History of Quebec and Canada Name:______
The essay portion of your exam will focus on how Royal Government impacted/changed three aspects of New France’s society: the population, the political structure, and the economy.
In order to prepare for this portion of the test, you are asked to complete the questions below. Please use the attached text (from a previous course textbook called Panoramas) to help you find the answers. You may also use prior knowledge and your class notes.
On the exam you will be given a graphic organizer and a document booklet to help you formulate your answers.
General Review Questions:
1. From 1608-1663 New France was what type of colony? ______
2. From 1663-1760 New France was what type of colony? ______
3. What was the population of New France in 1663? ______
4. Why did the chartered companies neglect their settlement obligations? (2 reasons)
5. What new political structure was put in place in 1663? ______
6. Who had the most power and why?
7. Look at a diagram of Royal Government (there’s one on the next page).
Which 2 men represented the King IN the colony of New France?
______& ______
Questions for pages 84 – 85 attached to this handout:
8. Who was the first intendant of New France? ______
9. Which groups did Jean Talon bring to New France to help increase the population?
10. For what specific reason were the Filles du Roy sent to New France?
11. What impact did the Filles du Roy have on New France’s population?
Questions for pages 86 – 87 attached to this handout:
12. Prior to 1663, what was New France’s main economic activity? ______
13. What did Jean Talon want to do to New France’s economy?
14. Which new industries did Jean Talon establish in New France? (list 4)
15. Provide 2 reasons to explain why these new industries were not very successful.
16. How did Royal Government change the political structure of New France? ______
Who administered the colony before 1663?______
Who administered the colony after 1663?______
Explain how this change happened:
17. How did Royal Government change the population of New France?
Population before 1663:______
Population after 1663: ______
Explain how this change happened:
18. How did Royal Government change the economy of New France? ______
Main economic activity before 1663:______
New economic activities after 1663: ______
Explain how this change happened: