Contest Name: Boobs Rock and Kick Ass Logo Contest(the “Contest”)

Station: KTBZ – 94.5 The Buzz (the “Station”)

Station Address: 2000 West Loop South, Ste 300Houston, TX 77027

Telephone: 713-212-8000

NO PURCHASE OR PAYMENT OF ANY KIND IS NECESSARY TO ENTER OR WIN. PURCHASE DOES NOT INCREASE ODDS OF WINNING. Open to legal residents of the United States who are 18 years of age or older. Void outside Station’s Total Survey Area and where prohibited.Do not enter this contest if you are not located in the United States at the time of entry. Odds of winning depend upon the number of eligible entries received during the Contest Period.

Clear Channel Broadcasting, Inc., its subsidiaries and affiliated companies (together, the “Company”), will conduct its contests substantially as described in these general contesting rules, and by participating, each participant agrees as follows:

The Company may from time to time conduct contests concurrently and simultaneously on several participating radio stations owned and not owned by the Company, and in various States, and the Company may add or remove participating stations or change call letters of any participating station at any time during a contest as announced on the affected station. Participating stations are listed above or for a list of participating stations, please visit the offices of this Station during normal business hours.

Entry Guidelines:

  • Must be FCC acceptable, including no use of indecent or obscene material or language.
  • Content should not infringe or violate any copyright, patent, trademark, trade secret, right of publicity, or other intellectual property, proprietary, or contractual right of a third party.
  • No defamatory or libelous material or material which discloses private or personal matters concerning any person, without such person’s consent.
  • No content or material that is illegal, contains nudity or is sexually explicit, or by law, obscene, profane or pornographic.
  • No misrepresentation or disparaging remarks about the Company or Sponsor or its products, or other people, products or companies.
  • No content which implies or portrays graphic violence excessive use of alcohol, illegal drugs, tobacco, firearms/weapons (or the use of any of the foregoing), any activities that may appear unsafe or dangerous.
  • No content which is abusive or harassing towards any individual or group of individuals regarding race, sex, religion, creed, national origin, age, disability, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation or any legally protected classification. Specifically this includes, but is not limited to, epithets or slurs (such as the “N” word), threats, intimidations, or hostile acts.
  • No content communicating messages or images inconsistent with the positive images and/or goodwill to which the Company or Sponsor wishes to associate.
  • Must be socially acceptable and in good taste, as determined by the Station in the Station’s sole discretion.
  • Cannot depict, and cannot itself, be in violation of any law.
  • Cannot contain materials embodying the names, likenesses, photographs, or other indicia identifying any person, living or dead, without permission.

The Station and sponsor reserve the right to reject any entry, in their sole discretion, based on the terms set forth herein as well as current broadcast standards and other programming and operating practices and policies established by the Station for airing advertising. Station reserves the right to waive the Contest entry requirements set forth herein in its reasonable discretion. ENTRIES POSTED TO THE WEBSITE WERE NOT EDITED BY THE STATION OR SPONSOR AND ARE THE VIEWS/OPINIONS OF THE INDIVIDUAL ENTRANT AND DO NOT REFLECT THE VIEWS OF THE COMPANY OR SPONSOR IN ANY MANNER. Any waiver of any obligation hereunder by Station or Sponsor does not constitute a general waiver of any obligation to entrants. The Company reserves the right, in its reasonable discretion, during or upon completion of the Promotion Period, to request that any entrant resubmit his or her Entry which fails to comply with the Contest entry requirements prior to any judging or voting period.


  • Entry submission of a logo describing for “Boobs Rock”
  • Should be no more than 3 colors, logo will be printed on black shirt
  • Permitted format of the logo: .jpg
  • Entry must include the words “Boobs Rock!”


By submitting a Entry you warrant and represent that the Entry is an original work, created solely by you (or by yourself and others who have each granted you authority to license the rights stated herein), and that the use of the Entry as licensed hereunder does not infringe on any third party’s intellectual property rights, including copyrights, trademarks or other proprietary or personal rights.You warrant and represent that the Entry does not contain defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, or threatening material. The logo submitted shall be writing that you own or control 100% of the rights to the publishing. The Entry shall be free and clear of any claims by any person whose performances or depictions are embodied in the work, or any person rendering services in connection with the work. The Entry shall not contain any materials owned or controlled by a third party for which you have not obtained a license. The Station reserves the right to remove and Entry that it deems to be in violation of these Official Rules.


By participating, you agree (a) to be bound by these Official Rules; (b) as between you and the Station and the Contest Sponsor, that the decisions of the Station is final on all matters relating to the Contest; (c) you are not participating on behalf of any employer or third party; and (d) if you or any member of your band that is granting rights to the entry submitted in the Contest is a party to any third party agreement with a publishing company or any other third party, such agreement does interfere with the rights granted to the entry in this Contest and/or receipt of any of the prizes listed herein, nor will you (or you and others who have each granted you authority to license the rights stated herein) enter into an agreement with any entity that would grant or transfer any rights of your entry submitted herein.


By entering you are not required to transfer ownership over your entry to anyone. However, in consideration for participating for the opportunity to win a prize hereunder, by submitting the Entry to us, you hereby grant to us a worldwide, non-exclusive, non-restrictive, royalty-free, sublicenseable and transferable license to use, reproduce, distribute, transmit, make available, prepare derivative works of, display, and perform the Entry (including any title of the Entry and your name and likeness) in connection with the Station and the Contest (and all places where some or all content from the Station’s website is available) and otherwise in connection with the Station’s and the Company's businesses, including without limitation for promoting and redistributing part or all of the Station, its website, or (and derivative works thereof) in any media formats and through any media channels now known or hereinafter developed without time limitation. You also hereby grant each user of the Station’s website a non-exclusive license to access the Entry. If you do not want grant the rights as set forth herein, please do not participate in the Contest.


Additionally, you agree to grant to the Company all rights to use any Entry that you submit, and the image, likeness, voice, name and photographs of or in the Entry or otherwise submitted or provided by you in any publicity or advertising relating to the Entry or the Company and the Contest, without compensation or approval (except where prohibited by law) in any and all media now known or hereinafter developed without territorial, time or other limitations.


If you think that any Entry infringes your intellectual property rights, click here if you wish to report it [link to DMCA takedown policy]

  1. Description of Contest/Participation.

A.Dates of Contest: Contest will begin [August 1, 2014] at [6am CT] and end [August 18, 2014] at [9am CT] (“Contest Period”).

B.How to Enter: All entries must follow the Entry Guidelines set forth above. Submit your entry by logging onto the Station’s website beginning Monday, July 30th and follow the Contest links to submit. Deadline for online submissions is Tuesday, August 27th, then voting will take place from August 28that 6:00a.m. (CST) – August 29that 9:00a.m. (CST). All entries should include no more than 3 colors, submitted in .jpg format, and include the words “Boobs Rock!”. Winning submission will be featured on the Rod Ryan Show “Boobs Rock!” t-shirt for breast cancer benefiting MD Anderson. Logos may or may not be featured on the Station throughout the contest period, in the station’s sole discretion. Valid contest entries must contain all information requested. Incomplete and/or multiple entries will be disqualified. Only One (1) entry per person per the contest period.

All Entries become the property of Company and will not be returned. Company is not responsible for lost, late, illegible, misdirected, mutilated, postage-due or incomplete entries or mail. Should multiple users of the same e-mail account or mobile phone number, as applicable, enter the Contest and a dispute thereafter arise regarding the identity of the entrant, the authorized account holder of said e-mail account or mobile phone account at the time of entry will be considered the entrant. “Authorized account holder” is defined as the natural person who is assigned an e-mail address or mobile phone number by an Internet access provider, on-line service provider, mobile service provider or other organization which is responsible for assigning e-mail addresses, mobile phone numbers or the domain associated with the submitted e-mail address.

C.How to Play: On Monday, August 19, 2013, a panel of judges will determine the the top submitted logos to be featured in the “voting process”. The winner will be based on the logo with the most votes from an online poll. The winner will be notified by the Station and the winner’s logo will be featured on the 2013 Boobs Rock and Kick Ass T-shirts. All decisions of the judges are final.

If the entrant is unable to verify registration information the entrant will automatically be disqualified and their prize will be forfeited. The Station, in its sole discretion, reserves the right to select an alternate entry at that time. The Company is not responsible for any change of email address, mailing address and/or telephone number of entrants. Notification is deemed to have occurred immediately upon placing of a phone call or sending of an e-mail. The Company is not obligated to leave voice mail, answering machine or other message. The Contest Entities are not responsible for and shall not be liable for late, misdirected or unsuccessful efforts to notify potential qualifiers for any late, misdirected, or if the potential qualifier is a minor, for late, misdirected, or unsuccessful efforts of potential qualifier to provide signed parental or guardian consent.

2.Prize(s). The prize(s) that may be awarded to the eligible winner(s) are:

The opportunity to have winning logo featured as the official logo on the 2013 Boobs Rock and Kick Ass T-Shirt.

Conditions and restrictions may apply. The prize(s) that may be awarded to the eligible winner(s) are not transferable, redeemable for cash or exchangeable for any other prize, except in Company’s sole discretion. All prizes must be redeemed from the Station within 30 days of the contest end date unless otherwise stated in the contest’s official rules. Certain prizes are date specific (i.e. concerts, trips) and the winner or winners must be available on the dates specified. If a winner cannot be contacted or is disqualified for any reason, the Company reserves the right to determine an alternate winner or not to award that winner’s prize, in its sole discretion. In the event prizes are event tickets, Company is not responsible for the cancellation or rescheduling of any event and no substitution or compensation shall be awarded, in Company’s sole discretion. Location of seats and tickets are in Company’s sole discretion. No more than the advertised number of prizes will be awarded.


The Grand Prize is subject to certain terms and conditions as specified herein. Winner must comply with all rules and regulations. Failure to do so may result in forfeiture of prize in its entirety. The prize elements will be awarded as described herein (subject to legal restrictions, etc). If the winner is disqualified or is found to be ineligible for the contest, the Company reserves the right to determine an alternate winner or not to award the prize, at its sole discretion.By accepting the prize, Winner must agree to the prize conditions on participation and must sign a release to be eligible to receive a prize and hereby agrees that: (i) that all decisions of the Company, judges, and Contest Entities with respect to the Contest are final and binding; (ii) to release the Company, Station and sponsors and their respective parent companies and affiliates, officers, directors, employees, agents, and licensees from any and all claims in connection with the Contest and the award or use of the prizes; (iii) to allow the Company to and sponsors to use their names, voices, photographs, likenesses, biographical material, in any advertising or broadcasting material relating to this contest, without additional financial or other compensation; and (iv) where allowed by law, sign a publicity release confirming such consent prior to acceptance of the prize. In addition, Winner must also agree that Submission will be deemed a Work Made For Hire under the Copyright laws of the United States, but if it cannot be so deemed, then Winner will agree to irrevocably assign and transfer to Station all of right, title and interest in and to Submission, including all but not limited to all copyright and trademark rights which Winner may have, in the United States and worldwide, therein, for consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged. Winner will hereby waive in favor of Station, all rights of “Droit Moral” or “Moral Rights of Authors” or any similar rights or principles of law that Winner may now or later have to Submission. Station reserves the right to alter, change or modify the Submission, in its sole discretion. Upon request of Station, Winner shall execute and deliver such additional instrument of assignment, as may be solely deemed by Station, reasonably necessary to establish the ownership of record of the right, title and interest in and to the Submission and of the copyrights transferred and “Moral Rights of Authors” waived under these Official Rules. Should Station fail to request the said assignment as stated, that shall not be deemed a waiver of Station’s rights and Station may at a later time request the assignment.

The Contest Entities are not responsible or liable to any entrant or winner or any person claiming through such entrant or winner for failure to supply the prize or any part thereof, by reason of any acts of God, any action, regulation, order or request by any governmental or quasi-governmental entity (whether or not the action, regulations, order or request proves to be invalid), equipment failure, threatened terrorist acts, terrorist acts, air raid, blackout, act of public enemy, earthquake, volcanic eruption, war (declared or undeclared), fire, flood, epidemic, explosion, unusually severe weather, hurricane, embargo, labor dispute or strike (whether legal or illegal) labor or material shortage, transportation interruption of any kind, work slow-down, civil disturbance, insurrection, riot, or any other cause beyond the Contest Entities’ sole control.All other costs and expenses related to prize acceptance and use not specified herein as being provided are the sole responsibility of Grand Prize winner. Station does not make, and is not responsible in any manner for, any warranties, representations, or guarantees, express or implied, in fact or law, relating to any prizes, regarding the use, value or enjoyment of the prize, including, without limitation, its quality, mechanical condition, or fitness for a particular purpose. The Station will have no further obligation to winner.

3.Eligibility and Limitations. Participants and winner(s) must be legal residents of the 50 U.S. or D.C., be at least 18-years old, as of the date of entry and prize award as determined by the Company. No one under the age of thirteen (13) will be permitted to enter a contest under any circumstances. Participants and winners must reside in the Station’s Total Survey Area (TSA) as defined by Arbitron. Commonly the TSA represents a radio station's total listening audience in a geographic area. If the contest is open to minors, a parent or guardian of any participant who is a minor must sign a release on behalf of the minor to be eligible to receive a prize, but the Company reserves the right to refuse to award a prize to or on behalf of any minor. Unless otherwise stated in the official contest rules, only one (1) entry per person. Only one (1) prize per household for the Contest for any thirty (30) day period. If the contest involves listener participation by voting for a contest participant on the station’s website then the voting is limited to one vote per person. If a contestant receives multiple and/or irregular votes from the same user or users, regardless of the source, the Station reserves the right to disqualify the contestant in its sole discretion. The potential prize winner and, if the potential prize winner is under the age of the majority in their state of residence (which is eighteen (18) in most states but is nineteen (19) in Alabama and Nebraska and twenty-one (21) in Mississippi), the potential prize winner's parent or guardian, may (in Company’s sole discretion) be required to sign and return an affidavit of eligibility, release of liability and prize acceptance agreement ("Prize Acceptance Release of Liability and Publicity Release") within twenty four (24) hours after the first (1st) delivery attempt to entrants e-mail address in order for the potential prize winner to be qualified for the prize, unless otherwise stated in the contest’s official rules. The potential prize winner's failure to return all required forms within this time period may result in the potential winner being disqualified and an alternate winner may be selected from all remaining eligible entries. Employees of the Company, the Station, the Contest’s participating sponsors and their advertising agencies, employees of other radio or television stations, and members of the immediate family of any such persons are not eligible to participate or win. The term “immediate family” includes spouses, siblings, parents, children, grandparents, and grandchildren, whether as “in-laws,” or by current or past marriage(s), remarriage(s), adoption, co-habitation or other family extension, and any other persons residing at the same household whether or not related.