Beta Sigma Omega Chapter

Soror Tracy L. Smith, Graduate Advisor (BB)

Phone: (405) 651-0687 | Email:

Graduate Advisor Report

Chapter Meeting, February 20, 2016

The undergraduate Sorors have been busy! The following are activities that they have participated in and/or hosted:

·  Monday, January 18th, Beta Beta assisted Beta Sigma Omega’s Connections Committee

with Voters Registration on Langston OKC Campus.

·  Thursday, January 28th, Beta Beta hosted a Phitness Plus activity in which they

along with participants, worked out with a fitness trainer and discussed transitioning

into healthy lifestyles, the importance of drinking water for the body, and tips for

workout routines.

·  Friday, February 5th, Beta Beta Sorors wore red in support of PinkGoesRed for heart


·  Saturday, February 6th, Beta Beta attended the Beta Sigma Omega Founders Day


·  Tuesday, February 9th, Beta Beta, in collaboration with the UCO Alpha’s, hosted and

event entitled Phirst Impressions. A presentation was conducted and discussion ensued

regarding the importance of societal perception and how we as black people carry

ourselves, the way we should carry and conduct ourselves, interviewing, proper attire,

speech, etc.

·  Thursday, February 11th, Beta Beta hosted the event “Beyond Skin Deep”. A short

documentary/film was shown and there was discussion about the limitations placed on

black people as a result of their skin color and the stereotypes about the shades of

black such as light vs. dark skin.

·  Wednesday, February 24th, Beta Beta will host their annual Date Auction Event entitled

“AKA Love Connection”. The event will begin at 7:08p for anyone wanting to attend.

Beta Beta has submitted payment and completed paperwork for all awards assessments, registered for Regional Conference, and has been approved for MIP. The RUSH flyer was posted on Monday, February 15th. The Orientation Workshop for Sorors will be conducted on Sunday, February 28th on the University of Central Oklahoma (UCO) Campus George Nigh Building, Room 314 (Henry Bellmon) at 5:00pm. RUSH will be held on Sunday, March 6th on the campus of Oklahoma City University (OCU) in the Walker Center, Room 144 or 151 at 12:00pm . The proposed MIP Session Schedule has been forwarded to Beta Sigma Omega. Additionally, I will need representation on Monday nights for any scheduled Beta Beta activities, as well as MIP sessions due to my Monday night classes which are from 4:30pm to 10pm, unless it’s a scheduled online class day.

The Executive Board adopted a motion to pay for a one night room stay for Beta Beta members for Regional Conference, as they only budgeted for two nights. Circumstances have changed and they will no longer need the assistance of Beta Sigma Omega to obtain a third night stay. We appreciate the support that would have been rendered.

Thank you, this concludes my report.

Sisterly Submitted,

Soror Tracy L. Smith