Red Hot Reviews
Grade: 4
Content Area: L. Arts
Key Standards: ELA4W1, ELA4W2
Problem Scenario:
Attention readers! EV-TV is looking for some red hot reviews. Using a book from the 4th grade list, write a book review that includes the following: Summary of the book (setting, plot, characters, problem, solution; Connection to self, world, other texts; and, Recommendations (do you recommend this book to others? Why? Why not?)
The Best Party Ever!
Grade: 9-12
Content Area: Math 1
Key Standards: MM1A2
Problem Scenario:
April, Eric, Nicole, Ryan, and Trina serve as executive prom planning committee. They decide to get help planning this year’s prom because April wants to do all the work, Eric plays 4 Varsity sports, Nicole works full time, Ryan needs to take out the trash, and Trina is bossy. They formed the following committees:
• Bathroom and Dance floor set-up
• Prom Court Promenade
• Event timing
• Transportation
The executive committee also knows from past experience that many problems can arise during planning. Once you choose your committee you must find methods to prevent issues and solve problems from past years. The committee must present their findings to the executive committee by (date). Each committee must determine the most effective presentation method.
Math Mission Impossible
Grade: 5
Content Area: Math / L. Arts
Key Standards:
Problem Scenario:
Our school math coach needs your help. She needs children’s books about fractions. She will be using these books to teach fractions to 5th graders at another school. Your mission, should you decide to accept it, and you should, is to publish a children’s book. Teams of 4 will be publishing a book on a fraction concept. Each student must be a key participant in the roles of mathematician, presenter, illustrator… concepts include…
Children's Healthcare of Atlanta
Grade: 11-12
Content Area: Science
Key Standards: SAP3
Problem Scenario:
Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta has cited in its annual report on children’s health and diseases. With the incidents of childhood obesity has risen by 20% over the last four years. With that increase has come an increase in the onset of juvenile diabetes. These alarming statistics have negative implications for lifelong diseases associated with diabetes, such as coronary disease and stroke. Children’s Healthcare has tasked the schools to develop a unit on diabetes to be taught to an audience of grade school children. The winning group will receive…
Keep Jobs in Georgia
Grade: 9-12
Content Area: Tech / L. Arts
Key Standards:
Problem Scenario:
In order to prevent the outsourcing of jobs from local businesses, GA Gov. Perdue has declared a “Keep Jobs in GA” Job Fair at the GWCC to be held on Nov. 15, 2008. Each hall at the GWCC will house a specific industry’s local businesses seeking new employees. Gov. Perdue has encouraged all local businesses to participate. You represent the human resources department for your company which must hire new associates to fill vacancies before the start of the new year. Gov. Perdue has requested that participating companies produce a recruitment informational video about their firm to show at the fair. This video should also outline the needed skill sets and criteria for job applicants and the personal qualities for eligible highly-qualified candidates. The firm must also prepare information regarding salary and benefits for those perspective employees.
To Eat or Not to Eat
Grade: 8
Content Area: L. Arts
Key Standards:
Problem Scenario:
Students have been complaining about the cafeteria food. They have started a petition to have the cafeteria manager fired. You are on the school newsletter staff, and you have been given the task of interviewing the cafeteria manager. After the interview, you have a greater appreciation and understanding of her job. You have to write a letter trying to convince the students to do away with their petition. In your letter, you must include information about the following aspects of school lunch:
• Dietary restrictions
• Monetary allocations
• Impact of current economic issues
• School-based constraints
2008 Summer Olympics: Grousing for the Gold
Grade: 8
Content Area: Math: Probability
Key Standards:
Problem Scenario:
The Olympic committees of china, Russia, Romania, and the US are dealing with complaints from sports fans in their countries. The fans all think their gymnastics teams should have won more gold medals! The O.C.’s have taken their complaints to the IOC. The IOC has agreed to abide by the results of a careful analysis of the mathematical probability of each team’s winning gold. You will choose one of five Gold Analytic Teams to work on. Each team will research the facts, analyze them, and create 1) a report for the IOC outlining your findings and 2) a sportscast to appeal in one of these countries: Russia, china, Romania, US, Great Britain.
Mathematics Rescue
Content Area: Math
Problem Scenario:
The city of Galveston, Texas suffered significant damage from hurricane Ike. Most of their schools received so much water damage; most of their instructional materials such as textbooks, posters, workbooks, and handouts were destroyed. Schools from around the country are assisting in re-creating their instructional materials. Our class has been selected to create instructional resources for a unit on rational numbers. In order to meet the needs of all learners, materials will be created using 4, 6, or 8 rational numbers. The materials can be created using a poster, brochure, or a mini-booklet (using PowerPoint). As a part of this project, you will include the following concepts:
• Comparing numbers
• Absolute value
• Graph rational numbers
• Properties of real numbers
• Real-life application of rational numbers
The superintendent of Galveston City Schools will be coming on Friday, December 5, 2008, to view the materials.
Modern Tall Tales
Grade: 4
Content Area: L. Arts
Key Standards:
Problem Scenario:
You have been selected by a famous author to create a modern twist of Pecos Bill, Paul Bunyan, or John Henry. You will write, illustrate, and publish your story using Word, Hyper Studio, Power Point, or paper and pencil. You will include in your story 1) a larger than life, or Super Human, main character with a specific task, 2) a problem that is solved, 3) exaggerated details that describe things larger than life, and 4) character who use everyday language. Be prepared to present your stories to the Author on ______, 2008.
Calling All Toy Makers!
Grade: 1
Content Area: Math
Key Standards: M1G1a-c, M1G2, M1D1, TELA1W1.13, TELA1W1.10, ELA1LSV1
Problem Scenario:
Mattel needs you to help create a new toy. They need you to use your knowledge of 2-D and 3-D shapes to create a new toy for kids around the world. Each of you will choose to do one of the following: 1) use the computer program Kidspiration to create a 2-D toy out of different shapes, 2) use 3-D shape materials to create a toy that kids will enjoy, or 3) collect and organize the data from a survey of 20 kids ages 6-8 about which toy they would rather purchase – a 2-D or 3-D toy. The CEO of Mattel will come to our class on ______. Be ready to show your product.
American Idols
Grade: KindergartenContent Area: Social Studies
Key Standards: SSKH2, MUS.K.11, VA.K.1, ELAKLSV1, ELAKW1
Problem Scenario:
Our principal has asked us to create a TV show telling children in our school about the American Symbols. We must help them recognize and explain the symbols. We will need groups to complete the following:
1. Record the singing of “The Star-Spangled Banner” and explain the meaning.
2. Record children reciting “The Pledge of Allegiance” and explain the meaning.
3. Create a poster of our national and state flags and explain their meanings.
4. Create a costume of the Statue of Liberty and the Bald Eagle and explain their thinking.
5. Construct the Washington Monument using milk cartons and explain the meaning.
6. Create a brochure on the Lincoln Memorial and explain the meaning.
7. Tour the White House on the website and answer questions about the tour.
Get ready to shine like a star! Our show will be aired in 2 weeks!
Check Out Our Checklists!
Grade: K-12
Content Area: Professional Learning
Key Standards:
Problem Scenario:
You are overwhelmed and your standards have changed! However, when it rains, it pours! Your assistant superintendent is requiring you to create a teacher checklist for each standard. Each goup will select one of your content standards from the 3rd nine weeks to create a teacher checklist. Your checklist must contain:
Step One: Select a target standard and review the benchmarks, elements, or indicators listed under the standard.
Step Two: Write each of the criteria separately in the order they are mentioned and create a vocabulary list of nouns and verbs.
Step Three: classify the criteria into categories that fit together by using main topics and subtopics
Step Four: Fill in the other criteria that might be needed to explain the process more clearly or to define abstract terms
Step Five: Sequence the criteria in the order the skills will be taught.
CSI: Cell Structure Investigations
Grade: 5
Content Area: Science
Key Standards: S5L3a, S5L3b, S5L4a, S5L4b
Problem Scenario:
Scene of the Investigation: Dowell Science Lab
The victims: plant and animal cells
The suspect: unknown harmful bacteria
Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to assist Agent Sullivan in determining which types of and how bacteria harm plant and animal cells. Your role is to research the parts of plant and animal cells. Discover the function of each part of the cells. Construct a model of plant and animal cells, labeling the parts of each. The health and safety of the animals and plants in our community depend on you! Agent Sullivan needs your report by the end of the week