8th Grade South Carolina History

Welcome, students and parents, to 8th grade Social Studies. My name is Brian Hammond, and I am looking forward to a great year here at Saluda Trail. This is my 11thyear teaching middle school, and my 5thyear in the Rock Hill School District. My goal for this school year is for your child to gain a greater appreciation for history while also learning South Carolina’s role in the development of the United States. Additionally, I hope to facilitate growth in research, critical thinking, and collaborative skills in my students.

In order to complete the goals listed above, your child will be expected to maintain the following notebook:

Three Ring Binder

They will keep all notes, handouts, homework, and returned assignments in here. The binder should have the following sections (with dividers):

  • Warm-ups
  • Notes/ class work/homework (in order by section of the book)
  • Grades/ returned assignments

Assignments will include, but are not limited to, the following:


Homework will be given on most days, and then checked for effort the following day. Completing their homework will be an extremely important component to your child’s success this year.


There will be frequent small quizzes to check your child’s understanding of the material covered throughout the nine weeks. This will allow us to find any areas that may need reviewing prior to the unit test.

Challenge Based Assessments

Some of the assignments that your child will receive this year will require them to take information that they learn in class, or from research, and produce something. In completing these assignments, the students may, for example, take on the role of someone in a certain situation, like a profession, and interpret the information they are studying as if they were actually in that situation. These assignments, are more beneficial, and more interesting, than just a “project.” Even though the students may have certain projects where the primary purpose is to relay information, they will have more assignments where they will produce a product based on information that they must interpret and apply.

Unit Tests

At the end of each unit, an assessment will be given to gauge the student’s level of understanding for the material covered. These tests will be designed to closely mirror the style of the end of course exam that will be given at the end of the year.

Grading Policy:The grading policy in my classroom will be as follows:

  • Homework will be no more than 10% of the final grade each nine weeks.
  • Work is expected to be turned in on time and can be assessed a maximum 20% deduction if turned in late.
  • Make up work due to an absence will not be penalized as being late if completed within the appropriate time frame. Make up time will be the number of days missed plus an additional day.
  • Students may retake a quiz or test if they meet the additional re-teaching requirement as set by the teacher (tutoring, additional practice, etc). Assignments that are allowed to be made up can only be done so one time. Exams and cumulative unit projects are not allowed to be retaken.

Final grades will be calculated on a points system. Assignments will be given the following possible points based on the size and requirements of the work .

Grade Table

Homework / 8 points
Classwork / 10-50 points
Quizzes / 30-60 points
Unit Tests / 75-100 points

Expectations for assignments:

  • Work should be completed and turned in on time.
  • All work turned in should be your absolute best. You may have to revise and redo assignments that do not reflect your best effort.
  • When students are absent, it is their responsibility to get makeup work from me.
  • Students should come to class prepared with their text book, binder, agenda and a pen or pencil. Consequences will be given for not coming to class prepared.

This will be a very exciting year in South Carolina History. There will be a great deal expected of your child this year, but I will always be willing to help do anything I can to make your child successful. I hope that you have had a restful summer and are ready for a challenging and fun school year! Parents, if you have any questions, please call me at school or email me at .