: Practice – Talk about proper warm up sets before heavy lifting.
Dynamic Warm Up Option: Coach's Choice
Mobility: Hip
Skill Practice Warm Up: Spend 7 minutes working on single arm kettlebell snatches. Be deliberate about not letting the kb slam onto the wrist! Perform sets of 5-10 per side.
Strength: 6 x 2 Front Squat or front box squat 3 of 13 (6 sets of 2 reps at 75-85% of max front squat – 55-65% if you are box squatting, same weight with each set)
Super Set: 6 x 4 strict handstand push up for depth (or progression)
Metabolic Conditioning: “Bishop at Sunset“
8 minute AMRAP (as many rounds as possible)
6 Dumbbell Push Press (Health: 15lb, Athletic*: 25lbs, Performance: 45lbs)
14 Wall Balls (Health: 10lbs/8ft, Athletic*: 14lbs/9ft, Performance: 20lbs/10ft)
50m Bumper Plate Farmer Carry (Health: 15lb, Athletic*: 25lbs, Performance: 45lbs)
*Women’s “Performance” weights and reps (Rx)
Scaling Guide: 3 - 6 Rounds Scale Up: 53/35 KB
Compare to: September 5, 2016
Coaching Tips: The dumbbell push presses must be push presses (no jerking). The shoulders will be fatigued for the wall balls, so make sure you are using as much hip drive and hand/wrist flip as possible to get the ball up to the target. Holding the ball at the bottom will keep the ball closer to the target at the top as well as prevent the need to squeeze the ball (wasting energy). Try and do the farmer carries with straight elbows. Bent arms here will make the push presses and wall balls more difficult.
Optional ‘Cash Out’ or Hypertrophy: 12 toes to bar, 200m run, 3 rounds OR 3 sets of 12 strict toes to bar in a super set with 12 wide-grip pull-ups
“By the Numbers” Book References: Push Press p. 292, Wall Ball p. 430
Friday – November 17, 2017 - 171117
Context: Practice - Row the 1500 as if it were a competition, log it as a separate benchmark.
Dynamic Warm Up Option: 10 toy soldiers leg swings per leg, 10 squat jumps, 10 monkey swings on the pull up bar, then 3 sets of 5: snatch grip deadlifts, hang muscle snatch, overhead squats, snatch grip press behind the neck
Mobility: Shoulder
Skill Practice Warm Up: Spend 8 minutes working up to a challenging (80-90%) squat snatch or power snatch plus OHS. Or perform 3 squat snatches on the minute for 6 minutes (at 50-60%)
Strength: none
Super Set: none
Metabolic Conditioning: “Bowchaser“
In 22 minutes
1500m row (all levels) Log this as its own benchmark.
2 min rest
Then max rounds with the remaining time:
6 power snatch (Health: 55lb / Athletic: 85lb* / Performance: 135lb)
6 Overhead squats (same)
6 dumbbell weighted strict pull-ups (Health: assisted, Athletic: 10lb, Performance: 25lb)
40' bear crawl
*Women’s “Performance” weights and reps (Rx)
Scaling Guide: 5 - 7 rounds, about 6-7 min for the row, then 2 min per round after. Scale Up: 95/155lb bar, 25/45lb weighted pull ups.
Compare to: NEW WORKOUT!
Coaching Tips: Weighted pull-up must be done with a dumbbell to be “performance.” Row the 1000m as if it were a workout itself. Log your score on this as a benchmark by itself. Be smart about the power snatches and overhead squats. If you cannot do a challenging load due to shoulder issues, change this to power cleans and front squats (including part way through the workout if needed). Keep the pull ups strict and hold the dumbbell between the feet, ankles, or thighs. Go fast on the bear crawls and rest often. Avoid staying in the 'up' position to long.
Optional ‘Cash Out’ or Hypertrophy: none
“By the Numbers” Book References: Snatch p. 447, OHS p. 300
Saturday – November 18, 2017 - 171118
Context: Mental Toughness – You can do big things by pacing properly.
Dynamic Warm Up Option: 200m jog, then 2 sets: 5 side lunges per side, 5 single arm ring row per side, 5 glute bridges, 5 broad jumps, 10 wall ball
Mobility: Ankle
Skill Practice Warm Up: None
Strength: None.
Super Set: None.
Metabolic Conditioning: “Long Haul”
For time
1600m Run or 3 mile airbike/assault bike
150 Double Unders, 50 Burpees
800m Run or 1000/900/800m row
100 Double Unders, 35 Burpees
400m Run or ¾ mile airbike/assault bike
50 Double Unders, 20 Burpees
*Women’s “Performance” weights and reps (Rx)
Scaling Guide: 25 – 36 minutes.
TEAM VERSION: Do the run together, but split up the rest between two partners.
Compare to: BTWB “CrossFit Classic”
Coaching Tips: This one is a really comes down to pacing! Be conservative on you first mile. If you do not have a timer to run with, consider doing multiple 400s so you can check the gym clock. The goal is to have a steady pace for each lap, and still be able to come right in and do a big set of double unders. Get through the jump rope as fast as possible, then pace the burpees by doing a set number of reps per minute. The pace for the next runs may be a bit faster, but not much. Get through the jump ropes fast again, and pace the burpees. The less you can use your arms on the burpees, the better (if your shoulders tend to blow up). Really push the pace on the final run/DU/burpees!
Optional ‘Cash Out’ or Hypertrophy: none
“By the Numbers” Book References: Run p. 269, Double unders p. 213, Burpee p. 415
Sunday – November 19, 2017 - 171119
Context: Practice – Why having goals is important, but creating weekly practice habits are the key to achieving goals.
Dynamic Warm Up Option: 3 sets of 2 crab bridges, 3 inch worms, 30s plank, then 5,4,3,2,1 with an empty bar: straight leg deadlift, hang muscle clean, front squat, shoulder press, good morning
Mobility: Hip
Skill Practice Warm Up: Spend 10 minutes working up to a challenging deadlift (80-90%) or perform 5 reps on the minute for 5 minutes (50-60%)
Strength: Test power clean OR front squat if you missed either
Super Set: none
Metabolic Conditioning: “Year End Goals” (YEG) and ‘Max’ Effort Testing
Choose 2 – 3 to test. Try to do one Strength movement, one Gymnastic, and one small Met-Con. Test Front squat if you didn't get a chance to earlier this month or power cleans if you missed it earlier this week. Here are a some ideas on what to test (But don’t feel limited by this list)
Max weight from the floor to overhead (Clean and Jerk)
Max weight deadlift
Max weight overhead squat
Max consecutive double unders
Max height box jump
Max distance broad jump
Max weight bench press
Max weight Turkish get-up
Max effort 400m run
Max effort 200m run
Max effort 100m run
Max effort 800m run
Max effort 1 mile run
Max effort 100m row
Max effort 250m row
Max effort 500m row
Max effort 1000m row
Max push-ups in a minute
Max consecutive push-ups (no dropping off of toes)
Max sit-ups in a minute (abmat, feet unanchored)
Tabata Squats
Max consecutive kipping pull ups (not dropping off the bar, interrupted kipping is fine)
Max consecutive strict pull ups
“Annie” 50-40-30-20-10 Double unders and sit ups (for time)
“Baseline” 500m row, 40 squats, 30 sit-ups, 20 push-ups, 10 pull-ups (for time)
“Grace” 30 clean and jerks for time (135/95/55)
“Crackerjack” (if you missed it this week)
Compare to: October 8, 2017
Coaching Tips: This is not meant to be a haphazard open gym day - work together in groups so you can have people to do the tests with, and/or help you count reps. Be smart about the order of the movements (you don’t want to do something that will hurt the results of the next thing). If you missed the front squat testing, I recommend doing that as one of the tests today.
Optional ‘Cash Out’: Baseline, Annie, or Grace
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