Consultation work for Putting People First programme

“If we are to win the hearts and minds of allstakeholders, especially frontline staff, it is essentialthat they are participants in the change programmefrom the design stage onwards.

It is hoped that every local authority will create forums, networks and task groups which involve staff across allsectors, people who use services and carers as activeparticipants in the change process.”

-Putting People First

A shared vision and commitmentto the transformation ofAdult Social Care

This is an extract from the agreement that was made between ADASS, Department of Health, Local Government Association and the NHS. Following this we set up a group for people in the community to regularly consult with about the proposed changes to adult social care in Telford and Wrekin.

The table below details the comments and suggestions made in the group and to date how that has affected the changes that have been made and how they have influenced future practice.

Date of consultation: / What was said: / What happened next: / When:
04.03.09 / Access to services should be 24-7 not 9-5. Could we enlist help from other agencies, such as the Samaritans? / Services still operate on traditional working hours but we do have in place an effective emergency duty team who deal with all out of hours issues. / Ongoing
08.04.09 / We need to communicate to the wider T&W staff as initial discussion have shown that some staff members are not aware of the PPF agenda / We arranged a number of staff focussed events to ensure that T&W staff were kept up to date and informed about the changes. A monthly newsletter is also circulated. / First staff event was held in November 2008 but have ensured that these events have been held throughout the programme. Newsletter has been circulated since August 2008
08.04.09 / Group member suggest all members of group invited to Personalisation events / Group have been invited to all subsequent events and contribute to the format of the events / Since launch event on 26 November 2008
08.04.09 / We asked the group to take away three questions to ask neighbours and friends.
  • How would you like to access information and advice?
  • What should we consider for a one stop shop approach?
  • What are your ideas of expanding beyond social services?
/ A summary of points gathered were:
  • Information available in doctor’s surgeries
  • A 24 hour helpline staffed by knowledgeable people
  • Informative leaflets/posters in places accessed by all i.e. train/bus stations
  • A PPF bus that travelled to different areas on a rota basis
  • Improved internet sites
  • Information available in libraries
  • A one stop shop service staffed with knowledgeable people in a convenient to reach place, accessible by all at convenient opening hours
  • Information in formats so that all can access it
  • Ensure all relevant services are available (benefits etc)
  • Ensure we give people the right information at right time and when they need it
These issues have been raised and included in the draft Information, advice and advocacy strategy. They will be used to inform future services. / Strategy in draft form. Current work on delivery plan to ensure these actions are taken forward.
06.05.09 / We asked members to ask friends, and neighbours:
Discuss the different ways of how people could manage their personal budget / People raised concerns about giving people cash. They could be at risk of being exploited or could spend the money on things not relevant to their needs.
Most people commented they would still like the council to manage their money.
This question seemed to raise more questions than it answered. / Different methods of people having a personal budget are being explored. Currently people are able to have their money managed by the council or to have a direct payment. It is clear that people need more information to be able to make an informed decision about how to manage a personal budget. We are working towards better use of advocacy services to allow people to make informed decisions.
10.06.09 / Member suggested ‘We need a service directory type document that gives all the information a person might need. / A recent update of the service directory has been developed. This has now been distributed across Telford and Wrekin. Part of the developments around information, advice and advocacy will include a comprehensive directory of services in Telford and Wrekin.
08.07.09 / We asked the group:
How do the following age groups like to access information:
  • Under 30’s
  • Under 50’s
  • 65+
/ Under 30’s
Social networking sites
Pubs/club toilets
Libraries / Under 50’s
Corner shops
GP waiting rooms
Local paper/radio
Supermarket / 65+
Mobile libraries
Social clubs
Bus stops/buses / Draft strategy and delivery plan under development.
This work showed that there are some ways that all age groups like to access information whereas some age groups prefer different methods.
This information has been fed into the draft IAA strategy. Part of this work will involve ensuring information is accessible in a number of formats and methods
05.08.09 / We asked the group:
How to get/advertise information to different levels of disability / We had a range of feedback which looked at a variety ways of people of differing disabilities would receive information. Some examples were:
  • Using libraries, GP surgeries schools, talking to your neighbours
  • Service handbook
  • Something like the carers handbook
  • A pack for newcomers
This is being fed into draft IAA strategy / Draft strategy and delivery plan under development.
09.09.09 / We took the themes gathered out of first year of events. The group discussed certain items of importance:
  • Importance of key worker
  • Staff training
  • Promoting services that are already available
  • Awareness of people’s differences so different approaches are needed.
  • Joined up approach so that all relevant agencies are involved
/ These themes have been including in our service delivery model. / Service delivery model is signed off as vision for the future
09.09.09 / We asked members to take part in exercise to assess people’s attitudes towards choice and control. We asked people to finish off the sentences:
  • On the one hand having more choice and control around services I might receive form Telford & Wrekin Council is a good thing because:
  • …bad thing because:
/ Good thing
  • Equal opportunities
  • Puts emphasis on individuals and diverts responsibility
  • Having my own say increases my independence
  • I could choose what I want to do with my time
  • Gives a person confidence
  • A person can become independent
/ Bad thing
  • Some people could have a problem understanding
  • Not confident enough
  • Cost too much money
  • Hard to regulate
  • Don’t know what services are out there
  • People not prepared to admit they have a problem
/ Ongoing
It is clear from this exercise that people need support to access more choice and control over their services, The advocacy action plan seeks to raise awareness of advocacy services in the area
04.11.09 / We asked the group to comment on what features they would like to see on an online market place. / Overall the group was positive about the development of an online market place.
The feedback gathered has been used at further engagement activities to stimulate further discussion. One suggestion was that younger people could be tasked with providing training to older people on the use of computers. This suggestion has been taken forward as a suggestion for the £££’s for projects scheme / Ongoing
02.12.09 / We asked members to look at two assessment forms adapted for Resource allocation, one locally developed and one nationally developed. Members were asked to evaluate them. / Opinions on the two forms were mixed but overall people preferred the nationally developed form as it was shorter and simpler. / Comments and feedback were fed back into the desktop pilot work. Work on this has been on hold but this feedback echoed others and the nationally developed form was seen as the preferred form overall.
17.03.10 / The group nominated two members to attend the Putting People First Board which meets quarterly. / Two members of the group now sit on the PPF board chaired by Councillor Jacqui Seymour. These members represent the members of the UCG and feedback views and opinions representing people who use services. / Ongoing
12.05.10 / The group were asked to put forward suggestions around the User and carers forum event planned for September. / The group put forward suggestions for the invite wording and for how the event should be advertised and promoted. / Event took place on 9th September 2010
12.05.10 / Member suggested a leaflet or guide to help people know what to do when they are first introduced to Adult social services. / A leaflet/poster is currently being developed by PPF Communications officer. The group will be involved as this develops further. / Ongoing
16.06.10 / Members asked to contribute to a regional event which will feature a workshop about our group. / Members put forward suggestions for the format of the workshop and members invited to attend and take part in the workshop. / Event took place on 07.07.10. One member attended and took part whilst others supplied information to be utilised on the day.
11.08.10 / Group asked to feedback on presentation for User and carer event / Group put forward suggestions and amendments for the presentation to ensure it was easier to understand and in plain language. / Event took place on 09.09.10
11.08.10 / We held a workshop for members to feedback their thoughts on the new T&W website and to discuss possible improvements that could be made. / The groups suggestions and comments were fed back into other engagement and consultation work. It has inputted into a new website specification for adult social services. / Ongoing
13.10.10 / Group asked to feedback on the proposed directory of services idea / We showed an example of a current LA brochure and asked for feedback. We also showed the diagram that the PPF team had developed. / Group preferred the simple drawing. They feel this is a good idea and the council should start working on something like this.
While we have now proceeded with creating a social care directory, we are taking on board the comments to make sure there is not too much writing on a page and that there are lots of pictures.
LA example / Simple diagram
  • This was a good idea.
  • Will make people think more about people with disabilities.
  • Didn’t feel there were enough pictures for those who may find reading difficult.
  • Think this will help people feel more supported if they have this behind them.
  • They like this and like the fact that everything is on one page but feels that maybe it needs backing up with more info so people feel more supported by it.
  • KD had a meeting about this today and it was discussed that we could have a separate page for each of the 4 points to explain them further.
  • AG suggested making this colour co-ordinated to. So what ever colour the point is on the diagram should be the colour on the separate piece of paper about that point.

12.01.11 / The group were shown the business process map that had been developed and asked to comment on this. / The group agreed that this map needs to be developed from the customer’s point of view and should include the different voluntary organisations. It would also be helpful to understand the referral process from the council to the voluntary organisations and vice versa to ensure that this process is managed better. / The group agreed to take the map to the 3rd sector Personalisation meeting on 18 January to understand this better and get the viewpoint of the organisations that attend this meeting. Once the map was shown from a ‘whole’ viewpoint it would be more useful to then communicate to other community groups or forums.