Constitution of the Pre-Medicine Club of Concordia University of Wisconsin

Article I. Name

Section One. This organization shall be named the Pre-Medicine Club. The abbreviation “Pre-Med Club” will be accepted and used as well.

Article II. Purpose

Section One. The purpose of the Pre-Medicine Club is to:

a) Provide those who have a serious interest in medical school an opportunity to meet and work with other students who have the same interests.

b) Cooperate in study groups that revolve around medical school prerequisite classes.

c) Help students prepare for the MCAT.

d) Provide presentations from guest speakers employed in the medical field.

e) Work together in community-benefiting events.

f) Help create opportunities for members to shadow physicians, or others in their field of interest.

g) Help members find undergraduate research opportunities in their area of interest.

h) Help create 4-5 year timelines and goals for all members.

i) Help members discover a love of medicine, while still keeping in accordance with the mission of the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod and its sister church bodies.

Article III. Membership

Section One. All undergraduate students enrolled by Concordia University of Wisconsin shall be eligible to become a member of the Pre-Medicine Club. Primary membership should be students interested in pursuing a career in medicine, or those interested in going into medical school.

Section Two. Each member will have the right to vote and run for officer positions. Each member has the right to participate in all events. Each member must attend or participate in a minimum of:

a) Four club meetings per semester.

b) One club activity per semester.

c) One club-organized community service event per year.

If the member does not meet these requirements, they shall be removed from the club, pending a meeting and re-evaluation with the president and vice president.

Section Three. The Pre-Medicine Club shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, ethnicity, national origin, veteran status, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or creed.

Article IV. Organization Officers

Section One. The Pre-Medicine Club shall elect a President, Vice President, and treasurer. The Pre-Medicine Club shall also elect a scheduling officer to help schedule fundraising events, community service events and study groups.

Section Two. The term for each officer shall be one full academic year. Each officer shall be elected by an anonymous vote by the members. An officer meeting shall be held once every month, and will be mandatory for all officers.

Section Three. The nomination process shall occur at the last meeting before the last month of each academic year. Officer election shall be held at the first meeting of the last month of each academic year. The academic advisor must be contacted and must be present during both the nomination process, and the election process. Only members who have met all responsibilities regarding attendance and contribution toward events and community service will be eligible for nomination. Nominations shall be taken from the floor and elections shall be taken by ballot. Ballots shall be created by the president, before the date of the election meeting, and must be approved by the academic advisor. Persons receiving majority vote shall be elected. The president and vice president, under the supervision of the academic advisor, shall count the ballots and appoint the winning officers on the same date as the election process. The appointment and ratification process shall be held during the same meeting as the election process, and the president shall announce the officers. If an officer resigns during the course of the academic year, the other officers, under the supervision of the academic advisor, shall call an emergency officer meeting, in which they will have a discussion, and vote for the replacement officer. Persons receiving majority vote shall be elected.

Section Four. Impeachment procedures shall be followed when an officer has neglected duties or otherwise acted in a manner considered detrimental to the organization. Any officer may be removed from office by two-thirds vote of the general members. Voting will remain anonymous and the ballot shall will have a simple “impeach” or “do no impeach” approach. Any persons removed from office may appeal to the officers for reinstatement. Any person wishing to be reinstated must notify all officers of their intent to be reinstated, accompanied by a plan of how they will improve their work. The statement of intent and plan must be given to the president within one day of the impeachment process. All officers, accompanied by the academic advisor, shall review this plan, and vote on whether or not to allow a revote of the general public. Provided a revote is allowed, any person may be reinstated by two-thirds approval by vote of the general members.

Article V. Officer Duties

Section One. Duties of the President

a. The President shall act as Chief Executive Officer;

b. The President shall be in charge of communications between the general body and officers;

c. The President is responsible for the delegation of various responsibilities and deadlines;

d. The President shall coordinate meeting times to best accommodate all members of the general body;

e. The President must carry out all other duties as listed in the constitution; and

f. The President shall serve as the official SGA representative.

Section Two. Duties of the Vice-President

a. The Vice-President shall send update and reminder emails to the general membership;

b. The Vice-President shall fulfill the roles of the President should the position become vacant or the President is not present;

c. The Vice-President must carry out all other duties as listed in the constitution;

d. The Vice-President may help carry out all duties performed by the president, except for the SGA representative duties; and

e. The Vice-President shall be responsible for all advertising and marketing around the University for all Pre-Medicine Club events, with assistance from the Scheduling Officer.

Section Three. Duties of the Treasurer

a. The Treasurer shall keep a current record of all financial transactions;

b. The treasurer shall report financial status and provide suggestions at each officer meeting;

c. The Treasurer must carry out all other duties as listed in the constitution;

d. The Treasurer shall sign all Student Government reimbursement forms before they are delivered to the Student Government office; and

e. The Treasurer is responsible for checking the accuracy of all bills.

Section Four. Duties of the Scheduling Officer

a. The Scheduling Officer shall schedule and help plan all fundraising events and community service events on behalf of the Pre-Medicine Club;

b. The Scheduling Officer shall schedule weekly study groups based on requests from members;

c. The Scheduling Officer shall ensure that appropriate facilities have been reserved for all events;

d. The Scheduling Officer shall ensure appropriate transportation is provided to events, if necessary;

e. The Scheduling Officer must carry out all other duties as listed in the constitution; and

f. The Scheduling Officer shall communicate details about all events to the Organization Officers and general membership;

Article VII. Meeting of the Organization

Section One. The Pre-Medicine Club shall meet a minimum of eight times during each academic year.

Section Two. All members will create a Google Plus+ account, and will be required to join the Pre-Medicine Club group created by the Vice-President. The Vice-President shall post meeting times on the first day of each month for that following month. The Vice-President will do this on the Google Plus+ page.

Article VII. Amending the Constitution

Section One. Any member may propose an amendment to the constitution by providing a written proposal to the Organization Officers. The proposal shall then be introduced to the membership at the next meeting. A date for voting shall be decided by officers and all members will be verbally notified of the date during the same meeting as the introduction of the amendment.

Section Two. Electronic copies of the proposal must be distributed to all members two weeks prior to voting by the Vice-President.

Section Three. Amendments may be made to the Constitution by three quarters vote of the organization members, with quorum being present.

Section Four. Any amendment that has passed shall take full effect at the beginning of the academic year following its adoption.