Microsoft Services

Datacenter & Cloud Consolidation and Migration

Prepared for

Microsoft Services


Version 2.2

Prepared by

atacenter and Cloud Infrastructur


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Consultant Delivery Guide, Datacenter & Cloud Consolidation and Migration, Version 2.2Draft
Prepared by atacenter and Cloud Infrastructur
"DCCM - Consultant Delivery Guide - Internal" last modified on 11 Feb. 15, Template Version:.0.88

Microsoft Services

Table of Contents


2Discovery, Assessment and Planning

2.1Microsoft Azure (IaaS) Migration Assessment



2.2Review unsupported Roles, Features and Microsoft Applications

2.3Microsoft Azure IaaS Cost Estimator Tool


3.1Acronyms and Links



3.4MA FAQs


Consultant Delivery Guide, Datacenter & Cloud Consolidation and Migration, Version 2.2
PrepareDatacenter and Cloud Infrastructure Services by atacenter and Cloud Infrastructur
"DCCM - Consultant Delivery Guide - Internal" last modified on 11 Feb. 15, Rev 3


Each migration project starts with a Discovery andAssessment of the customer’s environment. This Discovery and Assessment will provide information about the workloads currently running in VMware and Hyper-V, and its compatibility with Microsoft platforms, such as Hyper-V or Microsoft Azure.

2Discovery, Assessment and Planning

Use the following documents to deliver this phase of the engagement:

1.“DCCM - Customer Pre-Engagement Activities – Template”: Provide this guide to the customer, so they can perform a number of tasks to help make sure their environment is ready for the Discovery phase.

2.“DCCM- Data Collection Guide - MAP Toolkit – Template”: Use this guide to install, and gather inventory, using the Microsoft Assessment and Planning (MAP) Toolkit.

2.1Microsoft Azure (IaaS) Migration Assessment

Below are instructions for importing the Microsoft Azure (IaaS) – Migration Assessment Reporting files. This can be used if planning to use Microsoft Azure as a target for migration.


1.You have followed the Enterprise Discovery and Rationalization guide “Data Collection Guide - MAP Toolkit – Template” to install and gather inventory, using the Microsoft Assessment and Planning (MAP) Toolkit.

2.The name of SQL Express instance storing MAP database is called MAPS.

3.Below are the files you will use in the following instructions:


The Microsoft Azure service changes over time, as capabilities are either added, updated, or removed, thus the logic in the above assessments reports may need to be manually updated accordingly.


1.Logon to the Machine where you have installed Microsoft Assessment and Planning Toolkit

2.Create a folder named C:\Assessment

3.Copy the Files embedded with this document to C:\Assessment Directory

4.Open Internet Explorer and browse to:

5.If this link does not open make sure:

a.You have installed SQL Express Reporting Services 2012 on the machine

b.The name of the SQL Instance storing MAP database is MAPS

6.Click on Upload File

7.Click on Browse and select the Assessment AzureAssessmentReportv0.5.rdl file from C:\Assessment directory.

8.Click OK to complete the upload.

9.Now you should see the AzureAssessmentReport on the SSRS link.

10.Click on the drop-down on AzureAssessmentReport and Select Manage.

11.Click on DataSource.

12.Make sure that the connection string is pointing to the appropriate SQL instance and MAP database. If you have followed the ENDR document to install MAP, you should not need to change any configuration here.

13.Open the “Import and Export Data (64- bit)” wizard:

14.Change Data Source to “Flat File Source”.

15.For File name: Browse and Select :Azure_SupportedConfig.csv” from C:\Assessment directory.

16.Make sure that “Column Names in the First Data Row” is selected.

17.Click Next.

18.For Destination: Make sure it is SQL Server Native Client.

19.Server Name: .\MAPS

20.Database Name: <Database Name of MAPs DB>.

21.Click Next:

22.Leave Default Settings and Click Next.

23.Make sure “Run Immediately” is Selected:

24.Click Next and Finish.

25.Once Import and Export Data Wizard Completes without any errors, you are ready to run the AzureAssessmentReport against MAP data Collected from Customer Environment.

2.2Review unsupported Roles, Features and Microsoft Applications

In addition to the automated assessment above it is recommended to use the information below to manually check for unsupported Roles, Features and Microsoft Applications.

Microsoft supports several products running in Windows Azure virtual machines and many of the roles and features of Windows as documented in Microsoft server software support for Windows Azure Virtual Machines. Although many of the core Windows roles and features are fully supported in Windows virtual machines, not everything is supported today. Some of these roles and features do not have a Windows Azure equivalent, but many of them can be implemented using Windows Azure features. For example, the Windows Network Load Balancing feature is not supported; instead, you can use Windows Azure virtual networks for this. To learn more, refer to Load Balancing Virtual Machines.

When using the Windows Azure image gallery, the unsupported roles and features are automatically not installed. If you are moving an existing virtualized machine, you must familiarize yourself with the above list to help make sure that you are running a supported configuration. As you review the unsupported roles and features, keep in mind that you may be able to modify the design of your workload and still be well-suited for a move to Windows Azure virtual machines.

Key information

  • Many of the most popular Microsoft products are supported.
  • Notably, DHCP, Failover Clustering, Hyper-V host, NLB are not supported.
  • Placing the Active Directory (AD) database, AD Logs, or SYSVOL on the volume labeled Temporary Storage in a Windows Azure virtual machines is not supported.
  • Windows Azure gallery images are available for use.

2.3Microsoft Azure IaaS Cost Estimator Tool

Do you want to add this??

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Consultant Delivery Guide, Datacenter & Cloud Consolidation and Migration, Version 2.2
Prepared by atacenter and Cloud Infrastructur
"DCCM - Consultant Delivery Guide - Internal" last modified on 11 Feb. 15, Rev 3


3.1Acronyms and Links

MVMC – Microsoft Virtual Machine Converter – Link

MAT – Migration Automation Toolkit – Link

SHIFT – NetApp Conversion Toolkit – Link

MA – Microsoft Migration Accelerator – Link

ASR –Azure Site Recovery - Link


The Migration Accelerator (MA) is currently in Preview. While in Preview, MA is not yet supported and we do not recommend using it for production workloads until GA, unless you explicitly have the support of the product group. If there is a requirement to migrate production workloads prior to MA General Availability, then it is recommended to use an alternative comparable migration solution, such as Double-Take Move. Note that Double-Take Move is a 3rd party Solution from Vision Solutions and will incur additional software costs.


The following table provides links to specific guidance for using the migration technologies referenced in this document:

Tool / Guidance
MVMC / MAT4MVMC / Refer to the following guides published with the offering:
  • “DCCM - Tool - MAT4MVMC - Operations Guide”
  • “DCCM - Tool - MAT4MVMC – Build Guide”

SHIFT / MAT4SHIFT / NetApp Conversion Toolkit – Link
MA / Home Page and to get Signed Up
Step-by-Step Guide on Installing Microsoft Migration Accelerator
Prerequisite and Support Matrix – Microsoft Migration Accelerator (for Azure)
Deployment and Operations Guidance
MA Blog
ASR / Overview
ASR Blog
Support Forum
Free Trial
Product documentation
aMotion ? / Right now, this is the ONLY solution to migrate workloads into the US Gov't Cloud. MA is not even on the roadmap for the GCC. We should add the caveat that aMotion should be considered only for the GCC (US Gov't Cloud).


Source / Destination / Solution / Automation / Downtime / Guest Server OS Support / Limitations / Cost / Support
VMware / Hyper-V / MVMC / MAT4MVMC / High (several hours) / Windows 2008 R2 Service Pack 1 (SP1+)
Linux / Software is a no cost download / TechNet forum & e-mail
Supported by CSS
VMware / Hyper-V / SHIFT / MAT4SHIFT / Medium (10 to 15 minutes) / Windows (Linux untested, but may work) / Requires a NetApp appliance / Software is a no cost download / NetApp
VMware / Azure IaaS / MVMC / PowerShell / High (several hours) / Versions of Windows Server and Linux supported in Azure / One virtual machine at a time; MAT not tested for Azure IaaS conversion / Software is a no cost download / TechNet forum & e-mail
Supported by CSS
VMware / Azure IaaS / MA / Built-In / Low (under 5 minutes) / Versions of Windows Server and Linux supported in Azure / May be limited to migrating certain workloads / No cost during preview period. / MSDN forum while in Preview.
Hyper-V / Azure IaaS / ASR / PowerShell / Low (under 5 minutes) / Versions of Windows Server and Linux supported in Azure / ASR subscription required during migration / Same as Product Support
Hyper-V / Azure IaaS / MA / Built-In / Low (under 5 minutes) / Versions of Windows Server and Linux supported in Azure / May be limited to migrating certain workloads / No cost during preview period. / MSDN forum while in Preview.
Physical Server / Hyper-V / MVMC / PowerShell / Medium (10 to 15 minutes) / Windows 2008 R2 SP1+ / No Linux P2V / Software is a no cost download / TechNet forum & e-mail
Supported by CSS
Physical Server / Azure IaaS / MA / Built-In / Low (under 5 minutes) / Versions of Windows Server and Linux supported in Azure / May be limited to migrating certain workloads / No cost during preview period. / MSDN forum while in Preview.
Amazon Web Services / Azure IaaS / MA / Built-In / Low (under 5 minutes) / Versions of Windows Server and Linux supported in Azure / May be limited to migrating certain workloads / No cost during preview period. / MSDN forum while in Preview.


None of the tools referenced above(with the exception possibly being SHIFT) can migrate EFI BIOS machines (for example Gen-2 machines on Windows Server Hyper-V).

3.4MA FAQs

The following are some FAQs from the MA team. Please note these are based on the Preview version and may differ in the GA version:

1.Are VMware tools removed?

a.VMware tools are not removed. The services are disabled on the recovered VM on Azure

2.Are H/W drivers from physical machines synced & potentially cause issues?

a.H/W drivers from physical will still be there as we replicate the full OS volume but they will not be used. Physical H/W related services needs to be manually disabled after recovery for e.g.: HP NIC teaming

3.If the source physical machine is an OS is on a physical SCSI controller - is this mapped to an appropriate controller in Azure?

a.Yes, the disks will be mapped to appropriate SCSI controllers available on Azure and that is the only way it would work after recovery.

4.Are regions outside the US able to be used as the target for migration during Preview?

a.Yes, you can have the CS and MT in a customer’s subscription in another region. They will still be able to point the CS to MA (in the US) and migrate.

5.Are there some key technical considerations that may exclude an application from migration? For example a DB application that does not support VSS?

a.When there is no support for VSS, we cannot guarantee application level guarantee but the MA product would still provide file system level consistency.

6.Can MA be used to migrate workloads into the US Government Cloud?

a.Not at this time, but stay tuned for any future changes.

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Consultant Delivery Guide, Datacenter & Cloud Consolidation and Migration, Version 2.2
Prepared by atacenter and Cloud Infrastructur
"DCCM - Consultant Delivery Guide - Internal" last modified on 11 Feb. 15, Rev 3