Borough Solicitor's Office,
Corporate Services,
Hounslow Borough Council,
The Civic Centre,
Lampton Road,
TW3 4DN.
Saturday, 19 November 2011.
Dear Sirs,
If I were to be arrested, by a Policeman for (say) “murder”, then the first thing he would tell me is: “YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN SILENT” (“… but anything you do say … etc”. This would still be the case, even if the Policeman were convinced I had actually done the murder. He would still tell me I HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN SILENT).
And the reason is, very simply, I HAVE THE COMMON LAW RIGHT TO REMAIN SILENT. And, since the Common Law is the supreme Law in England and Wales, I HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN SILENT.
“Silence” includes “no obligation to speak to anyone who may UNILATERALLY choose to knock on my door for whatever reason”, and also “no obligation to fill in any forms and/or signing them – from whatever UNILATERAL source they may arise”.
And, since many Statutes refer to - and DEFER to - the Common Law – as does Halbury’s Laws of England and Archbold: Criminal Pleading and Evidence and Stone’s Justice’s Manual etc., I nowhere read that this RIGHT TO REMAIN SILENT has anywhere, and by any means, been removed.
Should my Common Law RIGHT TO REMAIN SILENT, ever be removed (and I’ve no idea how you would do that, because no Statute is capable of doing it), then – and only then – would I be obliged to have interactions with you, or those you represent.
“Remaining silent” is NOT a criminal act. In fact it is not even an “act”’. It is the LACK OF an “act” – and remains an Indefeasible, Natural, RIGHT that I possess.
I have that RIGHT. I stand on that RIGHT. I therefore request that you cease and desist your unwarranted and UNLAWFUL harassment forthwith. Standing on my RIGHTS is a perfectly LAWFUL thing to do, and therefore I cannot be found “guilty” of anything, for simply doing so.
Note: If you are sufficiently STUPID as to actually take me to Court, this is what will happen.
1. The Magistrates will be Justices of the PEACE. They will, therefore (in accordance with their SOLEMNLY-SWORN Oaths of Office, be BOUND to UPHOLD MY RIGHT to PEACE (geddit?)
2. If they fail to uphold My RIGHT to PEACE, then I will make a Citizen’s Arrest on them, and have them charged (in their own Court) under Section 13 of the Statutory Declarations Act 1835, for UNLAWFULLY ‘administering’ their Oaths of Office.
Sincerely without ill-will, vexation or frivolity,
The Peaceful Inhabitant who has THE RIGHT TO REMAIN SILENT and live in peace.
Without any admission of any liability whatsoever, and with all Natural, Indefeasible Rights reserved.