Global HistoryIRCourse Requirements2013-2014
Mr. Rickles
The Course: Global History and Geography I
- This Course is the first of a two-year NY State course in world history. We begin with the beginnings of civilizations and end in the 1750s. We will cover such topics as Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece, Rome, the Mayans and Incas, belief systems, early China, Japan, and Africa, and Latin America. We will also study the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, the Age of Exploration, The Protestant Reformation/Catholic Counter-Reformation, the Ottomans and beginnings of European absolute monarchs.
- We will also examine the essential questions of the course:
- What does it mean to be civilized?
- How do humans adapt to their environment?
- How do we really know what happened?
- How are we connected to the past?
- How have cultures and countries changed over time and how have they stayed the same?
- How can we make a difference in our world?
Assessments (Tests/Quizzes, Papers & Projects) = 55%
- If you are legally absent on the day of a test, you must make an appointment to make up the test during a free period within one week of your return. There are no retests for poor scores.
- Each quarter you will be assigned a long-term project or research paper. Late projects are accepted with a 10 point deduction per school day late.
Homework = 20%
- Homework will not be accepted after the unit test for which it is assigned. You will lose 5 points each day it is late.
- If you are absent, it is your responsibility to remember to turn in your homework upon your return.
- You must complete all questions and tasks of the assignment in order to receive full credit
- Sloppy homework or homework without the proper heading will not be accepted.
Classwork/Participation = 25%
- Your participation grade will be based on the participation rubric on the other side of this sheet. Importantly:
- Effort
- Arriving to class on time
- Class behavior
- Focus and attention during class and completing in class assignments
- Disruption of the class will not be tolerated
- Respecting classmates
- Thoughtfully contributing to class discussion
- Notebook Checks---It is your responsibility to maintain an organized notebook of all notes and handouts. I reserve the right to check your notebook once per quarter for a classwork grade. Keep it neat and up to date.
Required Supplies
Pen (blue or black ink only) ANDpencil (preferably mechanical)
Three-ring binder (1-inch) to store notes and handouts
Proper Heading
All homework assignments should have the following heading starting on the first line of the paper
Full NameDate
If you are absent, it is your responsibility as a student to: (1) see me to find out what you missed; (2) make up all exams, work, and notes you missed during your absence. Do not expect me to remind you of missed exams or homework.
Extra Help
I am available for extra help during my off periods by appointment
- E-mail me if you have questions about assignments at:
- Please include your full name in the subject header