Adopted December 6, 2004



The name of this organization, a corporation, shall be Grace Fellowship, a community church.



We believe the Bible in its original manuscripts to be the inspired, the only infallible, authoritative Word of God.

We believe that there is one God, eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

We believe in the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, in His virgin birth, in His vicarious and atoning death through His shed blood, in His bodily resurrection, in His ascension to the right hand of the Father and in His personal return in power and glory.

We believe in the distinct personality of Satan, and that he is the originator of all sin and spiritual conflict.

We believe that the salvation of sinful man is by grace through faith in Jesus Christ.

We believe in the present ministry of the Holy Spirit by whose indwelling we, as Christians, are enabled to live a Godly life.

We believe in the resurrection of both the saved and the unsaved; that the saved inherit eternal life and the unsaved are sent to eternal damnation, through God, our Father=s own judgment.



The purpose of this church is to:

1. Glorify God through public worship of Jesus Christ, fellowship and consistent Christian living.

2. Encourage the development of holy Christians through preaching, teaching and counseling, with His Word as the absolute authority.

3. Equip believers to do the work of ministry, in our community and around the world.

4. Provide care for others in the church and in the world.


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You may become a voting member of Grace Fellowship by:

  • professing faith in Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior
  • agreeing in concept with the statement of faith and the constitution
  • expressing to the Elders your desire to be included into the membership
  • being at least eighteen (18) years of age
  • meeting with the Elders to discuss where your God-given gifts may be used
  • being accepted for membership, by the unanimous vote of the Elders

With this commitment and responsibility, you may vote on church business and hold offices.

Newly accepted voting members are introduced at the Sunday services by one of the Elders. A voting member may voluntarily end his or her membership. Membership may also be terminated by the Elders if a member:

1. Chooses to regularly attend another church instead of Grace Fellowship;

2. Moves to another area; or

3. Violates the principles of scripture or this constitution, which will be dealt with according to Matthew 18:15-17.

The Elders may waive or modify these reasons for termination, as the circumstances warrant.


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Baptism of believers, normally by immersion, is practiced as an outward expression of faith in Jesus Christ.

The Lord=s Supper is shared, as commanded by our Lord, with all believers in Jesus Christ. This normally occurs at Grace Fellowship on the first Sunday of the month.



We believe in the sovereignty of the local church as an autonomous (self-governing) body of believers under the leadership of God=s Holy Spirit.



This church recognizes Jesus Christ alone as the head of the Church, accepts no civil authority relating to church matters, and is to be governed by Elders. The chief responsibility for the spiritual and business affairs of this church will rest with the Elders. The authority of the Pastor and Elders is from Jesus Christ as His will is expressed in the Bible.

The officers of this church shall be voting members of Grace Fellowship. They shall consist of the following: Pastor(s), Elders, Treasurer, Clerk, Sunday School Superintendent, Deacons, and Deaconesses. With the exception of the Pastor(s) and Elders, these officers shall be appointed by the Elders as vacancies occur. Church staff and committee members shall also be appointed by the Elders as vacancies and the need occur, but need not necessarily be voting members, unless the Elders require it for some specific position.

The qualifications for Pastor(s), Elders and Deacons are set forth in the New Testament. Acts 6:3, I Timothy 3:1-13, Titus 1:5-9.

1. The Pastor(s) shall faithfully preach and teach the Word of God. As Pastor(s) of this church, he/they must be in agreement with the statement of faith of this constitution. The Head Pastor is a member of the board of Elders. Associate pastors may also become Elders, if selected by the board of Elders. The Pastor(s) will also be responsible to provide spiritual leadership and vision for the church in agreement with the Elders.

2. Elders shall join with the Pastor(s) in the spiritual supervision and operation of the church and in matters of discipline of members. As a self-governing body, they shall also manage the property of the church, approve all expenditures, and set an annual budget.

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3. The Treasurer shall receive all monies of the church, pay all bills on the order of the Elders, and keep proper records of all payments. He/she shall present to the Elders a monthly itemized report of the receipts and disbursements, showing the status of all accounts of the church, and shall present to the church at the annual business meeting, or as required, a report showing the financial condition of the church. There will be an annual financial audit by a committee appointed by the Elders.

4. The Clerk shall keep the minutes of congregational meetings and conduct the correspondence of the church as directed by the Elders. He/she shall keep a complete roll of the names and addresses of voting members, as well as a record of baptisms, deaths, marriages, and baby dedications.

5. Sunday School Superintendent shall, in cooperation with the Elders, administrate the Sunday School. He/she shall ensure that each teacher is in agreement with the statement of faith.

6. Deacons and Deaconesses shall be appointed by the Elders to serve as needed.

7. Associate pastors, ministry interns and other staff and volunteers may be called and dismissed at the discretion of the Elders. The congregation will be informed of any substantial changes during the next two Sunday services. Their duties and responsibilities shall also be established or modified at the discretion of the Elders.

8. The Missions Committee will be appointed by the Elders. They will report to the Elders and will follow the Missions Committee Guidelines, as established by the Elders.

9. Other committees and programs may be started, modified and terminated under the oversight of the Elders.



1. The office of Elder shall be for a three (3) year term, on a rotating basis. Candidates for the office of Elder shall be recommended to the congregation by the Board of Elders and elected at the annual meeting or in a specially called meeting.

The Board of Elders shall:

  • prepare and post a slate of candidates to fill the expiring or vacant position(s)
  • post on the church bulletin boards at least twenty-eight (28) days prior to the election
  • introduce the candidates at Sunday worship services for two Sundays following the posting
  • accept signed written comments of SCRIPTURALLY-BASED CONCERNS (as found in Titus 1:6-9 and I Timothy 3:1-7) for fourteen (14) days following the posting
  • give serious consideration to all legitimate concerns as they make their final recommendations the week prior to the election

Each Elder candidate shall be voted on by written ballots. See Article X, No. 1.

The elected Elder shall be ordained before the church by the laying on of hands. In the event that an Elder ceases to be an Elder before the end of his term, the successor Elder shall complete the term of the withdrawing Elder. The Elders may re-align the staggering schedule as the need arises.

2. In order to call a Pastor, the Elders shall appoint a search committee consisting of five voting members, for the purpose of selecting a candidate for the office of Pastor. They will adhere to the search guidelines established by the Elders. Their selection will be presented to the Elders for their ratification. A unanimous recommendation of the Elders will then be presented to the congregation for consideration. Notice of the election shall be given to the congregation for two (2) successive Sundays. Only one candidate at a time will be considered for a vote. See Article X, No. 1.

3. All other officers and committee members shall be appointed and removed by the Elders.

4. Accusations or criticisms of an Elder and/or Pastor will be received according to I Timothy 5:1922. If the Elder and/or Pastor is guilty of an offense, he shall be counseled by the other Elders with a view to restoration (Galatians 6:12). If the erring Elder and/or Pastor continues to sin, he is to be removed from office. If a Pastor resigns, the Elders and the Pastor will determine how long the Pastor will remain.



1. The church shall meet regularly each week for worship, fellowship, and teaching of the Scriptures.

2. An annual congregational meeting shall be held in February. The primary purpose of this meeting will be to elect Elders, provide the congregation with a report about the status of the church, and to solicit input from the congregation.

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3. Special congregational meetings may be called at any time by the Elders or by a written request to the Elders from seven (7) voting members of the congregation.

4. Congregational meetings shall be announced to the congregation at least two (2) Sundays prior to the meeting. A written notice will be posted on the bulletin boards of the church.



1. The following shall be recommended by the Elders and approved by written ballots of at least three-fourths (3/4) of the members voting:

  • calling or terminating a Head Pastor
  • electing Elders
  • amending this constitution
  • purchasing, selling or mortgaging the church real property
  • dissolving of the church in this constitution
  • any other business requiring a vote
  1. Absentee ballots may be requested from the church clerk and must be received prior to the meeting.

3. The Elders may postpone a vote if legitimate concerns from the congregation indicate a need for further prayer and discussion. Ephesians 4:1-3 and Colossians 3:13, 14.

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