Revised: April 2010


The organization shall be known as the “Academy of Student Pharmacists,” student branch of the American Pharmacists Association at The Ohio State University College of Pharmacy.


We the members of the American Pharmacists Association Academy of Student Pharmacists (APhA-ASP) hereby dedicate ourselves to:

A. Uphold the aims and aid in furthering the objectives of the American Pharmacists Association by undertaking such activities as will promote the professional role and social interests of the students and other pharmacists.

B. Provide for the members a voice in matters affecting them.


A. Active members shall be students of the College of Pharmacy.

B. Advisory members shall be members of the University teaching faculty or staff who are active members of the American Pharmacists Association.

C. All persons holding membership in the American Pharmacists Association Academy of Student Pharmacists meeting the qualifications for membership established by the By-laws and paying dues established by the By-laws shall be members of the organization.

D. The voting membership of this organization shall be open to all The Ohio State University College of Pharmacy student members.

E. The rights of the members are to:

1. Attend all annual and special meetings of the organization to be held in the manner provided in the By-Laws;

2. Vote on all matters submitted to a vote of the membership, voting by proxy not to be permitted;

3. Vote for the organization’s officers and representatives as provided in the By-laws;

4. Vote on any proposed change in the organization;

5. Hold office in the organization as provided in the By-laws.

F. Associate membership to this organization shall be open to pre-pharmacy students and Bachelor of Science in Pharmaceutical Science at The Ohio State University. Any member of those groups may join the organization and there will be no selection process. Members may be removed by majority vote of the executive committee. The criteria for removal includes non-payment of dues by the appropriate date or other infractions of the College of Pharmacy student honor code at the discretion of the executive committee.

1. Associate members may participate in the activities of the organization.

2. Associate members may not vote on organization business, elections, nor can they hold an office.

G. This organization and its members shall not discriminate against any individual(s) for reasons of age, color, disability, gender identity or expression, national origin, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or veteran status.




Revised: March 2017


A.The membership year shall be November 1 through October 31.


A.The Executive Committee shall establish the dues for the American Pharmacists Association Academy of Student Pharmacists (APhA-ASP) members annually.

B.Active members pay annual dues which includes membership in the American Pharmacists Association Academy of Student Pharmacists (APhA-ASP), the Ohio Pharmacists Association (OPA), the Academy of Pharmacy of Central Ohio (APCO), and the International Pharmaceutical Students' Federation (IPSF). Membership entitles the member to all benefits offered by each organization.

1.APCO dues will be paid out on September 1st of each year based on the membership accrued within the previous year.


The American Pharmacists Association, Ohio Pharmacists Association, Academy of Pharmacy of Central Ohio, and the International Pharmaceutical Students’ Federation shall formally recognize the Academy of Student Pharmacists as the affiliated student chapter provided the following standards are met:

A.Organization for the purpose of offering unified Association membership on the campus of The Ohio State University.

B.Application of the one-person, one-vote principle for the representation of all student chapter-governing bodies.

C.All elections conducted with open nominations and secret ballot.


A.The Executive Committee shall be composed of the following elected officers: President, Patient Care Vice President, President-Elect, Finance Vice President, Finance Vice President-Elect, Director of Programming, Communications Vice President, Membership Vice President, Policy Vice President, International Vice President and P1 Liaison. Faculty advisors may attend the Executive Committee as ex-officio members of the committee.

B.Eligibility to run for a position on the Executive Committee of APhA-ASP shall be limited to the following members:

1.President-Elect: current second year student pharmacist during year of office.

2.Patient Care Vice President: current first, second, or third year student pharmacist during year of office.

3.Finance Vice President-Elect: current second year student pharmacist during year of office.

4.Director of Programming: current first, second, or third year student pharmacist during year of office.

5.Communications Vice President: current first, second, or third year student pharmacist during year of office.

6.Membership Vice President: current first, second, or third year student pharmacist during year of office.

7.Policy Vice President: current first, second, or third year student pharmacist during year of office.

8.International Vice President: current first, second, or third year student pharmacist during year of office.

9.P1 Liaison: current first year student pharmacist during year of office.

[NOTE: The office of President shall be assumed by the immediate past President-Elect and the office of Finance Vice President shall be assumed by the immediate past Finance Vice President-Elect]

C.In order to hold any executive position, the student pharmacist must be an active member of APhA-ASP and pay his/her dues pursuant to Section IIB above.

D.Incoming Executive Officers planning to hold office in another organization must submit a disclosure statement upon application for office to be evaluated by and discussed with the current executive officers prior to election.

E.The Executive Committee shall meet at least twice per semester. Special meetings may be called at the request of the President. A majority of the members duly elected shall constitute a quorum at any meeting of the Executive Committee.

F.Each of the permanent members of the Executive Committee shall have one (1) vote on the matters pursuant to Section IV Letter E with the exception of the Faculty Advisor(s), who will have no vote.

G.The duties of the Executive Committee shall include, but not be limited to, the determination of policies and procedures for the organization and implementation of said policies and procedures.


A.Candidates must be an active member of the APhA-ASP Chapter who is enrolled in the school of pharmacy at the time he/she receives the oath of office and must be able to complete his/her term of office while enrolled in the college of pharmacy.

B.Candidates must submit an interest statement for the desired office that will be displayed in an area such that all members may read it prior to elections, and each candidate must present a speech on the day of elections. The time of the speech will be limited to 4 minutes.

C.For the position of P1 Liaison, candidates must submit an application which includes at a minimum an interest statement and a current CV/resume. Candidates’ applications to be placed on the ballot will be approved by the current executive board.

D.A member may only run for two positions in an election.

E.The acting president shall hold his or her ballot unless a tie occurs. In the event of a tie for any position, the president’s ballot will serve as the tie-breaking vote.

F.The elections will follow the stated process: President-Elect, Patient Care Vice President, Finance Vice President-Elect, Membership Vice President, Director of Programming, Communications Vice President, Policy Vice President, International Vice President.

G.The officers of the chapter that serve on the Executive Committee shall be determined by a plurality vote of all voting members present at a general meeting announced for the purpose of election. [NOTE: Voting members are defined as dues paying active members.]

a.This election shall be conducted with open nominations and voted on by secret ballot.

H.The elected officers of the Executive Committee shall attend executive meetings and shadow current officers immediately following their election. They will then hold a term of office of one academic year beginning in April following their election.


The officers of the American Pharmacists Association Academy of Student Pharmacists shall be responsible for guaranteeing open nomination in the conduct of the election of new officers. These officers shall assist the President in coordinating the activities of the Executive Committee, as well as various other committees. Other duties listed are of the Chapter Advisor.

A.The duties of the President shall be:

  1. To develop and implement strategic plan for chapter and executive committee
  2. To preside over all meetings and oversee all Committee Chairpersons, Liaisons, and Representatives.
  3. To plan and execute 3 retreats for Executive Committee (summer, winter, and spring)
  4. To utilize chapter resources for maximum benefit to the membership while ensuring the growth of the chapter
  5. Torepresent APhA-ASP chapter at the college/university level in a professional manner.
  6. To oversee that the President-Elect has complete understanding of The Ohio State University American Pharmacists Association Academy of Student Pharmacists Chapter Constitution and By-Laws prior to his/her installation as President.
  7. To enforce, promote, and as needed update and revise the Constitution and By-Laws.
  8. To oversee the duties of the Patient Care Vice President, President-Elect, Finance Vice President, Finance Vice President-Elect, Communications Vice President, Director of Programming, Membership Vice President, Policy Vice President, International Vice President, P1 Liaison, and other members of the Executive committee.
  9. To make any appointments deemed necessary.
  10. To assume such duties as may be imposed by official majority vote of the membership.
  11. To serve as an ex-officio member of all committees.
  12. To maintain close contact and communication with the other members of the Executive Committee and the chapter advisor(s) on a regular basis.
  13. To inform the membership and chapter advisor(s) of all actions taken.
  14. To compose the annual Chronology Report for all appropriate committees and the Chapter Leadership and Operations Report.

B.The duties of the Patient Care Vice President shall be:

1. To exercise the duties of the President in his/her absence.
2. To serve as Chairperson of the Patient Care Committee; therefore, appointing and overseeing the following subcommittee chairs: Operation Immunization, Operation Diabetes, Operation Self Care, Generation Rx, OTC Medication Safety (Katy’s Kids and Be Poison Smart), Operation Heart, Helping Hands, and newly constituted patient care projects developed by active members and approved by the executive committee. He/She will be responsible for the completion of the projects thereof.
3. To coordinate the annual APhA Involvement Fair for the college during Fall Semester.
4. To coordinate the National Patient Care Project reports due annually.
5. To compose the annual Chronology Report for all appropriate committees and the Chapter Patient Care Award Report.
6. To coordinate and conduct at least 2 All Chair meetings consisting of Patient Care Project committee chairs each semester.

C.The duties of the President-Elect shall be:

1.To assist the President whenever necessary.

2.To have a complete understanding of The Ohio State University American Pharmacists Association Academy of Student Pharmacists Constitution and By-laws prior to his/her installation as President.

3.To update and revise the Constitution and By-Laws with the President as needed.

4.To serve as Chairperson of the Student Development Committee; therefore, appointing and overseeing the following subcommittee chairs: Patient Counseling Competition, Pharmacy Council Representative, and Midyear Regional Meeting/ APhA Annual Meeting. He/She will be responsible for the completion of the projects thereof.

5.To compose the annual Chronology Report for all appropriate committees and the Chapter Statistical Report.

D.The duties of the Finance Vice President shall be:

1.To prepare and submit an annual budget to the executive committee for approval before the academic year begins.

2.To provide a financial report at least twice during the semester to the executive committee that compares income and expenses to annual budget.

3.To serve as a Chairperson of the Fundraising Committee; therefore, appointing and overseeing the following subcommittee chairs: Professional Development Committee (Career Fair activities). He/She will also assist the Finance Vice-President as needed with the remaining subcommittees under the Fundraising Committee. He/She will be responsible for the completion of the projects thereof.

4.To oversee that the Finance Vice President-Elect has a complete understanding of all aspects of the treasury prior to his/her installment as Finance Vice President.

5.To keep a record of all funds of the chapter.

6.To provide an end-of-year chapter financial report to the executive committee at the last academic year executive committee meeting.

7.To submit annually a chapter income tax report to APhA.

8.To record all cash receipts and disbursements from all chapter activities. This involves maintaining a balanced checkbook and entering all information in a transaction ledger.

9.To compose the annual Chronology Report for all appropriate committees and the Chapter Innovative Programming Report.

E.The duties of the Finance Vice President-Elect shall be:

1.To assist the Finance Vice President wherever necessary.

2.To learn all aspects of the treasury for the following year, when she/he will become Finance Vice President-Elect.

3.To serve as a Chairperson of the Fundraising Committee; therefore, appointing and overseeing the following subcommittee chairs: Charity Luncheon and Merchandise. He/She will be responsible of the completion of the projects thereof.

4.To compose the annual Chronology Report for all appropriate committees and assisting the Finance Vice President with the Chapter Innovative Programming Report, and to write the Most Improved Report, when necessary.

F.The duties of the Director of Programming shall be:

1.To serve as the Chairperson of the Professional Affairs Committee; therefore, appointing and overseeing the following subcommittee chairs: APCO, and Blood Drive Coordinator. He/She will be responsible for the completion of the projects thereof.

2.To work with the Executive Committee to determine General Body meeting schedules & speakers during their term of office.

3.To act as the liaison between guest speakers and the chapter.

4.To plan and coordinate monthly APCO meetings.

5.To plan and coordinate any other programming the chapter decides to sponsor during his/her term.

6.To compose the annual Chronology Report for all appropriate committees.

G.The duties of the Communications Vice President shall be:

1.To coordinate external and internal public relations efforts of the APhA-ASP chapter (including promotion of chapter meetings and events to student members).

2.To appoint and oversee the following subcommittee chairs: American Pharmacists Month, Website Management Committee, and Communications Committee. He/She will be responsible for the completion of the projects (existing and new initiatives) thereof.

3.To submit Individual Awards nominations to APhA-ASP in the fall and spring semester.

4.To compose the annual Chronology Report for all appropriate committees and the Most Improved Report.

H.The duties of the Membership Vice President shall be:

1.To appoint and oversee the followingcommittee chairs: Professional Development Committee (Finding Your Future in 4 Minutes activities) and Pre-Pharmacy. He/she will be responsible for the completion of the projects thereof.

2.To organize and distribute all recruitment materials prior to the start of the school year.

3.To conduct a fall membership drive during the first month of classes.

4.To conduct a spring membership drive during the end of Spring Semester.

5.To compose the annual Chronology Report for all appropriate committees and the Chapter Professionalism Report.

I.The duties of the Policy Vice President shall be:

1.To serve as the Chairperson of the Legislative Committee; therefore, appointing and overseeing the following subcommittee chairs: Legislation, Policy, and OPA (Student Trustee on OPA Board of Trustees). He/she will be responsible for the completion of the projects thereof.

2.To monitor information on the APhA Legislative Action Center.

3.To organize, when necessary, the chapter’s activities regarding specific APhA "Call to Action" items provided in the APhA Legislative and Regulatory Update.

4.To serve as the chapter delegate at APhA MRM and Annual Meeting

5.To oversee the creation of the Chapter policy proposal to take to the Midyear Regional Meeting.

6.To disseminate policy proposals from other chapters to be debated at either MRM or the APhA Annual Meeting.

7.To serve or appoint someone to serve as the Student Trustee on the OPA Board of Trustees.

8.To coordinate with the legislative committee and fundraising committee to raise money for the APhA PAC

9.To compose the annual Chronology Report for all appropriate committees and the Chapter Policy and Legislative Report.

J.The duties of the International Vice President shall be:

1. To organize and oversee the International Pharmaceutical Students Federation (IPSF) subcommittee and all international projects and campaigns.

2.To organize and oversee the student exchange program, coordinating housing and activity for the student.

3. To compose the annual Outstanding IPSF Activity Report.

K.The duties of the P1 Liaison shall be:

1.To represent the first year student pharmacist class during executive meetings and report pertinent information and events back to his/her class.

2.To assist other members of the Executive Committee wherever necessary and possible.

3.To oversee the annual Student-Faculty Silent Auction held in the Spring.

4.To compose and compile the annual the Chapter Chronology Report.