
The objectives of this church are: The salvation of souls, the edification of believers through the teaching of God’s Word, the world-wide proclamation of God’s saving grace expressed in the shed blood and finished work of the Lord Jesus Christ on Calvary, the promotion of Godly Worship, the defense of the “faith once for all delivered”, and the co-operation with Christian activity and fellowship functioning in harmony with God’s Holy Word, the Bible, until he comes.


The name of the church shall be Southern Baptist Fellowship Of Elizabeth.


The government of this church shall be vested in its membership, meaning that we are not bound, governed, or directed by any organization and follow after the Word of God and Christ our Saviour first and foremost. However, the church recognizes the privileges and obligations of mutual cooperation that is common among Southern Baptist Churches. All members have equal rights and privileges.


As a bond of unity among us, this church accepts for its members the following covenant:

Having been led by the Holy Spirit to receive the Lord Jesus Christ as our Saviour and on profession of our faith in him, having been baptized in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, we do now most solemnly and joyfully enter into a covenant with one another as one body in Christ.

We promise that we will watch over and counsel one another in the spirit of brotherly love, that we will aid each other in sickness and distress.

We further agree, by the aid of the Holy Spirit, to walk together in Christian love; to strive for the advancement of the church in knowledge and holiness; to promote its spirituality and prosperity; to sustain its worship, ordinances, discipline, and doctrines; to give it a pre-eminence over all institutions and organizations of human origin, and to contribute cheerfully and regularly to the support of the ministry and expenses of the church and spreading of the gospel to all nations.

We further covenant to maintain family and private devotions; to religiously educate our children; to seek the salvation or our kindred and acquaintances; to be just in our dealings, faithful in our engagements, and exemplary in our deportment, to abstain from everything that will cause our brother to stumble or that will bring reproach upon the cause of Christ and the church; to always be ready for reconciliation and mindful of the rules of our Saviour to secure it without delay; and strive to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Saviour, that amidst evil and good report we will humbly and earnestly seek to live to the honor and glory of Him who loved and gave Himself for us.

This we will do that our Lord may be glorified before men and that we may be of mutual help and blessing to one another until Christ comes.


Holy Scriptures

We believe the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments to be the verbally inspired Word of God, the final authority for faith and life, in errant in the original writings, infallible, and God breathed. 2 Tim. 3:16-17, 2 Pet. 1:20-21, Rev. 22:18-19


We believe there is one true and living God. He is eternal, of infinite power, wisdom, and goodness and the creator of all things, both visible and invisible. In the unity of the Godhead, there are three persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. (2 Cor. 13:14, 1 John 5:7, Matt. 28:19)


  1. We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ, the eternal Son of God, became man, without ceasing to be God, having been born of the Virgin Mary, in order that he might reveal God and redeem sinful men. (Matt. 1:18-23, John 1:1-2, Luke 1:35, John 10:30)
  1. We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ accomplished our redemption through his death on the cross as a representative and substitutionary sacrifice; and that our justification is made sure by his literal, physical resurrection from the dead. (Rom. 3:24-26, 1 Pet. 2:21-24, Eph. 1:7, 1 Pet. 1:3-5)
  1. We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ ascended to heaven, and is now exalted at the right hand of God, where, as our High Priest, He fulfills the ministry of Intercessor and Advocate. (Acts 1:9-10, Heb. 9:24, 7:25, 1 John 2:1-2)


The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God. He inspired holy men of old to write the Scriptures. Through illumination He enables men to understand truth. He exalts Christ. He convicts of sin, of righteousness and of judgment. He calls men to the Saviour, and upon acceptance of Christ He cultivate Christian character, comforts believers, and bestows the spiritual gifts by which they serve God through his church. He seals the believer unto the day of final redemption. His presence in the Christian is the assurance of God to bring the believer into the fullness of the stature of Christ. He enlightens and empowers the believer and the church in worship, evangelism, and service. (John 16:7-13, 1 Cor. 12:13, Rom. 8:9 Eph. 1:13-14.)


We believe that man was created in the image and likeness of God, and not by the process of evolution, and that in Adam’s sin the race fell, inherited a sinful nature, and became alienated from God: and, that man is totally depraved and of himself totally unable to remedy his lost condition. (Gen. 1:26-27, 2:7, Rom. 3:23, 5:12, Eph. 2:1-3, 12)


We believe that salvation is the gift of God brought to any man by grace and received by personal faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, whose precious blood was shed on Calvary for the forgiveness of sins. We believe that forgiveness and salvation comes only by the precious blood of Jesus Christ and in its broadest sense salvation includes regeneration, sanctification, and glorification. (Eph. 2;8-10, John 1: 12-13, Eph. 1:7, 1 Pet. 1:18-19, 1 John 1:7)


We believe that a person who has been truly born again can never perish. The believer is safe and secure forever. (John 10:27-30, 5:24, 3:16, 3:36, 6:37, Rom. 8:35-39, 2 Tim. 1:12, Jude 24, 1 Cor. 3:12-15, Eph. 1:13-14, 4:30, 1 Pet. 1:5)


We believe that all the saved should live in such a manner as not to bring reproach upon their Saviour and Lord or his Church; and, that Separation from all religious apostasy, all sinful pleasures, practices, and associations is commanded. (Matt. 18:15-17, 2 Tim. 3:1-5, Rom. 12:1-2, 1 John 2:15-17, 2 John 9-11, 2 Cor. 6:14-7:1)


We believe it is the obligation of the saved to witness by life and by word to the truths of the Holy Scripture and to seek to proclaim the Gospel to all mankind. (Mark 16:15, Acts 1:8)


  1. We believe that God is sovereign in the bestowment of all His gifts; and that the gifts of evangelist and teachers are sufficient for the perfecting of the saints today; and that speaking in tongues and the working of sign miracles gradually ceased as the New Testament Scriptures were completed and their authority became established. (Eph. 4:11-12, 1 Cor. 13:8-10)
  1. We believe that God does hear and answer the prayer of faith, in accord with his own will, for the sick and afflicted. (John 15:7, 1 John 5:14-15)


We believe that the church, which is the body and espoused bride of Christ, is the spiritual organism made up of all born-again persons of this present age. (Eph. 1:22-23, 5:23-27, 1 Cor. 12:12-14, 2 Cor. 11:2)


We believe in that “Blessed Hope” the personal, imminent, and premillenial coming of the Lord Jesus Christ for His redeemed ones: and, in his subsequent return to earth with His saints to establish His Millennial Kingdom. (John 14:3, 1 Cor. 15:51-57, 1 Thess. 4:13-18, Rev. 19:11-16, 20:1-16.)


  1. We believe in the bodily resurrection of all the saved to eternal life, and the unsaved to judgment and everlasting punishment. (Acts 24:15, Matt. 25:46, John 5:28-29.)
  1. We believe that the souls of the redeemed are at death are absent from the body and present with the Lord, where in conscious bliss they await the resurrection when soul and body are reunited to be glorified forever with the Lord. (Luke 23:43, 2 Cor. 5:8, Phil. 1:23, 1 Thess. 4:16-17.)
  1. We believe that the souls of unbelievers remain after death in conscious misery until the second resurrection, when with body and soul reunited they shall appear at the Great White Throne Judgment, and shall be cast into the Lake of Fire, not to be annihilated, but to suffer everlasting conscious punishment. (Luke 16:19-26, Matt. 7:21-21, 2 Thes. 1:7-9, Rev. 20:11-15.)


We believe the Christian sacraments are water baptism and the Lord’s Supper, outward rites appointed by Christ to be administered in the church, not as a means of salvation, but as a visible signs of they facts and realities of salvation.

  1. Water baptism is to be administered to believers only and baptism by immersion is the Scriptural mode. (Matt 3:16-17, Rom. 6:3-5)
  1. The Lord’s Supper consists in partaking of the consecrated emblems of bread and unfermented wine. The Lord’s table should be open to all who are in right relationship with God, regardless of church affiliation. (1 Cor. 11:23-29) In obedience to they Lord’s command, every Christian should be present at the Lord’s Supper when at all possible.


  1. Any person professing faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and accepting the Covenant, Doctrine, and Constitution set forth herein may be received into membership of the church, after being inter-viewed by the pastor, approved by the church, and willing to follow the Lord in baptism.
  1. Any person by letter from any church of like faith and order, may be received as a member provided the candidate has been scriptually baptized and is presently assured of his salvation.
  1. A. candidate may be received into membership by statement of faith, when a letter is not attain-able provided the candidate has been scriptually baptized and is presently assured of his salvation.
  1. If membership has been suspended or excluded for any reason provided herein, and the candidate having shown evidence of repentance, he may be restored to full membership by a majority vote of they church members present.
  1. Members who without reasonable excuse, fail to communicate with the church shall be contacted, if possible, concerning their intentions in relationship to the church. After a period of 6 months they shall be removed from the roll unless their relationship with the church is restored.
  1. Membership shall not be restricted by reason of race or color.


A. Membership may be terminated by the following ways:

A letter of recommendation to another church.

A letter of request from the member to have his name removed from the church.

When a member is known to be deceased or has joined another church.

  1. Membership may be terminated for disorderly conduct: including things that would cause division, dissension, and strife in the church, by three-fourths vote of members present at a regular business meeting.


  1. The property of this church is irrevocably dedicated to religious and charitable purposes, and upon liquidation, dissolution or abandonment, shall not be to benefit of any private person, except a fund, foundation, or organization of like faith.
  1. All property of the church shall be deeded to the church in its corporate name. No property of the church shall be sold, mortgaged or leased without the same shall have been approved by a three-fourths vote of members present at a regular meeting or a special meeting which has been called for the proposal.
  1. In the event the church shall be divided over doctrinal differences, the church property shall belong to the members holding to the original tenets as set forth in the statement of faith as put forth in ARTICLE IV (Doctrine) contained here in, regardless of majority.


The Scriptural teachings concerning the financing of the Lord’s work is through tithes and offerings of God’s people. Therefore, the church or any of its organizations, shall not engage in buying or selling in any form for the financing of the church and its related activities.


  1. The pastor is a position called of God. The pastor shall be required to meet the qualifications as set forth by God in 1 Tim. 3:1-7 and shall be approved by the church.
  1. A pastor shall be chosen and called by the church whenever a vacancy occurs. The election shall take place at a meeting called for that purpose, of which at least one week’s public notice has been given.
  1. A pastor selection committee shall be elected by the church to seek a suitable pastor and its recommendation will constitute a nomination. Any church member has the privilege of making other nominations according to the policy established by the church. The committee shall bring to the consideration of the church only one name at a time. Election shall be by secret ballet, an affirmative vote of 75 % being necessary for a choice.
  1. The pastor shall be called to his office for an indefinite period of time.
  1. The pastor shall be responsible for his pulpit supply, except when on vacation, ill, or on business for the church.
  1. The Pastor shall securer speakers for revival or other meetings approved by the church.
  1. The Pastor shall have an annual vacation with pay as prescribed by the church.
  1. The relationship between Pastor and this church may be dissolved at the option of either the church or the Pastor. The Pastor is required to give thirty days resignation notice to the church. The church is required to give sixty day minimum notice and compensation to the pastor prior to dismissal. However, the church reserves the right to relieve the pastor of his duties at any time.
  1. Any person nominated and elected to any office of the church must be an active member of the church at the time of his or her nomination or election, and in agreement with the doctrine and constitution of the church.


This constitution, excluding articles II, III, IV, & VII, may be amended or changed with 95 % vote of the members in attendance at any regular or special meeting called for the purpose, provided due notice of such proposed change shall have been made at all the worship services at least two Sundays immediately preceding the time of such meetings.



  1. Agreeable to the laws of the state, the church shall elect five (5) trustees or more as needed.
  1. The trustees shall hold in trust the property of the church, sign such mortgagees and notes as the church may require, see to the insurance of the church property, and fulfill all requirements of civil law respecting the trustees of a church to which they shall make a report at regular business meeting.


  1. The Deacons shall see that the church buildings are open for worship, the teaching and preaching of the Word of God, the administration of the sacraments, and the holding of such religious services or other meetings as are in harmony with the constitution of the church. They shall see that order is maintained during all services and meetings.
  1. Deacons are officers that are called of God and deacons shall be required to meet the qualifications as set forth by God in 1 Tim. 3:8-13, and shall be approved by the church.
  1. The number of deacons shall be determined by the needs of the church. Deacons shall serve for an indefinite period of time.
  1. The deacons shall annually elect a chairman of the deacons and a secretary to keep minutes of all meetings. The deacon board shall have a regular monthly meeting to discuss general welfare of the church and present any recommendations at the monthly business meetings.


The church secretary shall keep an accurate record of all congregational meetings and any other meetings designated by the church. They shall give a report of all money received and disbursed at each regular business meeting.


The church treasurer shall credit in proper form al money received, counted, and deposit in a bank approved by the church. The treasurer’s books shall be available to the church at any time and shall be audited once a year.


The Sunday School Superintendent shall be overseer of the Sunday School in cooperation with the Pastor. He shall study the educational program of the church and further any suggestions for its improvement and success. He shall see that all teachers are faithful in discharging their duties and teachings such Doctrines of the church. He shall be assisted by the Assistant Sunday School Superintendent.


  1. There shall be a regular mont1hly business meeting to hear reports of various offices and departments and to consider and act on new business. This meeting may be postponed until the following month if the pastor, secretary, and deacons feel there is not enough business to be considered.
  1. The voting members present at any business meeting shall be in accordance with the constitution and by laws and be considered a quorum for the transaction of business.
  1. All members of the church who are 18 years of age and in good and regular standings at the time may vote on all matters brought before the church.
  1. The Pastor shall preside as moderator over business meetings.