A. Organization of content

Activity (i):

Imagine that you are a teacher, you have to teach “Parts of your Body” to class I, Which sequence would you follow to teach, A or B?

A / B
Head / Neck
Neck / Abdomen
Abdomen / Arms
Arms / Hands
Hands / Feet
Legs / Head
Feet / Legs

Answer: Don’t you feel it would be easier for the learners if you followed the “A” list, for it is organized in a sequential manner? Hence while organizing a content logical sequencing is important.

Activity (ii): Now, list down a logical sequence of content points for your chosen topic:

  1. Chunking of Content

Activity (iii):

Imagine that you are a mathematics teacher; you have to teach Circle to class VI. Below is your list of logical sequencing. How would you chunk the following?

Circle-std V1

  • Definition
  • Chord, Diameter, Radius
  • Interior and exterior of a circle
  • Finding the area, given the circumference.
  • Parts of a circle
  • Area of a circle
  • Finding the area, given the diameter.
  • Construction of a circle
  • Finding the area, given the radius.


1.1 Definition
1.2 Interior and exterior of a circle
2.1 Parts of a circle
2.1.2 Circumference
2.1.3 Radius
2.1.4 Diameter
2.1.5 Chord
3.1 Construction of a circle.
3.2 Area of a circle
3.2.1 Finding the area, given the radius.
3.2.2 Finding the area, given the diameter.
3.2.3 Finding the area, given the circumference.

Activity (iv):

Now, do a similar chunking for your list of content points:

Activity (v):

Decide which topics should be the focus for your LO/LOs.

If required, split up your content points into multiple LOs. If a LO already exists for the introductory points, mark those content points as Pre-requisites.

For e.g.: Topic = Covalent Bonding

Do a similar list for your topic chunks:

  1. Instructional Designing of content

Table 2: Gagne’s 9 events of Instructions applied to a LO

LO Structure / Gagne’s 9 events of instruction
Introduction to Topic / 1. Gain attention (Introduction)
2. Inform learners of objective (State
Learning objective)
3. Stimulate recall of prior knowledge (State pre-requisites)
A set of content points with practice to help learners remember and use / A sequence of the following four events:
4. Present new content
5. Provide learning guidance
6. Elicit performance
7. Provide feedback
Assessment / 8. Assess performance
Summary / 9. Enhance retention and transfer

Table 3: The Show-Tell-Do-Check method applied to a LO

LO structure / The show-tell-do-check method
Introduction to Topic / Introduction
A set of content points with practice to help learners remember and use:
• Procedures (technical) / A sequence of the following two events:
1. Show and tell me (demonstration)
2. Let me do it (interactive animation)
Assessment / Check (test) me (interactive animation)
Summary / Summary

Table 4: The Problem-Based Learning method applied to a LO

LO structure / The problem-based learning(PBL) method
Introduction to Topic / Introduction
A series of topics with practice to help learners remember and use:
• Principles / Repeat a cycle of PBL within a realistic scenario:

Assessment / Assessment (Quiz)
Summary / Summary