System Check
Announcement letter for System Check
Date of last revision - Management

Content of text to be pasted on e-mail

C.C.Programme Officer responsible for the project,

Respective Programme Manager


Subject [to be put in subject area within the email]: System Check<insert project reference number>

Dear <name of legal representative>,

Following the first phase of the Systems Check carried out on your organisation, the European Union Programmes Agency (EUPA) will be conducting the second phase. The Systems Check shall take place at your premises on <insert date>.

Once the Systems Check has been carried out the EUPA shall provide feedback based on the findings which emerge. Your institution will be expected to provide a reaction (if any) to such findings in order to finalise the audit report and agree or otherwise with the results and / or provide necessary evidence in accordance with the findings.

On the day of the Systems Check – Phase ll, please ensure that you make available to our staff the documentation listed below:

  • The grant agreement and possible amendments with the participant
  • The learning agreement for learner mobility signed by all parties
  • The staff mobility agreement signed by all parties
  • Travel documents, if applicable
  • Identification of individual beneficiary belonging to one of the following categories: person with special needs, zero grant students or staff
  • The final report (after completion of the mobility)
  • Bank statements proving payment of the grant to the individual beneficiary
  • Credit recognition, transcripts, traineeship certificates, certificate of attendance or any report by the receiving institution/organisation.

As a general note, please ensure that:

  • All receipts are dated;
  • Income from other sources are clearly documented and recorded;
  • In-kind contributions are clearly identifiable;
  • Detailed expenditure breakdowns are signed by the person responsible for managing the account;
  • Receipts relating to the total expenditure declared are retained for a period of 5 years from approval of the Grant Holders final report.

The following persons who were responsible for the project should be available during the Systems Check in order to ensure that the information presented is clear and reliable: the legally authorised person who signed the Grant Agreement (or a delegated proxy) and the Contact person responsible for the implementation of the project activities and expenditure.

It is important that sufficient time is allocated to carry out a full and thorough Systems Check. The EUPA staff will be required to dedicate the necessary time in order to conduct all required checks and controls in order for assurance to be provided.

Should you require any further information and or clarification regarding this Systems Check, kindly contact the undersigned on 25586130.

Whilst thanking you in advance for your full cooperation, please confirmation that the visit may be carried out as planned and without delays by xx.xx.xxxx (5 days from date of this letter).

We thank you in advance for your cooperation.

Thanks and regards,

< e-mail signature of respective Senior Programme Officer >

Notification Letter Systems Check – Phase ll Page 1 of 3