Construction Site Inspection Form

Construction Site Inspection Form


Adequate barriers in place / MSDS are available for all chemicals
Smoke tight / Noncombustible materials / Dust floor mats are in place
Dust proof barrier, Slab to Slab / Are all staff wearing contractor ID
Appropriate signage in place / Exit illumination is operational
Temporary Fire Alarm systems in place, and tested / Clean air machine is operational and in use.
Evidence to support Fire watch in place for outages more than 4 hrs in 24 hrs / Engineering is notified during fire system bypass / disconnect
Construction staff trained regarding ILSM & alarm activation/notification / Staff are aware of nearest fire alarm pull stations & know emergency phone ext.
Contractors aware of egress routes / Dust is not entering adjacent unit
All exits maintained clear, unobstructed / No storage in stairwells
Additional fire fighting equipment is available, and in good condition (current tag on exting.) / Staff are adhering to all OSHA standard requirement
Smoking is strictly prohibited (posted & instructed) & there is no evidence of smoking / Staff are aware of notifying Engineering (phone ext.) when utilities are affected
Construction site clean and orderly / Safety Instructions are posted
Debris removal policy enforced, observed / Ducts and vents are sealed
Storage policies observed, enforced. / Emergency color code is posted
Free access to Emergency Services area maintained / Monthly Safety Committee minutes are documented & available
Alternate routes for public and emergency use / Dust partitions are adequately sealed
Free access to Fire Department connections maintained and clear / Filters clean on negative air pressure machines
Evidence to support required Fire Drills and additional training of staff / Negative pressure at dust barrier
Hospital staff have been informed when their areas affected. / Waste removal containers are covered and transported in service elevators
Construction site access restricted / Barrier door closers are operational
Local staff aware of ILSM, can explain impact on their job. / Partitions are all constructed with limited flammable materials
Effective site storage of materials and equipment / Smoke detectors are not covered during off hours / after work
Fire zones maintained, staff aware of changes / Infection Control permit is posted

INSTRUCTIONS: When touring the project area(s), sign your initials on the project wall calendar attached to the clipboard & ensure that physical conditions are consistent with each of the above descriptions. If there are any deficiencies noted, complete the half-page observation report and forward to Facilities Dept. Ensure corrective action is noted on same document.

ILSM-Construction Site Inspection Form.doc